macintosh@felix.UUCP (02/10/87)
[Moire 3.1 sources] Here are the source files for Moire 3.1. It is interesting as an example program since: - it does lots of quickdraw stuff - it handles menus and multiple windows - it can toggle between full screen and regular window display - it handles multiple modeless dialogs - it does some file i/o. All simple stuff if you are already a mac hacker - but it took me a while to learn it. The biggest difference with Moire 3.0 is that documents are double-clickable. I would like to automatically create a unique icon for each document (from the moire window) instead of having the same icon for all moire documents. Has anyone tried anything like this? My guess is that the program will have to create bundle and FREF resources for each document. (Follow up to comp.mac.sys) Also, acceleration is fixed, rounded rectangles are more rounded, and the variance may vary more. A hidden feature is that when you hold the mouse button down in the Moire window, the trail length will shrink to zero so that you can take a snap shot of it - with the cursor obscured. Send me nice pictures - I have no printer. Lots of people want Moire to be a DA or an automatic idle program. It's getting a little big for that sort of thing, but I'm working on it. DAs are allowed only one menu, hence the modeless dialogs. I also plan to put all the options in one window with iconic representations. If you wish to post Moire to other places, you might want to mail to me first to get the latest version. Thanks. Dan LaLiberte liberte@uiuc.csnet ihnp4!uiucdcs!liberte --- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh. # The following files will be created: # Moire_main # Moire_globals # Moire_utilities # Moire_init # Moire_interface # Moire_routines # Moire_general # Moire.R.text # This archive created: Wed Jan 14 00:37:58 1987 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'Moire_main' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_main'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_main' PROGRAM Moire; { Copyright (C) 1987 by Daniel LaLiberte } { Moire displays various patterns named after some French guy.} { Moire owes its existence to a simple program I found originally } { on a 3B2 5620. There are also several other such bouncy, zoomy demo} { programs for the Macintosh. I used the TML Pascal window demo program. } { This program is free. As compensation, please send ideas for } { improvements and report problems you have experienced. } { To get the latest version of the source on disk send $10 and tell me } { which version you have (so I dont send you the same one). } { Feel free to modify the source and port it to other machines, } { but keep these comments if you use a substantial part of it. } { Daniel LaLiberte liberte@uiucdcs } { Department of Computer Science } { University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign } { 1304 W Springfield Ave } { Urbana IL 61801 } { Pascal source files } { Moire Globals - used by most every unit } { Moire Utilities - moire specific utilities } { Moire Init - moire initialization, reading and writing of parameters } { Moire Interface - menus and dialogs } { Moire Routines - the real thing - everything else is fluff } { Moire General - macintosh initialization, event loop, event handlers } { Resoures: Moire.R } { includes an application icon which must be bundled manually } { includes all menus, dialogs and windows } { should include the default settings so they could be changed } { Modification history:} { Version 1 was written in Rascal. } { Version 2 was written in TML Pascal. } { Version 2.1 was written in Lightspeed Pascal. } { Version 3.0} { generalized mode specification.} { changed object and option menus to modeless dialog boxes} { in preparation for DA version.} { added reflection.} { Version 3.1} { fixed round rectangles. } { fixed acceleration so it doesnt get lost in the corner } { cleaned up source for distribution. } { cursor obscuring is now sensitive to the frontwindow } { no refresh when there is no change in variance } { set creator of parameter file; startup with user selected document } USES Moire_general; BEGIN InitThings; SetUpThings; MainEventLoop; CloseThings; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_globals' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_globals'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_globals' UNIT Moire_globals; INTERFACE CONST version = 3.1; {menu stuff} AppleMenu = 256; FileMenu = 257; EditMenu = 258; MoireMenuID = 1000; {window IDs} MoireWindowID = 256; ObjectsDialogID = 128; ControlDialogID = 129; ModeDialogID = 130; firstObj2 = 11; { The item number of the first Object 2 } NumPatterns = 10; { Number of patterns, black to white } TYPE movingpoint = RECORD CASE boolean OF True : ( y : integer; { may be used as point } x : integer; vy : integer; { velocity } vx : integer ); False : ( p : Point; v : Point ) END; PointSet = ARRAY[0..9] OF movingpoint; VAR {general mac interface stuff} Finished : Boolean; {used to terminate the program} ClockCursor : CursHandle; {handle to the waiting watch cursor} {Screen stuff} DragArea : Rect; {holds the area where window can be dragged in} GrowArea : Rect; {holds the area to which a window's size can change} {Window stuff} MoireWindow : WindowPtr; MoireRect : Rect; { redundant with MoireWindow^.portRect } ObjectsDialog : DialogPtr; ControlDialog : DialogPtr; ModeDialog : DialogPtr; LengthScrollBar : ControlHandle; { not used yet } VarianceScrollBar : ControlHandle; { not used yet } OldPortRect : Rect; { for full screen option, remember old port } {Menu stuff} MoireMenu : MenuHandle; { Moire vars } head : PointSet; { leading edge of drawing } tail : PointSet; { trailing edge } Object1Num, Object2Num : integer; { which objects are being drawn } obj2 : integer; { offset in PointSet for obj2 } lowx, lowy, highx, highy : integer; { window boundaries - redundant, but faster? } width, height, midx, midy : integer; { of window boundaries } background : Pattern; {mode : array[0..1] of integer; { mode[0] for head; [1] for tail } lastheadmode, lasttailmode : integer; { redundant with mode array } isFullScreen : Boolean; isBlackBackground : Boolean; tail_length : integer; { desired length of tail } current_length : integer; { what the length is currently } variance : integer; { how much do things vary } doAccel : Boolean; { flag for acceleration } isPolar : Boolean; { flag for polar conversion } reflect : ARRAY[0..3] OF Boolean; { flags for each reflection } vary_pensize : Boolean; { true if pen size is variable } currentPenSize : point; { current pen size } vary_pattern : Boolean; { true if pen pattern is variable } PatList : ARRAY[1..numPatterns] OF Pattern; { selected standard patterns } currentPat : 1..numPatterns; { index into PatList } isPainted : Boolean; { flag for Painting objects } IMPLEMENTATION END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_utilities' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_utilities'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_utilities' UNIT Moire_utilities; INTERFACE USES Moire_globals; PROCEDURE copyPointSet (VAR f1, f2 : PointSet); PROCEDURE InvertWindow; PROCEDURE IncludeMenuBar; PROCEDURE RefreshMoire; PROCEDURE SetBounds; PROCEDURE AboutMoire; PROCEDURE OldWindow; PROCEDURE FullScreen; IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE ReadParameters; external; { In Moire Init } PROCEDURE WriteParameters; external; { In Moire Init } PROCEDURE copyPointSet; { ( var f1, f2 : PointSet ); } { copy PointSet f1 to f2 } VAR i : integer; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO BEGIN f1[i] := f2[i]; END; END; PROCEDURE InvertWindow; { Invert the Moire window and the background pattern } VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); isBlackBackground := NOT isBlackBackground; IF isBlackBackground THEN StuffHex(@background, 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF') { black } ELSE StuffHex(@background, '0000000000000000'); { white } BackPat(background); InvertRect(MoireWindow^.portrect); setPort(savePort); END; PROCEDURE IncludeMenuBar; { with Full Screen active, include the menu bar in the window } VAR TheMenu : ^integer; { Currently highlighted menu } MenuRect : Rect; MenuRgn : RgnHandle; savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); IF isFullScreen THEN BEGIN { avoid unhighlighting menu selection } TheMenu := Pointer($A26); TheMenu^ := 0; { "or" in the menu area into the visible region of MoireWindow } SetRect(MenuRect, 0, 0, screenBits.bounds.right, 20); GlobalToLocal(MenuRect.topLeft); GlobalToLocal(MenuRect.botRight); MenuRgn := NewRgn; RectRgn(MenuRgn, MenuRect); WITH MoireWindow^ DO UnionRgn(VisRgn, MenuRgn, VisRgn); DisposeRgn(MenuRgn); END; setPort(savePort); END; PROCEDURE RefreshMoire; { display a Refreshed Moire window by copying the PointSet tail to the head } VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); IncludeMenuBar; BackPat(background); EraseRect(MoireWindow^.portrect); current_length := 0; { nothing shown } copyPointSet(tail, head); setPort(savePort); END; PROCEDURE SetBounds; { set the bounds based on the Moire window and change its origin } VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); WITH MoireWindow^.portRect DO BEGIN midx := (right - left) DIV 2; midy := (bottom - top) DIV 2; setOrigin(-midx, -midy); lowy := top; lowx := left; highy := bottom; highx := right; width := highx - lowx; height := highy - lowy; midx := (right - left) DIV 2; midy := (bottom - top) DIV 2; END; RefreshMoire; { since bounds have changed } setPort(savePort); END; PROCEDURE AboutMoire; CONST AboutID = 1000; VAR ignore : Integer; BEGIN ignore := Alert(AboutID, NIL); END; PROCEDURE OldWindow; { set the Moire Window to the old window size } BEGIN isFullScreen := False; HideWindow(MoireWindow); { to hide moving/sizing mess } WITH OldPortRect DO BEGIN MoveWindow(MoireWindow, left, top, True); SizeWindow(MoireWindow, right - left, bottom - top, True); END; ShowWindow(MoireWindow); SetBounds; DrawMenuBar; END; PROCEDURE FullScreen; { remember the old Moire Window port size and position and change to the full screen } VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); isFullScreen := True; OldPortRect := MoireWindow^.portRect; WITH OldPortRect DO BEGIN LocalToGlobal(topLeft); LocalToGlobal(botRight); END; { The following Size and Move commands are needed to obscure other windows. } HideWindow(MoireWindow); WITH ScreenBits.bounds DO BEGIN SizeWindow(MoireWindow, right, bottom, True); MoveWindow(MoireWindow, left, top, True); END; ShowWindow(MoireWindow); SetBounds; setPort(savePort); END; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_init' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_init'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_init' UNIT Moire_init; INTERFACE USES Moire_globals, Moire_utilities; PROCEDURE StartOver; PROCEDURE SetupMoireMenus; PROCEDURE SetUpMoire; PROCEDURE ReadParameters; PROCEDURE WriteParameters; IMPLEMENTATION { the following are in Moire Interface } PROCEDURE ShowObjectsDialogSettings (Flag : Boolean); external; PROCEDURE ShowControlDialogSettings; external; PROCEDURE ShowModeDialogSettings (Flag : Boolean); external; PROCEDURE SetupMoireMenus; BEGIN MoireMenu := GetMenu(MoireMenuID); InsertMenu(MoireMenu, 0); { Dialogs must be nil when not opened - so we don't try to change the items } ObjectsDialog := NIL; ControlDialog := NIL; ModeDialog := NIL; END; PROCEDURE StartingPoints; PROCEDURE initpoint (pointnum, xinit, yinit, vxinit, vyinit : integer); BEGIN head[pointnum].x := xinit; head[pointnum].y := yinit; head[pointnum].vx := vxinit; head[pointnum].vy := vyinit; END; BEGIN initpoint(0, lowx, lowy, 2, 3); initpoint(1, lowx, highy, 