Robert@soma.UUCP (12/16/86)
[This was forwarded from Masscomp intends on supporting X, but Sun has NeWS. Some think Sun will make another "standard" like NFS with NeWS. This is a discussion of some of the differences. It might be a bit biased... -- sob, moderator] NeWS Brakes Robert W. Scheifler MIT Laboratory for Computer Science October 30, 1986 Since Sun's announcement of NeWS, many people have asked me "Who will win?" (X versus NeWS). I cannot, of course, pretend to know the answer to this question. However, from the relative safety of my ivory tower at MIT, I can pretend that the more interesting question is "Who is right?"[*]. The following note attempts to answer this question; these are my personal opinions, and should not be construed as the opinions of my employers or of anyone else. My understanding of NeWS comes from [1] and [2]. For the most part, I will confine myself to relatively high-level issues, since [1] contains very few details. I assume the reader has read [1], and is reasonably familiar with X. In the following, I refer to X Version 10 simply as "V10", and X Version 11 as "V11". Downloading: Panacea or False Hope? An interesting feature of NeWS is the ability to download code (specifically PostScript) into the server. Sun claims this is a solution to latency problems otherwise incurred with IPC round-trips, for example, when animating objects on the screen in response to mouse motion. They are fairly careful in not giving menu highlighting and window outline rubber banding as examples of this. On a uni- or multi-processor with IPC based on shared memory, latency (and bandwidth) is unlikely to be an issue. V10 has shown quite clearly that even the relatively long network latencies under current Unix implementations is not a problem for simple forms of tracking[**], and it is clear (from systems like the Stanford V kernel and the Xerox Cedar system) that a 5x to 10x reduction in latency is to be had even on existing hardware. Solving the problem at the network level reduces complexity not only in window systems, but in many other distributed systems as well. Also, we have seen many V10 applications that are actually faster when client and server are placed on separate machines, simply because more CPU cycles are available. If downloading is not particularly important for simple tracking, perhaps it is useful for more complex tracking. So, let's consider an example of complex tracking, based on (but not identical to) the Symbolics Genera window system [3]. This is but one example, there are plenty of others (even in current V10 applications). We have a large collection of objects displayed in the window. Each object is responsible for displaying its contents, but the application at a higher level keeps track of the visual extents of the objects. Each object also defines what operations can be performed on it, and what accelerators (key/button combinations) can be used to execute some of those operations. As the mouse is moved over an object, the object is asked to highlight itself, and to produce a string documenting the possible accelerators (based on the current key states); the string is displayed at the bottom of the screen. In addition, objects may be used as arguments to commands typed from the keyboard. For example, when typing the command "Show Directory", only objects (such as file pathnames) capable of supplying a directory name are active (i.e., highlight when the mouse is over them), and all other objects become inactive. This is accomplished by querying the objects dynamically as the mouse moves, to see if they are both willing and capable of producing a given type of value. It should be clear from this example that there is no reasonable functional separation that would allow a front end to be downloaded into a server in such a way as to avoid round-trip communication. The tracking is intimately bound to the semantics of objects. In general, a front end performing complex tracking will require access to much the same data structures and knowledge representations used by the back end for the "real" work. Separating out the information will be painful at best, and even if the relevant information could be isolated or even duplicated in the server, the communication costs have merely been moved (the information has to be kept up to date somehow), not eliminated. Even if one could download a front end into the server, would one really want to? PostScript may be Turing complete, but if my front end is at all large or complex, I certainly do not want to write it in PostScript. I presumably already have a wonderful language and environment for writing my applications (e.g., Flavors, CommonLoops, C++); should I really believe industry/academia is going to start providing compilers to PostScript? Noticeably absent from [1] is any discussion of debugging; the print/dump operators that are mentioned indicate a giant step backward in debugging. In addition, one must be wary of assuming that the processing power of the server is at least as great as the power of the client. Although this is a reasonable assumption for graphics output specifically, exactly the opposite will almost always be true for general computation, given both typical hardware (do you really think my "terminal" is going to have a faster CPU and more physical memory than whatever machine I use to run my "real" programs?) and compiled (in the client) versus interpreted (in the server) execution. (It would be interesting to know how much of the interpreter and graphics substrate in NeWS is written in PostScript.) Sharing