[mod.computers.masscomp] Wanted: HDB Devices modemcap information

carlton@soma.UUCP (12/09/86)

[This is a reposting found in comp.dcom.modems.. I thought it would be
interesting to the newsgroups -- sob]
MASSCOMP is trying to port HoneyDanBer UUCP from AT&T, and people are
beating on it to deal with our small number supported modems.  We could
distribute a small Devices file, with just entries for the CDC Series
II, Cermetek, VenTel, and whatever else we ship with our MC5000
machines.  However, I feel this would be just as silly as shipping an
/etc/termcap file with no entries except for entries for our graphics
tubes and wy75 ascii terminals.
[Hayes support would be nice!]

Please send me mail with the information that HDB UUCP needs to talk to
your favorite modem.  I will collect them, and post a summary file to
the net.  Help make the world safe for unsupported modems!  (Entries
for the various Hayes modems would be a good start...)

Carl Hommel
{bellcore, cbosgd, decvax, gatech, seismo, tektronix}!masscomp!carlton
Redundancy is a duplicate way of repeating the same thing by saying the previous