masscomp-request@soma.UUCP (02/02/87)
I am curious ass to wether anyone has ported x-windows to the masscomp 5600 series. We have several here and we are not particularly pleased with 'wi'. Also, what does the licensing agreement entail? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. J. Seefried iii P.O. Box 30104, Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 UUCP : gatech!gitpyr!eeproks ARPA : !gt-ginko!ken !gt-vlsib!eeproks P.S. respond to gatech!gt-ginko!ken...thats the masscomp server. [My understanding is that Masscomp intends to support X as a regular product. A level 10 protocol version is currently available if you ask the right people in Westford, but I think the "officially supported release" will only use level 11 protocols. -- sob]
masscomp@soma.UUCP (02/10/87)
MASSCOMP has just announced that it will support version 11 X-windows as a product sometime in the future. Meanwhile, an internal port of version 10 (not sure to which graphics boxes) will be placed in the User Library in the very near future - Simon Rosenthal [Do you think it will be ready by the April MUS meeting? -- sob]