and malleability of "common" user interface components is cited by Sun as being significant considerations; menus are given as a specific example. To allow sharing and wholesale replacement of components, interfaces must be defined precisely and agreed upon universally. At this level of programming, agreement in the real world seems highly unlikely; one needs only to look at the menu interfaces of existing window systems to realize that, although they have much in common, they differ quite a bit in detail. Furthermore, commercial interests tend to prize "tamper-proof" packaging highly, to minimize service and maintenance headaches. The Imaging Model Sun apparently believes they can provide X emulation on top of NeWS. This is simply not possible for color displays, given the PostScript imaging model. What is true is that PostScript emulation on top of V11 is straightforward, either done entirely on the client side, or in combination with an upward compatible extension to the V11 core protocol. Although NeWS allows the setting of a "current RasterOp function" explicitly for "backward compatibility", the ability to restrict the operation to a subset of the hardware planes appears to be absent. Further, NeWS has no concept of colormaps, and hence no concept of arranging for pixel values to have particular relationships, and no concept of diddling the colormap to change colors dynamically without repainting the image. These mechanisms are of vital importance not only to sophisticated imaging and CAD applications, but to "everyday" applications (like xterm) as well. For example, the ability (by clever arrangement of pixel values and by restricting graphics to particular planes) to highlight and un-highlight regions without redrawing, or to draw and erase foreground text without affecting background images, is crucial for high performance. This trick is used in many V10 applications, and the V11 colormap allocation primitives allow such games to be played in a reasonably device-independent fashion. NeWS has an "overlay" mechanism which attempts to provide equivalent functionality. However, the overlay semantics appear to be so ill-defined (e.g., no guarantees about color or performance) as to be nearly useless. One of the important lessons we learned from V10 was that attempting to define something so vaguely that it can be always be implemented in some fashion simply results in a mechanism so unpredictable that no one dares use it. V11 has explicitly steered clear of attempting to "standardize" overlay semantics, yet provides a window class mechanism by which overlays can be added in an upward compatible fashion. Although Sun claims that NeWS, by virtue of its abstraction, will provide a better match than X with future graphics hardware, the opposite actually seems to be true. V11 has been designed explicitly with future hardware in mind. Next generation hardware will allow (within limits) a separate colormap per window, with colormaps of various types (e.g., both pseudo-color and direct-color). V11 provides direct support for this hardware. Since a PostScript client provides no "up front" indications of color usage, heuristics on the part of a NeWS server are unlikely to perform as well as specific engineering in V11. Future hardware (such as the Cambridge Rainbow [4]), supporting variable depth windows with the hierarchy implemented in silicon, has also been accounted for in the V11 design; both windows and off-screen images of varying depths can be supported. Again, lacking up front resource requirements from clients, a NeWS server cannot hope to match the minimum memory allocation that is possible in V11. Sun apparently believes that, by hiding the true size of the colormap, they can do a better job of keeping all windows at "true" color than a V11 server can. Once clients have already displayed in "too many" colors, which server can do a better job of picking the "best" colors to display? The answer is that a V11 server has the same information as a NeWS server, and so can make the same decision. However, a V11 server also has additional information, in the form of what logical colormaps are "most desirable" to display, so perhaps a V11 server can actually do better than a NeWS server. One might think that a NeWS server could do better by limiting colors as they are used by clients, by using various color approximations. However, to do this effectively requires prior knowledge of how many colors clients will use, and which of those colors are most important. PostScript provides no such declarative mechanism. (Achieving the effect by forcing clients to redraw their windows would of course be quite unacceptable.) The same problems exist for playing anti-aliasing tricks; there is no mechanism in PostScript to indicate where anti-aliasing will be most helpful. The cause of these problems, of course, is that PostScript was designed for printers, and printers simply do not have the same kinds of palette restrictions that displays have. PostScript (at least according to [2]), does not allow full color images to be transferred; one must choose between 1, 2, 4, and 8 bit images with a mapping from N-bit value to color. V11, on the other hand, allows full color images to be transferred. PostScript also mandates a single image format, in terms of bit order and byte padding. One of the lessons we learned from V10 was that this was a bad idea if you wanted good performance across a variety of hardware. Requiring clients to handle several different formats is a bit awkward, but substantial performance