1, -2); initpoint(2, highx, lowy, -3, 1); initpoint(3, highx, highy, -2, -2); initpoint(4, trunc((highx - lowx) / 2), trunc((highy - lowy) / 2), 1, 1); { pensize } { for accelleration } initpoint(5, lowx, lowy + 1, 1, 4); initpoint(6, lowx, highy - 1, 2, -3); initpoint(7, highx, lowy + 1, -1, 2); initpoint(8, highx, highy - 1, -1, -4); initpoint(9, trunc((highx - lowx) / 2), trunc((highy - lowy) / 2), 2, 3); { pensize } END; PROCEDURE StartOver; VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN { Erase old settings } ShowObjectsDialogSettings(False); ShowModeDialogSettings(False); getPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); currentPat := numPatterns; { black } PenPat(PatList[currentPat]); vary_pattern := False; lastheadmode := srcXor; { used as index into Mode dialog items } lasttailmode := srcXor; object1Num := 2; { default one segment } object2Num := firstObj2; { none } tail_length := 64; current_length := 0; { initially nothing drawn } variance := 5; vary_pensize := False; currentPenSize.h := 1; currentPenSize.v := 1; PenSize(currentPenSize.h, currentPenSize.v); isPainted := False; doAccel := False; isPolar := False; reflect[0] := False; reflect[1] := False; reflect[2] := False; reflect[3] := False; IF isFullScreen THEN OldWindow; isFullScreen := False; isBlackBackground := True; StuffHex(@background, 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); { black } SetBounds; StartingPoints; RefreshMoire; ShowObjectsDialogSettings(True); ShowControlDialogSettings; ShowModeDialogSettings(True); END; PROCEDURE readParamFile (name : STRING); forward; { it's the next one down } PROCEDURE SetUpMoire; LABEL 321; VAR mess, count : integer; theFile : AppFile; BEGIN { Initialize the patterns from the system resource file } getIndPattern(patList[1], SysPatListID, 20); { white } getIndPattern(patList[2], SysPatListID, 13); getIndPattern(patList[3], SysPatListID, 21); getIndPattern(patList[4], SysPatListID, 22); getIndPattern(patList[5], SysPatListID, 23); getIndPattern(patList[6], SysPatListID, 4); getIndPattern(patList[7], SysPatListID, 3); getIndPattern(patList[8], SysPatListID, 2); StuffHex(@patList[9], '7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); getIndPattern(patList[10], SysPatListID, 1); { black } isFullScreen := False; StartOver; { this is redundant if cout > 0 below } CountAppFiles(mess, count); IF count > 0 THEN BEGIN GetAppFiles(1, theFile); IF SetVol(NIL, theFile.vRefNum) <> NoErr THEN GOTO 321; ReadParamFile(theFile.fName); ClrAppFiles(1); END; 321 : { exit for errors } END; PROCEDURE readParamFile;{ (name : string)} VAR paramFile : Text; readVersion : real; { the version read from the data file } newIsFullScreen, newIsBlackBackground : Boolean; BEGIN open(paramFile, name); { Erase old settings } ShowObjectsDialogSettings(False); ShowModeDialogSettings(False); read(paramfile, readVersion); { For future versions, need to know about old files } { Should test here if the file is a valid moire file. } read(paramfile, newIsFullScreen, newIsBlackBackground); IF (newIsFullScreen <> isFullScreen) THEN IF newIsFullScreen THEN FullScreen ELSE OldWindow; isFullScreen := newIsFullScreen; IF (newIsBlackBackground <> isBlackBackground) THEN InvertWindow; read(paramfile, object1Num, object2Num); read(paramfile, tail_length, variance, doAccel, isPolar); read(paramfile, vary_pensize, currentPenSize.h, vary_pattern, currentPat, isPainted); currentPenSize.v := currentPenSize.h; pensize(currentPenSize.h, currentPenSize.v); penPat(PatList[currentPat]); read(paramfile, reflect[0], reflect[1], reflect[2], reflect[3]); read(paramfile, lastheadmode, lasttailmode); close(paramfile); ShowObjectsDialogSettings(True); ShowControlDialogSettings; ShowModeDialogSettings(True); RefreshMoire; END; PROCEDURE ReadParameters; VAR name : STRING; BEGIN name := OldFileName('Open Moire Parameter File'); IF name <> '' THEN readParamFile(name); END; PROCEDURE WriteParameters; LABEL 321; VAR paramfile : Text; name : STRING; finderInfo : Finfo; vName : STRING; vRefNum : integer; BEGIN name := NewFileName('Save Moire Parameter File'); IF name <> '' THEN BEGIN open(paramfile, name); { get the volume Reference number } IF GetVol(@vName, vRefNum) <> NoErr THEN GOTO 321; { set up the finder info } IF GetFInfo(name, vRefNum, finderInfo) <> NoErr THEN GOTO 321; finderInfo.fdCreator := 'MOIR'; IF SetFInfo(name, vRefNum, finderinfo) <> NoErr THEN GOTO 321; writeln(paramfile, version); writeln(paramfile, isFullScreen, ' ', isBlackBackground); writeln(paramfile, object1Num, ' ', object2Num); writeln(paramfile, tail_length, ' ', variance, ' ', doAccel, ' ', isPolar); writeln(paramfile, vary_pensize, ' ', currentPenSize.h, ' ', vary_pattern, ' ', CurrentPat, ' ', isPainted); writeln(paramfile, reflect[0], ' ', reflect[1], ' ', reflect[2], ' ', reflect[3]); writeln(paramfile, lastheadmode, ' ', lasttailmode); writeln(paramfile); close(paramfile); END; 321 : { label for error exit } END; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_interface' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_interface'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_interface' UNIT Moire_interface; INTERFACE USES Moire_globals, Moire_utilities, Moire_init; PROCEDURE ShowObjectsDialogSettings (Flag : Boolean); PROCEDURE ShowControlDialogSettings; PROCEDURE ShowModeDialogSettings (Flag : Boolean); PROCEDURE DoObjectsDialogEvent (itemNumber : integer); PROCEDURE DoControlDialogEvent (itemNumber : integer); PROCEDURE DoModeDialogEvent (itemNumber : integer); PROCEDURE DoMoireMenu (menuid, menuitem : integer); IMPLEMENTATION TYPE ControlItem = (iZero, iLength, iVariance, iAccelerate, iPolarizer, iPaintObject, iVaryPen, iVaryPat, iReflectH, iReflectV, iReflectF, iReflectR); VAR LengthHandle, VarianceHandle : Handle; { should be global } { -------------------------------------------------------- } { The