[mod.mac.binaries] dumb virtue: on-line documnentation

macintosh@felix.UUCP (03/23/87)

[dumb virtue:  on-line documnentation]

Note that to put the documentation into Mac format again you should 
pipe it through "crstrip" into a dv window and then save it on your Mac.

Kevin Eric Saunders			
ARPA: saunders@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu


"dumb virtue" v1.1 on-line documentation (copyright Kevin Eric Saunders 

How to use this command index:  select the command name with the mouse 
and use "Find selection" (Command-/) to find entries. 

>About	>Anchor	>Blank	>Cancel	>Capture	>Copy	>CR	>Cut	
>Delete	>Down	>dv	>desk	>Edit	>Find	>Get	>Find	>Free	
>Input	>Key->Menu	>Left	>Line	>Literal	>Manual	>Option	
>Output	>Page	>Paste	>Print	>Prompt	>Record	>Reformat	>Reset	
>New	>Right	>Save	>Scroll	>Select		>Select all >Sentence	
>Set	>Shift	>Tag	>Tek	>Terminal	>Undo	>UNIX	>UpFront	
>Up	>Word wrap	>XON-XOFF	>Yank 


	1:  Introduction
		1.1:  Description
		1.2:  The keyboard 
		1.3:  Window manipulation
		1.4:  Text windows
	2:  Menu commands
		2.1:  Apple
		2.2:  File
		2.3:  Edit
		2.4:  Cursor
		2.5:  Window
		2.6:  Echo
		2.7:  Comm
		2.8:  Fonts
		2.9:  Size
		2.10:  Top
	3:	Some details
		3.1:  ANSI terminal emulator
		3.2:  File uploading with UNIX
		3.3:  File uploading with other systems
		3.4:  Help files
		3.5:  Recommended settings
	4:  BUGS

1:  Introduction 

About this text:  all bracketed text [ ... ] refers to features of the 
program not yet implemented; the word WARNING is used to highlight 
dangerous operations throughout this document; and the "selection point" 
for text is referred to as the "cursor" throughout this document.  There 
are several deviations from the Macintosh "holy writ" in the program 
interface, which are labelled "DEV" in this text.  (Macintosh interface 
chauvinists may address their complaints to /dev/null; this program was 
designed to be used, not worshipped.)

1.1:  Description 

"dumb virtue" is a program for the Macintosh providing multi-window text-
editing and single-window terminal emulation.  It supports the 
association of terminal input and output with different text windows, and 
the editing of local text window contents using both the standard 
Macintosh mouse-driven commands and a complement of cursor motion 
commands.  Plain ASCII file transmission can be performed with hosts 
using timed line sends or xon/off flow control.  

The program provides a window which executes a subset of the commands in 
the ANSI X3.64 (DEC VT100-like) terminal protocol so that large files on 
a remote host can be quickly and conveniently edited.  This emulator can 
use any font (including variable width fonts) in any existing size, and 
runs at over 800 cps.  [A window which can be used to draw graphics 
output for the Tektronix 4014 is also provided.] 

The cost of the license for each executable binary image of the program 
is $20, payable to databeast, PO Box 6855, Ithaca, NY 14851.  You may 
possess and distribute non-executable images (e.g., a binhex'ed) of the 
program freely.  For $10, licensed users can purchase a copy of the 
latest version of the program from the above address.

1.2:  The keyboard 

The command (clover symbol) key is used to select menu items from the 
menus.  To execute a menu command from the keyboard rather than with the 
mouse, simply press the command key with your thumb and press the other 
character listed in the menu at the same time.  (Some items will 
metaphorically "use the end" if you hold down the Option key at the same 
time also.)  The Key->Menu command (Command-Space) turns on a special 
mode, in which all keys pressed are interpreted as menu commands.  When 
this mode is on, the menu bar is highlighted. 

When you are communicating with another computer and need to send control 
signals (e.g., Control-C, which is used on many systems to abort a 
command), pressing Option-character causes the corresponding ASCII 
control code to be sent (NOTE, however, that if you are in "Edit" mode, 
explained later, that the character will be incorporated into the text in 
the input window rather than being sent immediately!).  

