[mod.amiga] Using WB sound demos with Instant Music

jobusch@iowa-state.csnet (07/20/86)

Just got Instant Music from Electronic Arts a couple of days ago.
Lots of fun. After experimenting for awhile I found a quick and
dirty way to convert the digitized sound files from the Workbench
Demo Disks (The ones with BOING! on them) so that Instant Music 
would think that they are IFF compatable. 

Step 1: Create an EMPTY IFF 8SVX header. I took Instant Music's DOVOICE
	and used the first 64 bytes. Use your favorite truncate program.

Step 2: Take the WB Demo sound file and strip off the last 234 bytes. This
	info is apparently used by the demo program.

Step 3: Cat the stripped WB sound file to the end of the empty header
	file. JOIN works fine for this.

Step 4: Install the new sound file on your favorite Instant Music
	Instrument library disk!

Notes: 	If you do a filezap or type opt h, you will note that the body
	part of the IFF formatted file is identical to the WB Demo
	sound file after the first 24 bytes. A good example is the
	DOVOICE on Instant Music and DO.SAMPLES on the WB Demo
	Instruments 2 disk. The bytes match at byte 65 (IFF) and
	byte 25 (WB Demo), and do so until the end of the file.

This is NOT the way to convert to IFF! All I know is that it works.
As far as Musicraft sound files and others, I have not experimented with
these, but will be trying soon, and will post the conversion programs if
they ever come about.  A friend and I called Electronic Arts today
and informed them about the trick, so you may see some Instant Music
demo disks coming out/floating about soon. EA, if you are listening,
we would appreciate any information additional to the RKM's concerning
your music/sound IFF formats. At least a couple of us at ISU plan on doing
some serious work with the Amiga/MIDI/IFF. 

|*		David L. Jobusch  at  Iowa State University	    *|
|*		     Department of Computer Science		    *|
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