(Jonathan Leblang) (12/08/86)
[Info-Mac Archives: RESEDIT-SWITCHER-TEMPLATES.HQX] Massive apologies, I tried my own medicine and had an allergic reaction. Please toss out the previously posted "CFIG" resource template. Upon using it this evening I found that I have incorrectly specified bits for the flags. On second inspection of Inside Switcher (and after a sudden bomb) I find that each flag is a full byte. So, if you use the previous CFIG resource on Switcher, bad things will surely happen sonner or later; try the "Show Info" option, that's what bombed me. Attached is a revised CFIG resource which is set up properly for the byte sized flags used by Switcher. I suggest throwing out any copy of Switcher modified via the CFIG template unless you know exactly what to do to fix the resource in Switcher. The old ESCK template is in this document as well, there have been no changes to that template. --- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#P0hDA3Z9%e36(-!9%e36&*6483!N!J#Um-q!*!%!3#3!`*M!!!"B`#3!dJi%j% k%l%m%p%q%r&!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&!j6GfPdBfKPFL"869"-Fd`#!*! $9%e36&*6483"!!!d!!"869"-8P0&4!%!!$3!`!#3$J)f!!#E1-JU!*!'!UX4JKJ aK"K4KKKaL"L4LKLaM"M4MJ!4N!!C%C)C-C3C8CBCFCJCNCSCXC`CdCiCmD!D%D) D-D3D8DBDFDJDNDSDXD`DdDiDmE!E%E)E-E3E8EBEFEJENESEXE`EdEiEmF!F%F) F-F3F8FBFFFJFNFSFXF`FdFiFmG!G%G)G-G3G8GBGF3#3!jX-6A9cG#"LC5"kCA* [4%*C9"K,CAPMEf4P)'C[FL"6GfPdBfJJ8QPRD(4%3PP8&dYPH@0[C'8JCQpb)&0 hDA4MD#"-C@Cd4%*C9"G,CAPMEf4P)'C[FL"6GfPdBfJJ3Q&MDd4#@93@3A0MD@N JCQpb)&0hDA4MD#"5D@GSG%0)39)93A0MD@NJCQpb)&0hDA4MD#"-C@Cd3dK"8J# 3!m!(5@GZEh*PC%4#@93D4'PcB@*XC5",CAPLEf&bC#"6GfPdBfKTEQG%3PP8'9* PGQ9bFf8J8hGTG'0S)%4TFQ9MG'P[ER0%3PP8$P0KE@8J6fjP)&4hD@0P4%*C9"& #B@0V)%&QG'9b)%aKG@jMD%4#@9368hGTG'0SD@jR)%&ZD@eKG'P[EN4#@93B3@a hBAPc)%0[ERCPFR3J3faTF'*[BA*N4%*C9"46GfPdBfKPFL"*EL"5Eh4KG'P[EN4 #@93!!!%!N!-#B`!!!@-!N!0)!!$-*!#q!*!$(!!q!!"869"-!!%!#J2J!!!J!*! %!6!B!pm!"5!!!*m!!60i"%963dX%3dC*4eG(!: ---