following are some utilities for dialog management } PROCEDURE ActivateDialog (theDialog : dialogPtr); BEGIN SelectWindow(theDialog); ShowWindow(theDialog); DrawDialog(theDialog); END; PROCEDURE CheckDItem (theDialog : dialogPtr; itemNumber : integer; check : Boolean); { set the itemNumber value of theDialog to check } VAR itemType : integer; item : Handle; box : Rect; BEGIN getDItem(theDialog, itemNumber, itemType, item, box); setCtlValue(ControlHandle(item), ord(check)); END; FUNCTION getItemHandle (dPtr : DialogPtr; item : integer) : Handle; VAR itemNumber : integer; itemType : integer; itemHandle : Handle; dispRect : Rect; BEGIN getDItem(dPtr, item, itemType, itemHandle, dispRect); getItemHandle := itemHandle; END; PROCEDURE setINum (itemHandle : Handle; num : longint); VAR str : str255; BEGIN NumToString(num, str); setIText(itemHandle, str); END; { -------------------------------------------------------------- } PROCEDURE ShowObjectsDialogSettings; {(Flag : Boolean)} { show or erase the settings for the object dialog } BEGIN IF ObjectsDialog <> NIL THEN BEGIN CheckDItem(ObjectsDialog, object1Num, Flag); CheckDItem(ObjectsDialog, object2Num, Flag); END; END; PROCEDURE DoObjectsDialogEvent; {(itemNumber : integer)} BEGIN ShowObjectsDialogSettings(False); IF itemNumber < firstObj2 THEN object1Num := itemNumber ELSE object2Num := itemNumber; ShowObjectsDialogSettings(True); RefreshMoire; END; { -------------------------------------------------------------- } PROCEDURE ShowControlDialogSettings; { No Flag is needed here since all the settings are explicit } BEGIN IF ControlDialog <> NIL THEN BEGIN SetINum(LengthHandle, tail_length); SetINum(VarianceHandle, variance); CheckDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iAccelerate), doAccel); CheckDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iPolarizer), isPolar); CheckDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iPaintObject), isPainted); CheckDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iVaryPen), vary_pensize); CheckDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iVaryPat), vary_pattern); checkDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iReflectH), reflect[0]); checkDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iReflectV), reflect[1]); checkDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iReflectF), reflect[2]); checkDItem(ControlDialog, ord(iReflectR), reflect[3]); END; END; PROCEDURE HandleLengthScroll; { well, it doesnt scroll yet, but that's the plan - hints appreciated. } VAR str : str255; num : longint; BEGIN GetIText(LengthHandle, str); StringToNum(str, num); IF (num > 1024) THEN num := 1024; IF (num < 1) THEN num := 1; tail_length := num; SetINum(LengthHandle, tail_length); END; PROCEDURE HandleVarianceScroll; CONST maxVariance = 64; VAR str : str255; num : longint; BEGIN GetIText(VarianceHandle, str); StringToNum(str, num); IF (num > maxVariance) THEN num := maxVariance; IF (num < 1) THEN num := 1; IF num <> variance THEN RefreshMoire; variance := num; SetINum(VarianceHandle, variance); END; PROCEDURE ScrollAction (whichControl : ControlHandle; theCode : INTEGER); VAR inc : integer; BEGIN CASE theCode OF inUpButton : inc := -10; inDownButton : inc := 10; inPageUP : inc := -10; inPageDown : inc := 10; inThumb : END; SetCtlValue(whichControl, GetCtlValue(whichControl) + inc); END; PROCEDURE DoControlDialogEvent; {(itemNumber : integer)} VAR i : integer; BEGIN CASE ControlItem(itemNumber) OF ilength : HandleLengthScroll; iVariance : HandleVarianceScroll; iAccelerate : BEGIN doAccel := NOT doAccel; CheckDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, doAccel); END; iPolarizer : BEGIN isPolar := NOT isPolar; CheckDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, isPolar); END; iPaintObject : BEGIN isPainted := NOT isPainted; { toggle } CheckDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, isPainted); END; iVaryPen : BEGIN vary_pensize := NOT vary_pensize; CheckDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, vary_pensize); { check } { for fun, leave pensize as is - use Start Over to get back to pensize 1,1 } { need to set port to MoireWindow } {currentPenSize.h := 1;} {currentPenSize.v := 1;} {pensize(currentPenSize.h, currentPenSize.v);} END; iVaryPat : BEGIN vary_pattern := NOT vary_pattern; CheckDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, vary_pattern); { check } { I don't know how much fun this is, but leave pattern as is. } { reset to black } {currentPat := numPatterns;} {penPat(PatList[currentPat]);} END; iReflectH, iReflectV, iReflectF, iReflectR : BEGIN i := itemNumber - ord(iReflectH); reflect[i] := NOT reflect[i]; checkDItem(ControlDialog, itemNumber, reflect[i]); END; END; { case } { Length changes do not "need" a Refresh and the variance may not have changed. } IF itemNumber > ord(iVariance) THEN RefreshMoire; END; { -------------------------------------------------------------- } PROCEDURE ShowModeDialogSettings; {(Flag : Boolean)} BEGIN IF ModeDialog <> NIL THEN BEGIN { first 9 items are for the head, next 9 items are for the tail } CheckDItem(ModeDialog, lastheadmode + 1, Flag); CheckDItem(ModeDialog, lasttailmode + 1 + 9, Flag); END; END; PROCEDURE DoModeDialogEvent;{ (itemNumber : integer)} BEGIN ShowModeDialogSettings(False); IF itemNumber <= 9 THEN { leading } lastheadmode := itemNumber - 1 ELSE { trailing } lasttailmode := itemNumber - 1 - 9; ShowModeDialogSettings(True); RefreshMoire; END; { DoModeDialog } { -------------------------------------------------------------- } PROCEDURE DoMoireMenu; { includes File and Edit menus for convenience } TYPE mItem = (iZero, iStartOver, iFullScreen, iRefresh, iInvert, inothing, iObjects, iControl, iMode); BEGIN { MoireMenu } CASE menuid OF FileMenu : BEGIN CASE menuItem OF 1 : ReadParameters; 2 : WriteParameters; 3 : Finished := True; {quit} END; END; EditMenu : BEGIN IF