1.3:  Window manipulation 

WARNING:  Pressing the mouse button in a window's go-away box causes it 
(and any text in it) to be disposed of, unless the window is the Input, 
Output, or System window.  (The Input and Output windows will remain 
unchanged, while the System window will go behind all the other windows 
when the go-away box is used.) 

1.4:  Text windows

DEV:  Striking a key when a selection exists does not delete the 
selection range.  DEV: To select a range using the keyboard, one uses the 
Anchor and Select commands, rather than holding down the Option key while 
moving the cursor.  

2:  Menu commands 

The command names and command-key equivalents (in parentheses) are 
accompanied by a brief explanation of their function.  If, when you 
attempt to execute a menu command using the mouse, the error message "out 
of RAM" appears, you should use the Free Memory command (Command--) to 
reorganize memory; if this does not free enough space, try eliminating 
some text or using smaller fonts.  The menu formats are contained in MENU 
resources, so if you wish to modify the command keys, you can easily do 
so using ResEdit.  DEV:  the Menu Bar is used to present prompts.

2.1:  Apple menu 

>About dumb virtue:  This menu item contains useful information about 
this program and licensing provisions.  

>Free Memory (-):  Prints the amount of memory free and then reorganizes 
memory so that space is used more efficiently (doing this twice  will 
yield a larger but somewhat unrealistic free memory estimate).  

>Key->Menu (Spacebar):  Places the keyboard in command mode, so that all 
keystrokes are interpreted as menu commands.  The menu bar is inverted 
while this mode is in effect.

2.2:  File menu 

This menu contains commands related to file access and printing.  The 
file-related commands initiate dialogs based on the Macintosh Standard 
File dialogs.  These commands operate on the contents of the front 
window, which must be a text window.  

>Get ... (G):  Allows you to load a file from disk into the window.  

>Save ... (Z):  Saves the contents of the window in a file.  If the 
Option key is held down, they will be appended.

>Save selection ...:  Saves the current selection range in the front 
window in a file.  If the Option key is held down, it will be appended.

>Delete ...:  Deletes the file you select.  WARNING:  It doesn't ask 

>Print selection:  This command will print the text selection in the 
front window.  If no text is selected, the whole text is printed.  It 
assumes that the printer is on the Printer Port if the Printer has not 
been set up using the Comm menu.  WARNING:  The print routine is not the 
Macintosh-standard print routine, so don't expect to be able to use a 
LaserWriter.  The advantages to this approach are that this routine 
allows you to edit while printing, it is much faster when you are simply 
getting a hard copy of some text printed, and the printed text is 
properly spaced (unlike Macintosh Print Manager draft mode text).  

>New page:  Sends a form feed to the printer to start a new page and 
resets the line count to 0.  

>Cancel Print:  Cancels printing.  

>Reset printer:  Sets the printer's left margin, tab locations, and Top 
of Form.  Use this command before printing.  (The commands sent to the 
printer assume you are using an Imagewriter.  The paper should be 
positioned on the line where you wish to begin printing.  If you are 
using a different brand of printer, you can initialize it by creating a 
file containing the escape sequences needed to set the margin, etc.  Edit 
mode allows you to enter "non-printing characters" into a text window.) 

>Line spacing ...:  Brings up a dialog which allows you to set the number 
of spaces between lines on a printout.

>Manual feed:  Causes the program to wait in between pages so you can 
insert a new one manually.

>Capture ...:  Allows you to save host output directly to disk.  First a 
dialog appears which asks for the filename you want to use.  After 
selecting the name, the program will wait until after you type the next 
line to start saving output.  The host should send an ESCAPE () 
character to terminate the capture; the capture will terminate after 
about 30 seconds if no output ceases to arrive.

>Cancel capture:  Cancels the current file capture.

