[mod.computers.68k] CP/M-68K 1.3 C floating point

mknox@NGP.UTEXAS.EDU (mknox) (05/11/86)

[ It feels great to be finally "back on the air" again.  Thanks to everyone
who let me know that this thing was fixed at last.]

I am STILL trying to get DRI to return my calls.  Hopefully I can drag a
fix out of them.  I know they were in a hurry to get 1.3 out the door and
get on to something else, but I doubt even ALCYON could overlook a bug
this big.  My guess therefore is that they simply screwed up the build
of the library for the 1.3 disk, and have a good one already that they
can send out.

To those people who have gone from 1.1 to 1.3 and as a result have NO
working floating point:  Since you have already paid the royalty for
CP/M-68K you are entitled to any enhancements as far as DRI is concerned.
This means there is no problem with someone else giving you a copy of
the compiler/library from 1.2 (did I just hear myself volunteer?).
If anyone is in a hurry for the floating point, let me know and I will
see what I can do about getting you a ver 1.2 copy.