NOT SystemEdit(menuItem - 1) THEN {if not for a desk accessory} ; { Do I need to do anything more here? } END; MoireMenuID : CASE mItem(menuitem) OF iStartOver : StartOver; iFullScreen : IF (isFullScreen) THEN BEGIN OldWindow; SetItem(MoireMenu, ord(iFullScreen), 'Full Screen'); END ELSE BEGIN FullScreen; SetItem(MoireMenu, ord(iFullScreen), 'Old Window'); END; iRefresh : RefreshMoire; iInvert : InvertWindow; iObjects : IF ObjectsDialog = NIL THEN BEGIN ObjectsDialog := GetNewDialog(ObjectsDialogID, NIL, POINTER(-1)); ShowObjectsDialogSettings(True); END ELSE ActivateDialog(ObjectsDialog); iControl : IF ControlDialog = NIL THEN BEGIN ControlDialog := GetNewDialog(ControlDialogID, NIL, POINTER(-1)); LengthHandle := getItemHandle(ControlDialog, 1); VarianceHandle := getItemHandle(ControlDialog, 2); ShowControlDialogSettings; END ELSE ActivateDialog(ControlDialog); iMode : IF ModeDialog = NIL THEN BEGIN ModeDialog := GetNewDialog(ModeDialogID, NIL, POINTER(-1)); ShowModeDialogSettings(True); END ELSE ActivateDialog(ModeDialog); END; { WindowMenu case } END; { case } END; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_routines' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_routines'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_routines' UNIT Moire_routines; INTERFACE USES Moire_globals, Moire_utilities; PROCEDURE MoireStep; PROCEDURE MoireContent (where : Point); IMPLEMENTATION VAR Xsign, Ysign : integer; FUNCTION polarize (P : Point) : Point; { return P converted into rectangular coordinates} { as if it were a polar (r, theta) value } { Should use a table lookup to speed things along } VAR Q : Point; BEGIN IF isPolar THEN BEGIN Q.h := trunc(2 * P.v * cos(P.h * 0.03)); Q.v := trunc(2 * P.v * sin(P.h * 0.03)); polarize := Q; END ELSE polarize := P END; { These routines transform the points based on the reflection paramters } PROCEDURE moveP (P : Point); BEGIN moveto(P.h * Xsign - currentPenSize.h * ord(Xsign < 0), P.v * Ysign - currentPenSize.v * ord(Ysign < 0)); END; PROCEDURE lineP (P : Point); BEGIN lineto(P.h * Xsign - currentPenSize.h * ord(Xsign < 0), P.v * Ysign - currentPenSize.v * ord(Ysign < 0)); END; FUNCTION tranP (P : Point) : Point; { transform point p with Xsign and Ysign correcting for pensize } VAR Q : Point; BEGIN Q.h := P.h * Xsign - currentPenSize.h * ord(Xsign < 0); Q.v := P.v * Ysign - currentPenSize.v * ord(Ysign < 0); tranP := Q; END; FUNCTION tranA (A : integer) : integer; { transform the angle A depending on Xsign and Ysign } BEGIN IF Ysign < 0 THEN tranA := 180 - (A * Xsign) ELSE tranA := A * Xsign; END; { --------------- objects ----------------- } PROCEDURE segment (VAR f : PointSet); VAR p1, p2 : Point; BEGIN p1 := polarize(f[0 + obj2].p); p2 := polarize(f[1 + obj2].p); moveP(p1); lineP(p2); END; PROCEDURE angle (VAR f : PointSet); BEGIN moveP(f[0].p); lineP(f[1].p); lineP(f[2].p); END; PROCEDURE triangle (VAR f : PointSet); VAR poly : PolyHandle; BEGIN poly := OpenPoly; moveP(f[0].p); lineP(f[1].p); lineP(f[2].p); lineP(f[0].p); ClosePoly; IF (isPainted) THEN PaintPoly(poly) ELSE FramePoly(poly); KillPoly(poly); END; PROCEDURE quadrangle (VAR f : PointSet); VAR poly : PolyHandle; BEGIN poly := OpenPoly; moveP(f[0].p); lineP(f[1].p); lineP(f[2].p); lineP(f[3].p); lineP(f[0].p); ClosePoly; IF (isPainted) THEN PaintPoly(poly) ELSE FramePoly(poly); KillPoly(poly); END; PROCEDURE tetrahedron (VAR f : PointSet); BEGIN moveP(f[0].p); lineP(f[1].p); lineP(f[2].p); lineP(f[3].p); lineP(f[0].p); lineP(f[2].p); moveP(f[3].p); lineP(f[1].p); END; PROCEDURE rectangle (VAR f : PointSet); VAR r : Rect; p1, p2 : Point; BEGIN p1 := polarize(f[0 + obj2].p); p2 := polarize(f[1 + obj2].p); Pt2Rect(tranP(p1), tranP(p2), r); { need to correct for the pensize since bottom right is inset by pensize } r.botRight := Point(longint(r.botRight) + longint(currentPenSize)); IF (isPainted) THEN Paintrect(r) ELSE framerect(r); END; PROCEDURE roundrect (VAR f : PointSet); VAR r : Rect; p1, p2 : Point; BEGIN p1 := polarize(f[0 + obj2].p); p2 := polarize(f[1 + obj2].p); Pt2Rect(tranP(p1), tranP(p2), r); r.botRight := Point(longint(r.botRight) + longint(currentPenSize)); IF (isPainted) THEN PaintRoundRect(r, f[2 - obj2].x + highx, f[2 - obj2].y + highy) ELSE FrameRoundRect(r, f[2 - obj2].x + highx, f[2 - obj2].y + highy); END; PROCEDURE oval (VAR f : PointSet); VAR r : Rect; p1, p2 : Point; BEGIN p1 := polarize(f[0 + obj2].p); p2 := polarize(f[1 + obj2].p); Pt2Rect(tranP(p1), tranP(p2), r); r.botRight := Point(longint(r.botRight) + longint(currentPenSize)); IF (isPainted) THEN Paintoval(r) ELSE frameoval(r); END; PROCEDURE arc (VAR f : PointSet); VAR r : Rect; p1, p2 : Point; BEGIN p1 := polarize(f[0 + obj2].p); p2 := polarize(f[1 + obj2].p); Pt2Rect(tranP(p1), tranP(p2), r); r.botRight := Point(longint(r.botRight) + longint(currentPenSize)); IF (isPainted) THEN Paintarc(r, tranA(f[2 - obj2].x), f[2 - obj2].y * Xsign * Ysign) ELSE framearc(r, tranA(f[2 - obj2].x), f[2 - obj2].y * Xsign * Ysign); END; { ----------------------------------- } PROCEDURE drawObject (VAR f : PointSet); VAR i : integer; t : integer; { temporary } { The next two utilities, incrx and incry, might be combined into one, } { but maybe at time expense? They are used at every step of the drawing. } PROCEDURE incrx (i : integer); { Increment x which is moving at velocity vx. } { If it exceeds lowx or highx (adjusted for pen size), it is intersecting at y. } { If doAccel, a different increment algorithm is used - which has} { some bazaar, mysterious side effects. } VAR t : integer; { temporary } BEGIN IF doAccel THEN { set velocity between -variance and variance } f[i].vx := (f[i + 5].x * variance) DIV highx; WITH f[i] DO BEGIN x := x + vx; { check if bumping edge of window } IF (((x >= (highx - currentPenSize.h)) AND (vx > 0)) OR ((x < lowx) AND (vx < 0))) THEN BEGIN { passed edge } x := x - vx; { return to