>Send line (Shift-Enter):  Pressing the Shift-Enter key combination sends 
the selected text in the current Input window to the host computer, 
wrapping around when the column exceeds the current Output Wrap setting 
(see explanation of Input window below).  If no selection has been made, 
the program will send the host the contents of the current line to the 
right of the cursor WITHOUT wrapping it.  Note that this command can be 
executed while the terminal window is in front.  

>Send all (Option-Enter):  Pressing the Option-Enter key combination 
causes all the text in the Input window to be sent.  

>Cancel Send:  Cancels transmission of text sent using Shift or Option 

>Save Configuration ...:  Saves the serial port configuration, and the 
value of the options which are set in the "Echo" menu along with the 
"Manual feed" option.  By modifying the 2nd and 3rd hexadecimal entries 
in the CONF 0 resource using ResEdit, you can configure the terminal 
window to be created with an arbitrary number of rows and columns (note 
that you need to inform the host of the values; see particularly ESC[!R 
in the section on the terminal).

>Quit:  Exits the program and returns to the Finder.  

2.3:  Edit menu 

These commands affect the front window.  

>Undo (Z):  Undoes the last Cut, Copy, Paste, or Delete Right command.

>Cut (X):  Cuts the selected portion of text, keeping a copy in the dv 

>Copy (C):  Copies the selected portion of text into the dv Scrap.  

>Paste (V):  Pastes the scrap into the text at the cursor; this replaces 
a selection range.  

>Clear:  WARNING:  Deletes the selected text without placing a copy in 
the Scrap.  Useful when deleting large amounts of text on a 128K machine, 
when there may be too little memory to hold a copy.  

>Select all:  Selects the entire text.  

>dv scrap->desk scrap:  Copies the text last copied or cut into the 
Macintosh desk scrap so it can be used by another program.  

>desk scrap->dv scrap:  Copies the current desk scrap into dumb virtue's 
text scrap.  

>Shift left:  Shift the selected text to the left by deleting a tab 
character at the beginning of each line.

>Shift right:  Shifts the selected text to the right by inserting a tab 
at the beginning of each line.

>Tag set ... (T):  Saves the location of the selection range so you can 
go to that selection using the Yank command.  After selecting this 
command, you must press a key from a-z which will associate that range 
with that character.  

>Yank tag ... (Y):  Sets the selection range to the range associated with 
the key pressed, bringing the window to the front if necessary.  If no 
tag is associated with that character, nothing happens.  

2.4:  Cursor menu 

All of the following commands affect the current Input window.  These 
commands ordinarily use the beginning of the selection; if you hold down 
the Option key, they will move from (or show) the end of the selection.

>Find cursor ('):  Scrolls text in the window so that the cursor is 

>Set cursor (;):  Places the cursor in the middle of the window.  

>Left (H):  Moves the cursor left one position.  

>Down (J):  Moves the cursor down one line, where lines are separated by 
carriage returns.  

>Up (K):  Moves the cursor up one line, where lines are separated by 
carriage returns.  

>Right (L):  Moves the cursor right one position.  

>Delete Right (Backspace):  Deletes the character (or selection plus one 
character) to the right of the cursor, placing a copy of this in the dv 
Scrap.  Holding down the Option key makes it delete to the left.

>Word left (,):  Moves the cursor left one word in the text.  (Words are 
delimited by ASCII characters less than 32 decimal.) 

>Word right (.):  Moves the cursor right one word in the text.  (Words 
are delimited by ASCII characters less than 32 decimal.)  Holding the 
Option key down will move to the end of the word.

>Sentence left ([):  Moves the cursor left by a "sentence," which is 
loosely defined as either a Return, or a '.', '?', '!', ']', '"', or ')' 
followed one or more spaces.  The Option key moves to the end of the 
previous sentence.

>Sentence right (]):  Moves the cursor right by a sentence using the same 
rule as the Sentence left command.  The Option key moves to the end of 
the current sentence.

>Page down (N):  Pages down in the window without moving the cursor.  

>Page up (M):  Pages up in the window without moving the cursor.  

>Match brackets (B):  Selects the text within the bracket to the right of 
the cursor.  You can customize this function by adding or deleting 
entries from the bracket-pair table in the BRCK resource.

