taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (06/28/86)
more tickets, from all over the state [2500 in all!]. It seems that when a police officer writes a parking ticket for a car with no license plates, he writes ``NO PLATE'' on the ticket. Our friend took his problem to the DMV, which informed him that he should change his plates. The DMV also changed their procedures. They now instruct officers to write the word ``NONE'' on the unplated parking tickets. Wonder who's gonna get those tickets now? -chuck price [Obviously some poor sap whose license plate says ``NONE''! PGN]
taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (07/01/86)
-------- This article is from price@src.DEC.COM (Chuck Price) and was received on Tue Jun 24 02:43:46 1986 -------- [originally from the RISKS Digest mailing list. I found this most interesting and a comment on the `omniscient' attitude people have towards computers... Incidentally, PGN = Peter Neumann, moderator of RISKS Digest -- Dave] I heard the following tale on KCBS this morning. [I intersperse a few details from the SF Chron, 23 Jun 86. PGN] It seems that this fellow [Robert Barbour] desired personalized license plates for his car. Since he loved sailing, he applied for ``SAILING'' and ``BOATING'' as his first two choices [seven years ago]. He couldn't think of a third name of NAUTICAL intent, so he wrote ``NO PLATE'' in as his third choice. You guessed it. He got ``NO PLATE''. A week or so later, he received his first parking ticket in the mail. This was followed by more and more tickets, from all over the state [2500 in all!]. It seems that when a police officer writes a parking ticket for a car with no license plates, he writes ``NO PLATE'' on the ticket. Our friend took his problem to the DMV, which informed him that he should change his plates. The DMV also changed their procedures. They now instruct officers to write the word ``NONE'' on the unplated parking tickets. Wonder who's gonna get those tickets now? -chuck price [Obviously some poor sap whose license plate says ``NONE''! PGN]