improvements are possible as a result. The coordinate transformation mechanism of PostScript is certainly powerful, but power can be a double-edged sword. If the display hardware happens to provide a matching mechanism, then pushing the transformations into the server can increase performance. However, if the display hardware cannot do transformations, it is quite likely that the client machine can perform the transformations at least as fast as the server; delaying the transformations may actually slow things down (particularly when floating point is involved). In addition, PostScript transformations are purely 2-D, making the addition of 3-D transformations a bit problematical. "Convenience" transformations are just as easily performed on the client side as in the server. Convenience transformations also have their problems. Although being "off by half of a dot" is not really a problem at current and future printing densities, screen resolutions now and for quite a while are not so accommodating (it seems quite unlikely that even monochrome [much less color] displays with Megascan-like densities will be on everyone's desktop anytime soon). Precision is vital; "off by one" is not good enough. Of course, not all transformations are a simple matter of convenience; true scaling and rotation of a source image are possible in PostScript. If true scaling and rotation turn out to be important considerations, the V11 protocol can easily be extended in an upward compatible fashion to support it. The fact that V11 uses a state-based protocol (as does PostScript) makes this straightforward. System Design The use of lightweight processes and non-preemptive scheduling in NeWS are not new. Indeed, that is a fundamental problem: the technology is already dated. Decent operating systems supporting multi-processors, lightweight processes, shared memory, preemptive scheduling, and efficient synchronization exist today, and even Unix implementations with such support are fast becoming a reality. Equally important, next generation display hardware is quite likely to contain the necessary support for true multi-threaded use. A true multi-threaded V11 server will be able to take advantage of all this technology (for example, a true multi-threaded V10 server has already been implemented), but getting a NeWS server to do the same will be extremely difficult. The decision to use non-preemptive scheduling is the key here. Certainly this makes life much easier in the short term, but once you commit to it there is no changing your mind. I spent the last few years designing and implementing a multi-process environment for a fairly sophisticated distributed systems language [5]. I used lightweight processes with semi-preemptive scheduling (preemption could only occur at certain procedure calls). This certainly simplified synchronization issues enormously, but the code as it now stands would require substantial modifications to run in a preemptive or multi-processor environment. Event handling in NeWS is another area of concern. Given the "wonderful" capabilities of PostScript, why are clients restricted to using primitive component matching to express interest in events? Allowing clients to use true functions to express interest would provide significantly more flexibility. Is there some concern here that executing functions will not be fast enough? One hopes not, or faith in the whole PostScript concept begins to crumble. Another problem with the NeWS event mechanism is too much synchronization. In particular, there is no notion of which events require synchronization. Instead, NeWS guarantees that when an event is dispatched, the destined processes are guaranteed to run before another event will be dispatched. This will only serve to slow the server down in a true multi-process environment. And even in the intended NeWS environment, what happens if the destined process is busy performing some other prolonged task (like reading from the network)? In contrast, V11 only requires synchronization at explicit event grabs, which are expected to be infrequent. Stability Both NeWS and V11 claim commitment to stability. The V11 design is based on concrete experience and feedback from V10. The V11 design has been reviewed by people in many universities and companies, with very positive results. This gives me confidence that V11 stability can be a reality. As discussed above, a number of fundamental design decisions in NeWS leave me uneasy; if Sun chooses to change them, stability will be lost, but if Sun chooses not to change them, significant performance will be lost. [*] This is a perfect example of "language design by implementation". The two questions are obviously semantically equivalent, but the implementors have inexplicably chosen to make them different. :-) [**] People who have only used X on a Sun tend not to believe this. The implementation on the Sun uses an inferior mechanism for getting input events from the kernel to the server (select/read on a file descriptor instead of shared memory), and this significantly affects performance. [1] NeWS Preliminary Technical Overview. Sun Microsystems, Inc. October 1986. [2] Adobe Systems, Inc. PostScript Language Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley, 1985. [3] Programming the User Interface. Symbolics, Inc. 1986. [4] Wilkes, A. J. et al. The Rainbow Workstation. The Computer Journal 27,2. May 1984. [5] Liskov, B., and Scheifler, R. Guardians and Actions: Linguistic Support for Robust, Distributed Programs. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 5,3. July 1983.