>Anchor (A):  Sets one end of the selection range.  

>Select (S):  Sets the other end of the selection range.  

2.5:  Window menu 

The windows, which are numbered from 0 to 9, are controlled by the Window 
menu.  The four options at the top allow you to control the action taken 
when you select one of the windows.  

>UpFront (U):  Selecting "Up front" will cause the next window selected 
to be made the front window.  In the front window, you can select text 
with the mouse and use the commands in the Edit and Top menus.

>Input (I):  This window is marked with a '<' in the list of windows 
under the "Window" Menu.  Setting "Input" on will cause any text window 
selected to be made the "Input window."  In this window you can use the 
"Cursor" menu commands.  NOTE:  Typing only appears in the Input window 
when the "Edit" or "Record" options under the "Echo" menu are on.  

>Output (O):  The current output window is marked with a '>'.  Setting 
"Output" on will cause any text window selected to be made the "Output 
window."  Characters received from a remote computer will appear in this 
window.  (There are two modes of operation which directly affect this 
window, CR = CR-LF and Literal output, both under the "Echo" menu.)  

>Blank modes:  This command causes the Up front, Input, and Output 
options to be set "off" for easier use of these commands from the 

>0-9 (0-9):  These items select one of the windows, setting it according 
to the Up front, Input, and Output options currently in force.  

Open:  Serves only as a heading and does nothing.  

>Terminal (D):  Selecting the "Terminal" option in the Windows menu 
brings forward a window which emulates an intelligent terminal.  This 
window does not save text off the top, so it can be used to avoid filling 
up memory with text you don't want to save.

The commands used are a subset of ANSI X3.64, which is similar to the 
command set for the DEC VT100; with most hosts, you should declare that 
you are using a VT100 or an ANSI terminal.  A "termcap" [and a 
"terminfo"] entry describing its functions is provided for use with UNIX 

[>Tek 4014:  Emulates a Tektronix 4014 graphics display device.]

>Scratchpad (`):  Brings the Scratchpad window to the front, makes it the 
Input window, and turns off transmission to the host (i.e., "Edit 
locally" in the "Echo" menu is set on).  If the Scratchpad is in front, 
it will be sent behind and the old communications parameters restored.

2.6:  Echo menu 

>Record input (R):  When you type into a text window and this mode is on, 
keystrokes other than ASCII control characters appear in the Input 
window.  ASCII control characters are echoed immediately to the host.  
When the Return key is struck the line of text will be sent.  

>Edit locally (E):  This mode has precedence over the "Record input" 
mode.  When you type into a text window and this mode is on, all 
keystrokes (including ASCII control characters) appear in the Input 
window, but they are not echoed to the serial port.  Note that if both 
Record and Edit modes are off, characters do not appear in the Input 
window, but are echoed to the host immediately.  

>Prompt skip (P):  This mode exists so that a line sent when Record mode 
is on, and the Input window and Output window are the same, will NOT 
include a system prompt which has been incorporated in the current line 
of local text.  The prompt MUST be followed by a space.  

>Break:  This command sends a break to the remote system.  

>Option = Ctrl:  When this mode is on, option-key combinations are 
interpreted as ASCII control characters.  (Note that these are only 
incorporated into text when the Edit mode is on.)  When "Option = Ctrl" 
is off, the option key makes the extended Apple character set.  

>Literal output:  When this mode is on, all output from the host received 
on the modem port is added to the output window without interpretation of 
any sort.  This mode is useful for analysing output from other devices 
when used in conjunction with an extended character set such as Mona, 
which allows you to see the non-printing characters.  

>Output wrap ...:  Brings up a dialog box which allows you to set the 
column position at which wrapping of text sent to the modem or printer 
will occur.  If you want no wrapping to occur, use 0.  

>BS = DEL:  Causes a DEL (delete) character to be sent to the host 
computer when the Backspace key is struck.  

