[mod.amiga] Dave Wecker's VT100

roberts@icst-ecf.ARPA.UUCP (02/19/87)

For those of you who are on ARPAnet, VT100 Version 2.4 is available
from the Amiga archives at TRANTOR.UMD.EDU, in both source (makefile)
and executable form. Louis A. Mamakos is the coordinator of the 
archives. It has been requested that access only be attempted
outside of normal business hours.

I have VT100 Version 2.0 at home, and have been trying off and on
to download the 2.4 source and executables from our machine (VAX 750,
4.3 Unix) using the 2.0 version of Kermit, and have been having
difficulty mainly due to unfamiliarity with the protocols. Two

1) VT100 has a menu category called "xfer mode", with the choices
of "image" and "CR LF". Which is preferable for downloading C source?
(Lattice compiler, in this case.)

2) I have been unable to download the executable version
(VT100_2.4.exe) in a form that I can get to run. Can this kermit
handle a binary transfer? Are there any particular requirements
(i.e. 8 bits) for the communications link? If it is possible,
what is the procedure?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

                                       John Roberts