doc@pucc-j.UUCP (06/28/86)
Reply-To: ihnp4!cbmvax!carolyn@ecn (Carolyn Scheppner) REM ScreenPrint REM Carolyn Scheppner CBM 04/86 REM REM Graphic screen dump to the printer REM using exec library calls REM Requires exec.bmap REM Use Preferences to select options REM such as GrayScale and Negative REM *** Calling Program *** REM Custom Screen, some graphics w = 320: h = 200: d = 5 SCREEN 2,w,h,d,1 t$=" D = Draw P = Print Q = Quit " WINDOW 2,t$,,15,2 PALETTE 0,1,1,1 PALETTE 1,.2,.4,.8 GOSUB DrawLines: MainLoop: k$ = INKEY$ IF k$ = "d" THEN GOSUB DrawLines: ELSEIF k$ = "p" THEN BorderFlag% = 0 'No borders printed GOSUB ScreenDump REM Time to read any error msgs FOR de = 1 TO 5000: NEXT ELSEIF k$ = "q" THEN GOTO Quit: END IF GOTO MainLoop: Quit: WINDOW CLOSE 2 SCREEN CLOSE 2 END DrawLines: CLS RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR k = 1 TO 12 x1 = 80 + INT(RND(1) * (w - 160)) x2 = 80 + INT(RND(1) * (w - 160)) y1 = 40 + INT(RND(1) * (h - 100)) y2 = 40 + INT(RND(1) * (h - 100)) dx = 2 + INT(RND(1) * 3) IF RND(1) < .5 THEN dx = -dx dy = 2 + INT(RND(1) * 2) IF RND(1) < .5 THEN dy = -dy co = 1 + INT(RND(1) * 16) nl = 12 + INT(RND(1) * 10) FOR j = 1 TO nl LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),co x1 = x1 + dx x2 = x2 + dx y1 = y1 + dy y2 = y2 - dy NEXT NEXT RETURN END ScreenDump: REM If first call of this routine REM declare the exec library functions REM which return values IF AlreadyDeclared = 0 THEN DECLARE FUNCTION AllocSignal%() LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION AllocMem&() LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION FindTask&() LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION DoIO&() LIBRARY DECLARE FUNCTION OpenDevice& LIBRARY AlreadyDeclared = 1 END IF REM Get addresses of the structures sWindow& = WINDOW(7) sScreen& = PEEKL(sWindow& + 46) sViewPort& = sScreen& + 44 sRastPort& = sScreen& + 84 sColorMap& = PEEKL(sViewPort& + 4) REM Get Screen width, height, modes maxWidth% = PEEKW(sScreen& + 12) maxHeight% = PEEKW(sScreen& + 14) viewModes% = PEEKW(sViewPort& + 32) REM Set up parameters for dump command command% = 11 'Printer command number srcX% = 0 'Send whole screen srcY% = 0 srcWidth% = maxWidth% srcHeight% = maxHeight% destRows& = 0 'Dump will compute destCols& = 0 special% = &H84 'FullCol | Aspect IF BorderFlag% = 0 THEN 'No Borders srcX% = srcX% + 3 srcY% = srcY% + 11 srcWidth% = srcWidth% - 3 - 11 srcHeight% = srcHeight% - 11 - 3 END IF LIBRARY "exec.library" REM *** CreatePort *** sigBit% = AllocSignal%(-1) ClearPublic& = 65537& msgPort& = AllocMem&(40,ClearPublic&) IF msgPort& = 0 THEN PRINT "Can't allocate msgPort" GOTO cleanup4 END IF POKE(msgPort& + 8), 4 'Type=NT_MSGPORT POKE(msgPort& + 9), 0 'Priority 0 portName$ = "MyPrtPort"+CHR$(0) POKEL(msgPort& + 10), SADD(portName$) POKE(msgPort& + 14), 0 'Flags POKE(msgPort& + 15), sigBit% sigTask& = FindTask&(0) POKEL(msgPort& + 16), sigTask& CALL AddPort(msgPort&) 'Add the port REM *** CreatExtIO *** ioRequest& = AllocMem&(64,ClearPublic&) IF ioRequest& = 0 THEN PRINT "Can't allocate ioRequest" GOTO cleanup3 END IF POKE(ioRequest& + 8),5 'Type=NT_MESSAGE POKE(ioRequest& + 9),0 'Priority 0 POKEL(ioRequest& + 14), msgPort& REM *** Open the Printer Device *** devName$ = "printer.device"+CHR$(0) pError& = OpenDevice&(SADD(devName$),0,ioRequest&,0) IF pError& <> 0 THEN PRINT "Can't open printer" GOTO cleanup2 END IF REM *** Dump the RastPort *** POKEWW(ioRequest& + 28), command% POKEL(ioRequest& + 32), sRastPort& POKEL(ioRequest& + 36), sColorMap& POKEL(ioRequest& + 40), viewModes% POKEW(ioRequest& + 44), srcX% POKEW(ioRequest& + 46), srcY% POKEW(ioRequest& + 48), srcWidth% POKEW(ioRequest& + 50), srcHeight% POKEL(ioRequest& + 52), destCols& POKEL(ioRequest& + 56), destRows& POKEW(ioRequest& + 60), special% ioError& = DoIO&(ioRequest&) IF ioError& <> 0 THEN PRINT "DumpRPort error =" ioError& GOTO cleanup1 END IF cleanup1: REM *** Close Printer Device *** CALL CloseDevice(ioRequest&) cleanup2: REM *** DeleteExtIO *** POKE(ioRequest& + 8), &HFF POKEL(ioRequest& + 20), &HFFFF POKEL(ioRequest& + 24), &HFFFF CALL FreeMem(ioRequest&,64) cleanup3: REM *** DeletePort *** CALL RemPort(msgPort&) POKE(msgPort& + 8), &HFF POKEL(msgPort& + 20), &HFFFF CALL FreeSignal(sigBit%) CALL FreeMem(msgPort&,40) cleanup4: LIBRARY CLOSE RETURN