>CR = CR-LF:  This command switches the interpretation of Carriage Return 
and Newline characters sent from the host, and causes dumb virtue to 
incorporate as much text as possible into the output window at once.  
This is useful in conjunction with certain terminal configuration options 
available on UNIX (the send newline only options--"stty nl" under 4.2 
BSD, and similar options under SIII, SV, and their compatibles, such as 
XENIX); when CR = CR-LF is set and the proper terminal mode is selected, 
the speed of transmission into a text window increases from 290 cps to 
752 cps.  

>UNIX windows:  Sets up the program to function with John Bruner's uw 
program, which supports multiple virtual terminals under UNIX 4.2BSD.  
Using this option, you can run several programs simultaneously in 
separate windows so their output is not mixed up.  NOTE:  uw assumes it 
is dealing with an adm31-like terminal; you can deal with this by 
resetting the terminal type after starting it up.

>Input lag ..., >Output lag ...:  These options bring up a dialog box 
which allows you to set the length of time in ticks (60ths of a second) 
the program will wait to read input or write a line of output, 
respectively.  The read lag helps make character drawing more efficient 
by allowing the program to wait until a whole line can be drawn at a 
time; the output lag helps allow the uploading of files to hosts which 
cannot handle rapid input.  

>Terminal wrap ...:  Sets the number of pixels at which the terminal 
window will attempt to scroll, so the window can handle long lines.  

>XON-XOFF:  Turns XON/XOFF (DC1/DC3) handshaking with the host on and 

2.7:  Comm menu 

>Modem/Printer:  Selects the default port on which Comm menu item choices 
take effect.  

>Modem port, or >Printer port:  Sets the port on which the device named 
above will be reading and writing, and on which the changes in the 
settings below will have their effect.  On setting the modem 
configuration, the windows are rearranged and the "Echo" options are 
changed to the most useful configuration.  

>Baud:  Sets the baud rate of the port.  

>Parity:  Sets parity options for the port.  

>Stop Bits:  Sets stop bit options for the port.  

>Data Bits:  Sets the number of data bits expected by the port.  

2.8:  Fonts menu 

You can select any font available in your System file with this menu.  If 
the font does not exist in the current size, you must select a new size 
before it will be displayed.  

2.9:  Size menu 

Using this menu you can select any real font size available for the 
current font.  

2.10:  Top menu 

Commands in this menu affect the front window.  

>Find selection (/):  Finds a string of characters in the front window 
matching (literally) the characters in the current selection range.  If 
no selection range is set, this command searches for the string used in 
the previous search.  If no match is found, the selection range is set 
back to the cursor.  You can also search backwards by pressing the Option 
key when you press Command-/.

>Find ... (\):  works like "Find selection", but instead prompts for a 
string, which is echoed as it is entered in the blanked-out Menu Bar.  
When you enter Return, the program will look for a match.  (Tip:  
entering Command-C will abort the command.)  

>Go to line ... (=):  Prompts for a line number and locates the cursor at 
the beginning of the line.  Entering Return will take you to the end of 
the text.

>Scroll:  When scroll is on, the text in a window will move up when text 
is added and the cursor goes past the bottom.  Turning off Scroll in the 
output window allows you to examine the output at your own speed with the 
scrollbars as text is added to the Output window.  WARNING:  don't move 
the cursor around!  Remember, text gets added at the location of the 
cursor, not the end of text.  

>Word wrap:  When word wrap is on, the text in a window will wrap around 
when the cursor goes past the right edge.  

>Label (TAB):  Causes a label to be drawn in the front window's title 
bar, containing information on the state of the program:  the number of 
the input window, a '>', the number of the output window, three labels 
"REP" to indicate whether Record, Edit, and Prompt modes are on, three 
labels "UIO" to indicate whether a window will be made the Up-front, 
Input, and/or Output window when selected using a menu-key combination, 
the length of the text in the front window, a '*' if that window has been 
modified, and a carriage return symbol if word wrap is off.  

>Reformat:  This command reformats the text in the top window to fit into 
its current borders, and resets it to the top.  

