[mod.mac.binaries] dumb virtue: tutorial

macintosh@felix.UUCP (03/23/87)

[dumb virtue:  tutorial]


Using dumb virtue to communicate . . . a short tutorial.

Kevin Eric Saunders (copyright 1986)

[NOTE:  You are advised to read each paragraph before proceeding with any 
suggestions made.  After starting up "dumb virtue," "Get" this file from 
the diskette so you can read it while using the Macintosh.  If you are 
using a 128K Macintosh to examine  this document, you may have already 
run out of free space on the Macintosh heap; you should use the Command - 
key to Free Memory so you can display the Menus!  Gratuitous advice for 
128K owners:  "Gibs auf!  Gibs auf!"--Franz Kafka.]


	Two windows are present when "dumb virtue" is launched:  Window 
0, which covers most of the screen, and the ScratchPad window, which is 
behind Window 0.  (Note that the window number appears in the Go Away 

	Window 0 is configured on startup as the editing or "Input" 
window.  You can edit text in this window, using the mouse to position 
the cursor and make selections; you can also move the cursor and make 
selections by using commands in the "Cursor" menu.  The amount of text in 
a text window is limited to 32,767 characters.  

	The ScratchPad is a special text window; it is used to display 
error messages and other program messages, and it can be used for more 
general purposes also, since it functions as an editing window when it 
has been brought forward.  You can see the ScratchPad window by moving 
the Grow Box in the lower right hand corner of Window 0; you can also see 
the ScratchPad by choosing the "Window" menu option "ScratchPad".  
Choosing that option again will send it back.  (You can also send it back 
by clicking in its Go-Away Box, but--WARNING!--clicking in the Go-Away 
Box of other text windows may cause them to disappear completely, along 
with their contents!).  Go ahead and fool around with entering text into 
the ScratchPad window, if you haven't already.

	To connect to another computer, you need to use either the "Modem 
port" or "Printer port" command under the "Comm" menu to select which 
serial port will be used for communications.  Executing this command will 
create both Window 1 and a "terminal window," which is used when you need 
to emulate a DEC VT100 (or other ANSI-X3.64-like) intelligent terminal.  
The program also resizes Window 0 and changes the settings of the 
windows.  Window 0, which was originally both the Input and Output 
window, will no longer be the Output window, and will also be MUCH 
SMALLER.  Window 1 will now be the Output window.  Your typing will 
appear in Window 0, but will not be sent to the host; when you type 
"Return" the line of text will be sent, and the response of the host will 
be displayed in Window 1, the Output window.  Thus, you can make 
corrections to long or tedious commands before sending them to the host, 
saving much fruitless prestidigitation.  

	Go ahead and choose the proper port for your connection to the 
host computer.  You may also need to reset the baud rate from 1200 (most 
likely to 9600) using the commands in the "Comm" menu.  After putting the 
cursor on a line below this paragraph, try typing a Return and see if you 
get a response from your host.  (If you don't get a response, or if you 
get garbage, you should try changing some of the communication 
parameters.  Also, please note:  entering text is MUCH faster at the end 
of a document than in its middle!)  

	If you want to change the size of this window so you can see more 
of this text, go ahead, you can always move it back when you want to see 
more output.  Log on to your host computer ... (SECRET COMMAND!  Use 
"Record input" [Command-R] and your password will not be recorded in the 
Input window.  Another Command-R will turn recording back on.  The 
perceptive among you will notice that a little "R" goes on and off in the 
left of the top window's drag bar along with this mode.)

	As you can see, everything in your session (except the mistakes 
you correct before sending a line!) is being recorded in Window 1.  You 
can look at long file directories, for example, and the results will be 
saved as the window scrolls up.  (If you're using a UNIX machine, run a 
"who"--I think Robert Redford just logged on!)

	Well, so he wasn't there--so sue me.  Ahem.  If you don't want to 
save the input or output from your commands, you can use Command-D (the 
"Terminal" command in the "Window" menu) to switch the VT100 emulation 
window on (and off, when you want the text windows back).  Go ahead and 
turn it on!  Run a few commands and then turn the terminal off again to 
come back to this text.


	If you look under the "Window" menu, you will see that there are 
entries for 10 windows, numbered from 0 through 9.  These help you 
control the "text windows."   When you select one of these window numbers 
from the menu (or keyboard), the window will be created if it does not 
yet exist, and will be set according to the current specifications listed 
at the top of the "Window" menu:  Front, Input, and/or Output.  If the 
"Front" item is checked, then the window (0-9) chosen from the menu will 
be brought up to the front.  The commands from the File, Edit, Fonts, 
Size, and Top menus apply to the Front window.  If the "Input" item is 
checked, the window selected will be made the "Input window."  This is 
the window where typed characters usually first appear, and the cursor 
motion commands in the "Cursor" menu apply.  If the Output item is 
checked, the window you select will be made the "Output window," which is 
the window where output from the modem appears.

