[mod.amiga] Announcing a forthcoming new compiler.

mod-amiga@ulowell.UUCP (06/20/86)

Reply-To: ...!ihnp4!alberta!myrias!cg (Chris Gray)

Announcing an upcoming compiler "product" for the Amiga.

Sometime in the next couple of months (hopefully), I will be releasing and
probably posting (any objections?) the binary for a new compiler for the
Amiga. The compiler is for a language of my own design, currently called
"Draco" (I pronounce it 'Dray-Ko'). Syntactically, Draco is similar to
Algol68 (if .. then .. elif .. else .. fi, etc.) with some simplifications.
Semantically, it is a cross between Pascal and C. This latter means that
Draco has most of the system-level features that C does (except bitfields for
now) but has the type checking of Pascal. I should note that the version to
be posted will be a preliminary version.  The code generated won't be
the best in the world, and there are some major language changes that I'm
contemplating. The point behind the preliminary version is to get feedback on
the language, the compiler and tools, the run-time libraries and the possible

The compiler is intended to be a "shareware" product - i.e. you can give it
to anybody, so long as the "shareware" notice is kept intact, and you can't
copyright it yourself or any other such thing. Also, the shareware notice
will suggest that if you like it, you might consider sending me a small

Some history. The compiler is written in itself, and has grown up over the
last three years, starting from a simple PDP-11 version up to the current
CP/M-80 version. The compiler is small and fast, as is the linker. The 8080
object code for the 10,000 lines of source is 38K. With input and output
to/from a large disk cache, it currently compiles (including conditional
compilation, constant folding, peephole optimization, etc.) at about 2300
lines per minute, producing a relocatable object module. The linker is about
16K and links the compiler in about a minute (10 object files).

Current state. Currently, I'm working on debugging a cross compiler version
which runs on CP/M-80 and generates 68000 code. I've done a very minimal
interface library using 'assem' on the Amiga, and I have a small program
which converts my object format (more compact than others) into the Amiga
format. Together, they allow me to compile programs on CP/M-80 and then
link and run them on the Amiga. As of this week, I've run a recursive
Towers of Hanoi, a program which handles a sorted linked list, and a matrix
multiply function using conformant array parameters. I need to try larger
and larger programs until I eventually try the compiler itself. I then need
to get my run-time libraries converted to use AmigaDOS's functions, and
write a program to produce an interface library based on the '.fd' files.
(Anybody know how accurate the .fd files on the 1.1 Extras disk are?) I'm
not sure whether I'll convert my linker before the first release, or whether
I'll use the converter program and Alink. If Deep Thought takes half an hour
to link the compiler, I'll almost certainly convert my linker.

Is the compiler a practical alternative to C? I'd say yes. One friend and
I have written about 40,000 lines using it, including a text processor,
a screen editor, a custom database system, a structured language editor/
interpreter and a large graphic adventure system (which I plan to port after
the compiler is done). I've used it for a customizable modem program and a
small interrupt-driven application. Plus of course the compiler, linker,
assembler, disassembler, librarian, run-time library and utility libraries.

To give you a taste of the language, here is a compilable, but useless,
program showing many of the constructs:

#include mystuff.g

bool DEBUG = false;
int SIZE1 = 10, SIZE2 = SIZE1 * 2 + 1;
byte BEL = 0x07;
*char MESSAGE = "Hello \(BEL)there world\n";

    Value_t = unsigned SIZE2,
    Tree_t = struct {
        *Tree_t t_left, t_right;	/* pointers to children */
	Value_t t_value;		/* this node's value */
    Dictionary_t = [SIZE1, SIZE2] Tree_t;

extern Exit(long errorCode)void;	/* AmigaDOS's Exit routine */

channel output text TreeChannel;	/* assume somebody opened it! */

proc printTree(Tree_t t)void:

    if t ~= nil then
	if not writeln(TreeChannel; "Tree value: ", t*.t_value, '.') then
	    /* write error on channel - file must be full or something */

proc main()void:
    type command_t = enum {cmd_quit, cmd_nop, cmd_error};
    extern getCommand()command_t;
    command_t cmd;
    int i;

        write("> ");			/* looks Pascalish, but works right */
	if DEBUG then			/* this is conditional compilation */
	    writeln("calling 'getCommand'");
	cmd := getCommand();
	cmd ~= cmd_quit
        case cmd
	incase cmd_quit:
	    writeln("Oh, no; a compiler bug!");  /* This isn't possible */
	incase cmd_nop:
	incase cmd_error:
	    for i from 1 upto 50 do
	   writeln("Invalid command code from 'getCommand'");

I'm sure I've forgotten a couple of major things, but a close look should
answer a lot of questions (and pose more!).

Long live the Amiga!

			Chris Gray (...ihnp4!alberta!myrias!cg)

P.S. If I can figure out how to read the screen size from the console driver,
I'll post the Draco source and binary for a simple 'more' program.