mike@mc0.UUCP (mike tankenson) (09/04/86)
I have a problem passing mail to another Masscomp 5500 running RTU 3.0. I
am running RTU 3.1 (beta). Both systems are using ventel 1200/31 modems
on /dev/tty2. Both systems can login into each other using cu with no
problem. However, uucico seems to be failing in an odd manner. Here is the
script of the handshaking. Note that the failure seems to occur at the
'startup' sequence. Any mail to be transferred to chas2 remains in the queue
but the call terminates successfully. I have tried another modem on my end, a
cermetek, with the same result. Also, I have no problems with my newsfeed, a
VAX running 4.2 through a hayes modem. Any ideas? Could this be an problem
between RTU 3.0 and 3.1 uucp(s)?
* start of script
finds called
getto called
call: no. 4-8293 for sys chas2
Using ACU to call
Using one of the "g" protocol(s)
Dialing 4-8293
Using ventel
calling 4-8293 -> 4%8293
wanted $ ^M^J^JVEN-TEL 212-PLUS 9.00^M^J1200 BAUD^M^J$got that
slowrite K
wanted DIAL: K^M^JDIAL: got that
slowrite 4%8293
wanted ONLINE 4%8293^M^J^M^JDIALING ...4%8293 ONLINE!got that
venDial ok
login called
wanted "" got that
send \r
wanted in: ^M^J^M^Jchas2 login:got that
send #####
wanted word: ##### ^M^JPassword:got that
send #####
mike chas2 (9/2-16:12-2425) SUCCEEDED (call to chas2 )
enter us_sst, status is : 11
Enter us_open, file: /usr/lib/uucp/L_stat
normal return from us_open.c
s.sysname : ski
s.sysname : psivax
s.sysname : mc1
s.sysname : sun0
s.sysname : chas2
enter ub_sst, status is : 0
Rmtname: chas2
Enter us_open, file: /usr/lib/uucp/L_sub
imsg >\215 \ 12 \314 o\347 i\356 \240 i\356 correct.\215 \ 12 c\350 \341 \363 \262 \240 lo\347 i\356 :\240 \215 \ 12 c\350 \341 \363 \262 \240 lo\347 i\356 :\240 exit code 0
* I don't have enough know how to figure this sequece out. Note that the return
* code is good (ie. the call succeeds), but nothing is transferred
* Here are typical data and work files waiting to go out
>From mike Tue Sep 2 11:01:10 1986 remote from mc0
This is a test
U mike mc0
F D.chas2B6736
I D.chas2B6736
C rmail bruce
S D.chas2B6736 D.chas2B6736 mike - D.chas2B6736 0666
S D.mc0X6734 X.mc0X6734 mike - D.mc0X6734 0666
* thanks for any help or ideas
Mike Tankenson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Uucp: {sdcrdcf,ihnp4,bellcore}!psivax!mc0!mike
Arpa: ...mc0!mike@cit-vax.ARPA
[mod -- The login is being rejected by chas2. Here is the probable cause:
/etc/login is passed the username arguement name by /etc/getty. If getty
receives a userid with spaces in front of it, it passes the spaces as well.
Generally " userid" is not the same as "userid", so the login fails...
My suggestion is to change the chat part of your L.sys entry for chas2 to
read something like:
STUFF BEFORE THE CHAT "" \r ogin: \r ogin:-\r-ogin: USERID ssword: PASSWORD
See if that helps... and let us know! -- sob]