	When you're using the Terminal window, the other windows' right 
edges are apparent at the far right of the screen, so that you can select 
them with the mouse.  Doing so for any one of them makes the Input window 
active rather than the Terminal window, even if it's still behind another 
window!  The terminally curious can check this out for themselves by 
selecting Window 1 after selecting the Terminal window.

	Thus, you can use several Output windows to hold different types 
of output--for example, a long file list of your current directory in 2, 
and a copy of your latest mail in 3.  You can even do all your window 
manipulation without using the mouse.

	For another example, here is a technique for using a mail system:  
you can list a note into your Output window, and then, if you wish to 
reply, you can refer to it as you draft your response using an Input 
window.  You might also want to save the note on the Macintosh diskette 
so you can draft a response at home or keep it for future reference.  The 
Scratchpad is good for drafting notes in this fashion, since it 
conveniently turns "Edit Locally" on when it's brought up, so that typing 
a Return at the end of a paragraph won't send the text of a paragraph to 
the host.  Thus, you can compose a long note on your Macintosh using 
autowrap, referring, as needed, to text in other windows.  When you're 
ready to send it, you can select the whole text and send it by pressing 
Option-Enter; the text will be wrapped at the 72nd column (or the column 
you've specified using the "Output Wrap" command from the "Echo" menu) so 
that your note is reasonably formatted--something that's a bit of a pain 
to manage when editing notes using some other text editors.



	You'll have noticed that text scrolls some distance before the 
bottom, because it hasn't been reset from 24 lines per screen.  If you 
want more lines, you need to tell the system more precisely what kind of 
terminal the window emulates.  If you want to use more lines--you can 
have up to 30 with the Mona 8 font--you can follow the directions for 
setting your terminal type in the paragraphs below.  (This will also 
speed up the terminal!)  If you're not interested in using more lines, 
you should set the font to Mona 9 or Monaco 9 to make the line spacing a 
little bigger.  When you change fonts, the new font will appear only if 
the current size actually exists; if it doesn't change, set the size to 
the one you want.  

	To set up your terminal, we will send the host some commands (the 
ones listed here are compatible with 4.n BSD and XENIX).  Place the 
cursor at the beginning of the line following .  Now we will perform some 
"dumb virtue":  press the Shift-Enter key combination, which will send 
the selection to the host.

*  4.n BSD UNIX, using csh (prompt is a "%")
	setenv TERMCAP "dumv-24|DV|dumv-unk|dumb \
	setenv TERM dumv-24; tset -

RESPONSE:  %dumv-24

	The host should have responded with something very much like the 
text on the next line, where the cursor is now sitting .  If the response 
is not the same, ask your system administrator what to do.

	You can also use Shift-Enter to send a single line from the Input 
text window to your host.  Tell you what:  set the cursor back at the 
beginning of the line in this window where you typed the "who," and press 
Shift-Enter.  Note that after the line is sent off to the host, the 
cursor is left at the beginning of the next line.


	The features of this program make it easy, when editing using the 
vi text editor on your host, to dump output you wish to keep around into 
a text window.  For example, say that you are editing a letter, and wish 
to refer to another letter; you can use the command ":e filename" to get 
the other letter and look at it without leaving the editor.  Alas, the 
exact name you gave the letter ... you can no longer remember.  You need 
to get a long directory listing (using the command "ls -l") so you can 
find out what you called it.

	You can do this without leaving the editor by using a "shell 
escape."  In vi, if you type the characters ":!", the following 
characters up to a carriage return will be executed by your UNIX shell as 
a command, and the output from the command will be dumped on your screen 
(but NOT in your document!).

	Therefore, using dumb virtue, we can 1) Do a Command-D to go from 
the terminal window to the text windows, 2) Enter the command line 

	:!ls -l

in the Input window (normally 0), and 3) send it with either a Shift-
Enter (with the cursor at its beginning) or a Return (with the cursor at 
its end).  The output will be directed into the current Output text 
window.  When output has ceased, vi prints a message, "Press newline to 
return"; then you can do a Command-D to go back to the terminal window.  
THEN you can press the Return key, which will cause vi to refresh your 
terminal screen (pardon it, it doesn't know any better).  (If you press 
Return while still using the text windows, the Output window will receive 
the control codes vi is using to move the cursor around the terminal 
window--not very esthetic, really.  Aficianados of terminal behavior 
should investigate dumb virtue's "Literal output" command so they can 

	For another example, assume that you are using vi to examine some 
news messages you've downloaded from a bulletin board service.  One of 
the messages refers to a marvelous program called "Dead Fred", worth 
every penny of the $49.95 it costs.  Your curiosity is stimulated, and 
you wonder whether other postings have been made commenting on this 
product--in short, whether you realize this yet or not, you WANT to run 
the command 

	egrep 'Dead Fred' *

(assuming your current directory is the one containing files with such 
news in them, so  the '*'--sometimes called a "wildcard character"--will 
match the filenames of the files you're interested in searching through).  
So, you do a Command-D, and type 

	:! egrep 'Dead Fred' *

to cause the creation of a new shell level which will run the deadly 
accurate egrep command.  You can then sort through the matches--if any--
to see whether more encomiums for this civilization-builder of a program 
have accumulated.