original point } { calculate new velocity } IF doAccel THEN BEGIN vx := -vx; f[i + 5].x := -f[i + 5].x; f[i + 5].vx := f[i + 5].vx * (ord(odd(y)) * 2 - 1); END ELSE BEGIN t := (1 + ((i + x + y + vx + variance) MOD (variance + 1))); IF (vx > 0) THEN t := -t; vx := t; END; x := x + vx; { off in a new direction } IF isFullScreen AND (FrontWindow = WindowPtr(MoireWindow)) THEN ObscureCursor; END; END; { with } END; PROCEDURE incry (i : integer); { Increment y moving at velocity vy. } { If it exceeds lowy or highy, it is intersecting at x. } VAR t : integer; { temporary } BEGIN IF doAccel THEN f[i].vy := (f[i + 5].y * variance) DIV highy; WITH f[i] DO BEGIN y := y + vy; IF (((y >= (highy - currentPenSize.v)) AND (vy > 0)) OR ((y <= lowy) AND (vy < 0))) THEN BEGIN y := y - vy; { return to original point } IF doAccel THEN BEGIN vy := -vy; f[i + 5].y := -f[i + 5].y; f[i + 5].vy := f[i + 5].vy * (ord(odd(x)) * 2 - 1); END ELSE BEGIN t := (1 + ((i + x + y + vy + variance) MOD variance)); IF (vy > 0) THEN t := -t; vy := t; END; y := y + vy; { off in a new direction } { ObscureCursor; } END; END; {with} END; PROCEDURE ReallyDrawObject; { well not really since this calls the object drawer which calls the toolbox routines } BEGIN obj2 := 0; CASE object1Num - 1 OF 0 : ; {none} 1 : segment(f); 2 : rectangle(f); 3 : roundrect(f); 4 : oval(f); 5 : arc(f); 6 : angle(f); 7 : triangle(f); 8 : quadrangle(f); 9 : tetrahedron(f); END; obj2 := 2; { amount to offset in PointSet so that the same routines may be used } CASE object2Num - firstObj2 OF 0 : ; { none } 1 : segment(f); 2 : rectangle(f); 3 : roundrect(f); 4 : oval(f); 5 : arc(f); END; END; BEGIN { drawObject } IF (vary_pensize) THEN BEGIN { calculate pen size } currentPenSize.h := 1 + abs((f[4].x + highx) * variance) DIV width; currentPenSize.v := currentPenSize.h; { square pen for now } pensize(currentPenSize.h, currentPenSize.v); END; IF (vary_pattern) THEN BEGIN currentPat := 1 + ((f[4].y + highy) * numPatterns) DIV height; penPat(PatList[currentPat]); END; Xsign := 1; Ysign := 1; ReallyDrawObject; { The following draws the reflected objects.} { 0 is horizontal (left-right) } { 1 is vertical (top-bottom) } { 2 is diagonal /} { 3 is diagonal \} { To give more variety, the diagonal reflection is not complete } Xsign := -1; IF reflect[0] THEN { or (reflect[1] and reflect[2] and reflect[3]) } ReallyDrawObject; Ysign := -1; IF (reflect[0] AND reflect[1]) OR ((NOT reflect[0]) AND (NOT reflect[1]) AND reflect[2] AND reflect[3]) THEN ReallyDrawObject; Xsign := 1; IF reflect[1] THEN {or (reflect[0] and reflect[2] and reflect[3]) } ReallyDrawObject; IF reflect[2] OR reflect[3] THEN BEGIN { swap X and Y for diagonal reflections } FOR i := 0 TO 4 DO WITH f[i] DO BEGIN t := x; x := y; y := t; END; Xsign := 1; Ysign := 1; IF reflect[3] OR (reflect[0] AND reflect[1] AND reflect[2]) THEN ReallyDrawObject; Ysign := -1; IF (reflect[0] AND reflect[2]) OR (reflect[1] AND reflect[3]) THEN ReallyDrawObject; Xsign := -1; IF reflect[2] OR (reflect[0] AND reflect[1] AND reflect[3]) THEN ReallyDrawObject; Ysign := 1; IF (reflect[0] AND reflect[3]) OR (reflect[1] AND reflect[2]) THEN ReallyDrawObject; { restore X and Y } FOR i := 0 TO 4 DO WITH f[i] DO BEGIN t := x; x := y; y := t; END; END; { increment the points; include 5th point if it is varying } FOR i := 0 TO 3 + ord(vary_pensize OR vary_pattern) DO BEGIN incrx(i); incry(i); END; { increment the points used for acceleration - if doAccel } IF doAccel THEN BEGIN doAccel := False; { to avoid acceleration of these points } FOR i := 5 TO 8 DO { + ord(vary_pensize) } BEGIN incrx(i); incry(i); END; doAccel := True; END; END; PROCEDURE MoireStep; { Do one step of the Moire drawing } VAR savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN GetPort(savePort); setPort(MoireWindow); IF (current_length < tail_length) THEN BEGIN penmode(lastHeadMode + 8); { add 8 to get the Pattern modes } drawObject(head); current_length := current_length + 1; END; IF (current_length >= tail_length) THEN BEGIN penmode(lastTailMode + 8); drawObject(tail); current_length := current_length - 1; END; setPort(savePort); END; PROCEDURE MoireContent; { Mouse down in the Moire window } VAR save_length : integer; { save the tail_length for restoring later } BEGIN { make the tail length shrink to 0 } save_length := tail_length; tail_length := 0; SetCursor(ClockCursor^^); WHILE StillDown AND (current_length > 0) DO MoireStep; WHILE StillDown DO ObscureCursor; InitCursor; ObscureCursor; { In case mouse was moved while letting go } tail_length := save_length; END; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire_general' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire_general'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire_general' { General Toolbox handlers - originally from TML window demo } UNIT Moire_general; INTERFACE USES Moire_globals, Moire_init, Moire_utilities, Moire_routines, Moire_interface; PROCEDURE InitThings; PROCEDURE SetUpThings; PROCEDURE MainEventLoop; PROCEDURE CloseThings; IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE ReSizeWindow (theWindow : WindowPtr; MouseLoc : Point); VAR NewSize : Point; Width : Integer; Height : Integer; BEGIN NewSize := Point(GrowWindow(theWindow, MouseLoc, GrowArea)); { grow this window} { mouse location } { limits of growth - global var} IF longint(NewSize) <> 0 THEN BEGIN Height := NewSize.v; Width := NewSize.h; { Update_Scroll_Bar_Areas(theWindow); {erase where the scroll bars WERE} InvalRect(theWindow^.portRect); IF Height < 40 THEN Height := 40; {don't let the window be too small} IF Width < 40 THEN Width := 40; {now set the new size} SizeWindow(theWindow, Width, Height, TRUE); {resize this Window} InvalRect(theWindow^.portRect); IF theWindow = MoireWindow THEN SetBounds; END; END; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE ProcessMenu_in (CodeWord : longint); VAR Menu_No : integer; {menu number that was selected} Item_No : integer; {item in menu that was selected} NameHolder : Str255; {name holder for desk accessory or font} DNA : integer; {OpenDA will never return 0, so don't care} BEGIN IF CodeWord <> 0 THEN BEGIN {go ahead and process the command} Menu_No := HiWord(CodeWord); {get the Hi word of...