[net.sf-lovers] ISHMAEL, by Barbara Hambly

Fournier.pasa@Xerox.ARPA (05/24/85)

From: Fournier.pasa@Xerox.ARPA

		ISHMAEL, a Star Trek Novel by Barbara Hambly. 
	       NY: Pocket Books, l985. Pb., cover by Vallejo, $3.50.

	This is a Trek novel wherein events happen so that Spock finds himself
in the universe of another late 60's TV show, "Here Come the Brides",
and some characters from other TV shows of a similar period (plus some
surprise guests from film media of more recent vintage).  (This is yet
another in the line of books my friend Meg Garrett called me up to say,
"You have to read this one!"  One of them was Diane Duane's DOOR INTO
FIRE, so I usually am ready to listen.) 

	Due to the plethora of complaints about spoilers in reviews, I don't
think I want to say anything more about the plot.  I did enjoy this book
immensely, and it is DEFINITELY light reading. I think a number of
people who have read Barbara's other books will enjoy it, and if you
liked what Diane Duane did for Star Trek novels, you will probably like
this one, as well.
	I do have an anecdote concerning this novel.  Meg and some other
friends and I were waiting outside of McCabe's in Santa Monica, to see
Silly Wizard, a Scottish group who play traditional and
quasi-traditional Scottish music (and a few from Ireland, as well) on
May 10th.  We were discussing the book, and some of the characters, and
wondering if any of us would get to a convention in the near future
where Ms. Hambly was likely to show up.  While I thought she was living
in Riverside these days, I was not sure, and the only other alternative
was to write to her care of the publisher, and wait for a reply. I
happened to look up 31st Street, and saw the woman who had introduced me
to McCabe's a few years ago, and Lo and behold! Barbara Hambly was right
next to her.  This was only a mild surprise, because they had gone to
the same schools in Ontario.

	We conspired to hold the book in such a way as the author would be
unable to miss seeing it, and when she was close enough, Meg said, "You
wicked woman!", whereupon Barbara laughed.  Paul Davis spoke up and
said, "It's a silly book."  Barbara replied, "Of course it's silly.
It's probably the first INTENTIONALLY silly Trek novel published.  There
are a number of other silly ones, but not because the author set out to
write it that way."   She was then bombarded with queries about this
character, and that one, to which suitable replies were made, and
interested parties may query me AFTER reading the book.  She did mention
that she had asked her editors to check copyrights VERY carefull, due to
the aforementioned characters being on other shows, and she was assured
most sincerely that this was done, and approved.

				A. Marina Fournier