3:  Some details 

3.1:  ANSI terminal emulator 

Following is a termcap file for Berkeley UNIX 4.2.  If you wish to use a 
larger or smaller font for your display, you can make an entry for 
smaller screen sizes by duplicating the last five lines and changing 
instances of "24" to the number of lines which will fit.  The standard 
font, Mona 9, fits in a dumv-28 frame.  Monaco 9 also fits in a dumv-28 
frame, while Geneva 9 fits in a dumv-26 frame, and most 12-point fonts 
fit in a dumv-20 frame.  Mona 8, for those who like their text compact, 
fits in a dumv-30 frame.

DV|dumv-unk|dumb virtue:\
D5|dumv-24|dumb virtue:\

3.2:  File uploading with UNIX 

In conjunction with the UNIX commands "stty tandem -echo" and "cat 
>filename", the Enter key send selection commands make it possible to 
upload a text selection to a UNIX file.  The "stty tandem -echo" command 
tells the host:  1) to tell the Macintosh when it has temporarily run out 
of room for input; and 2) to stop sending your terminal an echo of your 
input, so that your output window is not stuffed with duplicated 
material.  Inserting the text you wish to upload between "cat >filename" 
and a single Control-D character (which can be inserted when the "Edit 
locally" option is on), selecting all of the above, and pressing the 
Shift-Enter key will save the text in the file "filename".  

3.3:  File uploading with other systems 

3.4:  Help files 

Help files are provided which can be loaded into windows from the 
Macintosh disk drive; these can be customized to make use of the UNIX 
system and its utilities less confusing to the naive user--or, 
alternatively, more convenient for the experienced user.  The contents of 
a window can be saved on the Macintosh disk, so that these "menus" can be 
easily modified by the user to suit his or her preferences.  Similar 
menus can be constructed for use with any system.  

3.5:  Recommended settings 

The key-repeat speed should be set to 3 using the Control Panel desk 

4:  BUGS 

"Systems software means never being able to say you're sorry." 

Text is limited to 32K, and when word wrap is on it wraps very slowly.  
These flaws are part of the Macintosh TextEdit routines, which I have not 
yet replaced.

Sometimes the cursor in a text window will appear to be on the end of a 
line, but will actually be on the beginning of the next line.  Using the 
Reformat command or typing a Backspace at the very beginning of the text 
should fix this problem.  

Be careful about using too much memory on a 128K Mac; if your disk starts 
spinning frequently, it's a sign that the machine is releasing resources 
from memory in order to attempt to create enough space for some operation 
and then reloading them from the disk.  You should close a window or 
delete some text to make more room.  The Macintosh's memory management 
software can fail in mysterious ways, so be careful; use the Free Memory 
command in the "Apple" menu to find out how much space is used, and free 
up space if Free gets to be less than 6000 bytes.  The best solution is 
to get a bigger Mac.  

Error messages and explanations: 

Text window full
	A text window has become full, and so text processing in that window 
	has shut down to prevent TextEdit from going wacko.  
disk full
	The file could not be saved because the disk was full.
disk locked
	The file could not be saved because the disk was locked.
file locked
	The file could not be saved because the file was locked.
file > 32KB, too big
	The file is too large for the Apple Macintosh standard 
	text package, TextEdit.
Modem off
	The modem must be on before you can use the Terminal command.
no close
	The file could not be closed after writing.
no create
	Couldn't create a file.
no delete
	The file could not be deleted.
no fromscrap
no toscrap
	For some reason the system scrap can't be copied to the text scrap
	or vice versa.
no open
	a window can't be opened because there is too little memory.  Try 
	deleting unnecessary material.
no read
	Couldn't read a file.
no serial write
	The serial port is not open.
no write
	The attempt to write the file to disk failed.
no update
	The volume information has not been updated, so if your machine crashes your 
	files may not appear on the disk anymore, even if you can currently 
	access them.
out of RAM
	You're short of space.  Try deleting unneeded material.  You can use 
	Command - to reorganize memory and tell you how short you are.
Serial conf. failed
	The serial port setting you attempted has failed.
	Alas, the feature you have attempted to use does not exist.
