[mod.computers.masscomp] 1986 West Coast Mus Meeting

morgan@eeg.UUCP (08/31/86)

EVENT: The Annual West Coast Masscomp Users' Group Meeting
PLACE: The Red Lion Inn in San Jose
DATE:  Thursday the 9th of October, 1986

THE THEME: "Solutions"

THIS NOTICE: An invitation to submit questions and proposals 
             for presentations.

As fellow Masscomp users we share similar hardware/software configurations, 
and so share similar problems.  As a users' group we should try to collect
and disseminate information which will (as much as possible) present
solutions to the problems we share.  To focus on those solutions, this
year's meeting has (tentatively) been divided into two phases:

1. A Question & Answer Session with a Panel of Masscomp Engineers.

	Please take a few moments now to consider those many thorny
	issues you might like to see discussed. These may vary from
	the general, e.g., "how can I optimally make use of multiple 
	CPU's for on-line processing during real-time sampling?", to 
	the specific, e.g., "how can a device driver (running under 3.0
	or 3.1 ) best protect itself from an immediate second interupt 
	within its interupt handler?". They may, of course, also deal
	with hardware issues.

	Questions should be submitted well in advance of the meeting,
	and should include code-fragments where necessary. All
	questions will be collated and submitted to Masscomp early
	enough so they will have time to properly research solutions.
	Keep in mind that the purpose of the meeting is to share
	solutions with others, (and is not a roast) so questions should
	be focused on problems that appear to have some generality
	(i.e., let's not expect Masscomp to debug our code).

2. User Presentations.

	As in previous years, individual users and vendors are invited
	to present short talks. You may propose talks describing useful 
	packages (hardware or software) that you are selling, giving 
	away, or have merely used. Talks about local "solutions" which
	illustrate general lessons are expecially welcome.

Please send all questions, suggestions and bribes to:

N. Morgan
1986 West Coast MUS Meeting Organizer

USMAIL: EEG Systems Laboratory, 1855 Folsom, Suite 610, SF, CA 94103
PHONE:  (415) 621-8343
UUCP:   {ihnp4,lll-crg,dual,qantel,pyramid}!ptsfa!eeg!morgan  

PS. You are, of course, also welcome if you don't want to actively 
participate, but still want to skip work for the day and attend.