} Item_no := LoWord(CodeWord); {get the Lo word of...} CASE Menu_No OF AppleMenu : IF Item_no = 1 THEN AboutMoire ELSE BEGIN { Desk Accessory } GetItem(GetMHandle(AppleMenu), Item_No, NameHolder); DNA := OpenDeskAcc(NameHolder); END; OTHERWISE DoMoireMenu(Menu_No, Item_no); END; HiliteMenu(0); {unhilite after processing menu} END; END; {of ProcessMenu_in procedure} {-------------------------------------------------------------------} {----- These are procedures called from the main event loop -------} PROCEDURE DealwithMouseDowns (Event : EventRecord); VAR Location : integer; WindowPointedTo : WindowPtr; MouseLoc : Point; WindoLoc : integer; BEGIN MouseLoc := Event.Where; WindoLoc := FindWindow(MouseLoc, WindowPointedTo); CASE WindoLoc OF inMenuBar : ProcessMenu_in(MenuSelect(MouseLoc)); inSysWindow : SystemClick(Event, WindowPointedTo); inContent : IF WindowPointedTo <> FrontWindow THEN SelectWindow(WindowPointedTo) ELSE BEGIN MoireContent(MouseLoc); END; inGrow : IF WindowPointedTo <> FrontWindow THEN SelectWindow(WindowPointedTo) ELSE ReSizeWindow(WindowPointedTo, MouseLoc); inDrag : DragWindow(WindowPointedTo, MouseLoc, DragArea); inGoAway : IF TrackGoAway(WindowPointedTo, MouseLoc) THEN BEGIN IF WindowPointedTo = MoireWindow THEN Finished := True { alternative to 'quit' } ELSE HideWindow(WindowPointedTo); END; OTHERWISE ; END;{ of case} END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DealwithKeyDowns (Event : EventRecord); VAR CharCode : char; BEGIN CharCode := char(BitAnd(Event.message, CharCodeMask)); IF BitAnd(Event.modifiers, CmdKey) = CmdKey THEN BEGIN {key board command - probably a menu command} ProcessMenu_in(MenuKey(CharCode)); END ELSE BEGIN { regular keyboard entry} END; END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DealwithActivates (Event : EventRecord); VAR TargetWindow : WindowPtr; BEGIN TargetWindow := WindowPtr(Event.message); { if not isFullScreen then DrawGrowIcon(TargetWindow); } IF Odd(Event.modifiers) THEN BEGIN {then the window is becoming active} SetPort(TargetWindow); END; IncludeMenuBar; { in case someone wants to steal the menu bar back } END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE DealwithUpdates (Event : EventRecord); VAR UpDateWindow, savePort : WindowPtr; BEGIN UpDateWindow := WindowPtr(Event.message); GetPort(savePort); {Save the current port} SetPort(UpDateWindow); {set the port to one in Evt.msg} BeginUpDate(UpDateWindow); {EraseRect(UpDateWindow^.portRect);} (* or EraseRect(UpDateWindow^.VisRgn^^.rgnBBox); *) {DrawGrowIcon(UpDateWindow);} EndUpDate(UpDateWindow); IF UpDateWindow = MoireWindow THEN RefreshMoire ELSE IncludeMenuBar; SetPort(savePort); {restore to the previous port} END; PROCEDURE DealwithDialogEvent (Event : EventRecord); VAR theDialog : DialogPtr; itemHit : integer; CharCode : char; forDialog : Boolean; { sometimes the event should not go to the dialog } BEGIN forDialog := True; IF Event.what = KeyDown THEN forDialog := BitAnd(Event.modifiers, CmdKey) <> CmdKey; IF forDialog THEN IF DialogSelect(Event, theDialog, itemHit) THEN IF theDialog = ObjectsDialog THEN DoObjectsDialogEvent(itemHit) ELSE IF theDialog = ControlDialog THEN DoControlDialogEvent(itemHit) ELSE IF theDialog = ModeDialog THEN DoModeDialogEvent(itemHit); END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE MainEventLoop; VAR Event : EventRecord; ProcessIt : Boolean; BEGIN REPEAT SystemTask; {to support Desk Accessories} ProcessIt := GetNextEvent(EveryEvent, Event); IF IsDialogEvent(Event) THEN DealwithDialogEvent(Event); IF ProcessIt THEN CASE Event.what OF mouseDown : DealwithMouseDowns(Event); KeyDown : DealwithKeyDowns(Event); ActivateEvt : DealwithActivates(Event); UpDateEvt : DealwithUpdates(Event); OTHERWISE ; END {of Case} ELSE MoireStep; { <<<< } UNTIL Finished; {terminate the program} END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE InitThings; BEGIN InitGraf(@thePort); {create a grafport for the screen} MoreMasters; {extra pointer blocks at the bottom of the heap} MoreMasters; {this is 5 X 64 master pointers} MoreMasters; MoreMasters; MoreMasters; {get the cursors we use and lock them down - no clutter} ClockCursor := GetCursor(watchCursor); HLock(Handle(ClockCursor)); {show the watch while we wait for inits & setups to finish} SetCursor(ClockCursor^^); {init everything in case the app is the Startup App} InitFonts; {startup the fonts manager} InitWindows; {startup the window manager} InitMenus; {startup the menu manager} TEInit; {startup the text edit manager} InitDialogs(NIL); {startup the dialog manager} Finished := False; {set program terminator to false} FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); {clear events from previous program} END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE SetupLimits; BEGIN WITH ScreenBits.Bounds DO BEGIN SetRect(DragArea, left, top + 24, right, bottom); SetRect(GrowArea, left, top + 24, right, bottom); END; END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE SetupMenus; VAR MenuTopic : MenuHandle; BEGIN MenuTopic := GetMenu(AppleMenu); {get the apple desk accessories menu} AddResMenu(MenuTopic, 'DRVR'); {adds all names into item list} InsertMenu(MenuTopic, 0); {put in list held by menu manager} MenuTopic := GetMenu(FileMenu); {always need this for Quiting} InsertMenu(MenuTopic, 0); MenuTopic := GetMenu(EditMenu); {always need for editing Desk Accessories} InsertMenu(MenuTopic, 0); SetupMoireMenus; { <<<<< } DrawMenuBar; {all done so show the menu bar} END; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROCEDURE SetupWindows; BEGIN { Create the window from information stored on the Resource file } MoireWindow := GetNewWindow(MoireWindowID, NIL, POINTER(-1)); setPort(MoireWindow); END; PROCEDURE SetUpThings; BEGIN SetupWindows; {do first so it's low in heap} SetupMenus; SetupLimits; SetupMoire; { <<<<< } InitCursor; {ready to go, so show the Arrow cursor} END; PROCEDURE CloseThings; BEGIN END; END. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'Moire.R.text' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Moire.R.text'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Moire.R.text' * Moire.R * * Resource definitions for the application Moire * * Define output file. LS Pascal:Moire Folder:Moire/Rsrc Type MOIR = STR ,0 Daniel LaLiberte Version 3.1 Jan 10, 1986. Type FREF ,128 APPL 0 ,129 TEXT 1 Type BNDL ,128 MOIR 0 ICN# 0 1234 1 1235 FREF 0 128 1 129 Type WIND ,256 (36) Moire 40 1 215 297 Visible GoAway 0 0 Type MENU * the desk accessory menu ,256 (36) \14 About Moire (- * the File menu ,257 File Open Save as.../S Quit /Q * the edit menu ,258 Edit Undo /Z (- Cut /X Copy /C Paste /V Clear * the Moire menu ,1000 Moire Start Over Full Screen /W Refresh /R Invert /I (- Objects /O Control /N Mode /M type DLOG ,128 (36) Moire Objects 160 320 340 510 Visible GoAway 16 0 128 type DITL ,128 (36) 18 * 1 RadioItem Enabled 25 5 42 85 None * 2 RadioItem Enabled 40 5 57 85 Line * 3 RadioItem Enabled 55 5 72 90 Rectangle * 4 RadioItem Enabled 70 5 87 94 RoundRect * 5 RadioItem Enabled 85 5 102 90 Oval * 6 RadioItem Enabled 100 5 117 90 Arc * 7 RadioItem Enabled 115 5 132 90 Angle * 8 RadioItem Enabled 130 5 147 90 Triangle * 9 RadioItem Enabled 145 5 162 115 Quadralateral * 10 RadioItem Enabled 160 5 177 115 Tetrahedron * 11 RadioItem Enabled 25 95 42 175 None * 12 RadioItem Enabled 40 95 57 175 Line * 13 RadioItem Enabled 55 95 72 180 Rectangle * 14 RadioItem Enabled 70 95 87 185 RoundRect * 15 RadioItem Enabled 85 95 102 180 Oval * 16 RadioItem Enabled 100 95 117 180 Arc StatText Enabled 5 5 21 75 Object 1 StatText Enabled 5 95 21 165 Object 2 *------------------------------ type DLOG ,129 (36) Moire Control 241 4 341 313 Visible GoAway 16 0 129 type DITL ,129 (36) 14 EditText Enabled 30 19 45 54 20 EditText Enabled 70 19 85 54 2 ChkItem Enabled 10 85 25 175 Accelerate ChkItem Enabled 25 85 40 165 Polarize ChkItem Enabled 40 85 55 190 Paint Objects ChkItem Enabled 60 85 75 190 Vary Pensize ChkItem Enabled 75 85 90 190 Vary Pattern ChkItem Enabled 30 200 45 305 Horizontally ChkItem Enabled 45 200 60 290 Vertically ChkItem Enabled 60 200 75 300 Diagonally / ChkItem Enabled 75 200 90 300 Diagonally \ StatText Disabled 10 10 26 60 Length StatText Disabled 50 5 66 65 Variance StatText Disabled 13 201 29 256 Reflect *--------------------------- type DLOG ,130 (36) Moire Mode 39 338 205 509 Visible GoAway 16 0 130 type DITL ,130 (36) 20 RadioItem Enabled 25 5 42 70 Copy RadioItem Enabled 40 5 56 70 Or RadioItem Enabled 55 5 72 70 Xor RadioItem Enabled 70 5 87 70 Bic RadioItem Enabled 85 5 102 85 Not Copy RadioItem Enabled 100 5 117 70 Not Or RadioItem Enabled 115 5 132 75 Not Xor RadioItem Enabled 130 5 147 75 Not Bic RadioItem Enabled 145 5 162 70 None RadioItem Enabled 25 90 42 155 Copy RadioItem Enabled 40 90 57 155 Or RadioItem Enabled 55 90 72 155 Xor RadioItem Enabled 70 90 87 155 Bic RadioItem Enabled 85 90 102 170 Not Copy RadioItem Enabled 100 90 117 155 Not Or RadioItem Enabled 115 90 132 160 Not Xor RadioItem Enabled 130 90 147 155 Not Bic RadioItem Enabled 145 90 162 155 None StatText Enabled 5 5 22 70 Leading StatText Enabled 5 90 22 155 Trailing *---------------------------------- Type ALRT * For About Moire ,1000 (36) 35 45 325 460 1000 4444 Type DITL ,1000 (36) 6 * 1 StatText Disabled 13 10 64 406 Moire 3.1 is free. The source (in Lightspeed Pascal) is available on disk for $10. Much more is possible, so please send your ideas and tell me of any problems. * 2 StatText Disabled 70 10 171 206 There are 10 moving points: 4 are for objects, 1 for the pen size and pattern, and 5 for the acceleration of the first 5 points. Some points are reused. * 3 StatText Disabled 70 214 171 406 The points bounce off of walls using both the x and y position, the velocity, variance, and the point number. So the pattern has a very long cycle time. * 4 StatText Disabled 180 37 196 372 Please send ideas (or money, if you prefer) to: * 5 StatText Disabled 200 115 285 395 Daniel LaLiberte liberte@uiucdcs\0DUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign\0DDepartment of Computer Science\0D1304 W Springfield\0DUrbana IL 61801 * 6 BtnItem Enabled 240 15 272 95 OK Type ICN# = GNRL * Application icon ,1234 (36) .H 01FFFF80 01FFFF80 007FFE00 007FFE00 003FFC00 003FFC00 001FF800 801FF801 800FF001 E00FF007 E007E007 F007E00F F003C00F FC03C03F FC01803F FE01807F 3E03C07C 3F83C1FC 0F87E1F0 0FC7E3F0 07CFF3E0 87FFFFE1 81EFF781 E1E7E787 E047E207 F841821F 3841821C 3E41827C 0EF18F70 CF73CEF3 C27BDE43 F23BDC4F * 00FFFF00 00FFFF00 003FFC00 003FFC00 001FF800 801FF801 000FF000 C00FF003 C007E003 F007E00F F003C00F F803C01F F801801F FE01807F 7E00007E 7F0000FE 1F0180F8 1FC183F8 07C3C3E0 07E3C7E0 83E7E7C1 C3F7EFC3 C0F7EF03 F0F3CF0F 7063C60E 7C22443E 1C000038 1F0000F8 87781EE1 E7B99DE7 E13DBC87 791DB89E * document icon ,1235 (36) .H 1FFFFF00 10FFFF80 107FFE40 107FFE20 103FFC10 103FFC08 101FF808 101FF808 100FF008 100FF008 1007E008 1007E008 1003C008 1C03C038 1C018038 1E018078 1E03C078 1F83C1F8 1F87E1F8 1FC7E3F8 17CFF3E8 17FFFFE8 11EFF788 11E7E788 1047E208 18418218 18418218 1E418278 1EF18F78 1F73CEF8 127BDE48 1FFFFFF8 * 1FFFFF00 10FFFF80 103FFC40 103FFC20 101FF810 101FF808 100FF008 100FF008 1007E008 1007E008 1003C008 1803C018 18018018 1E018078 1E000078 1F0000F8 1F0180F8 1FC183F8 17C3C3E8 17E3C7E8 13E7E7C8 13F7EFC8 10F7EF08 10F3CF08 1063C608 1C224438 1C000038 1F0000F8 17781EE8 17B99DE8 113DBC88 1FFFFFF8 SHAR_EOF # End of shell archive exit 0