davidsen%kbsvax.tcpip@GE-CRD.ARPA (05/19/86)
Received: by kbsvax.steinmetz (4.12/1.1x Steinmetz) id AA02593; Mon, 19 May 86 10:58:37 edt Date: Mon, 19 May 86 10:58:37 edt From: Davidsen <davidsen%kbsvax@kbsvax.tcp-ip> Posted-Date: Mon, 19 May 86 10:58:37 edt Message-Id: <8605191458.AA02593@kbsvax.steinmetz> To: info-68k@ucbvax.berkeley.edu Subject: BBS in C You can start with the version (0.43 I believe) of UNaXcess posted to mod.sources. It's in C, and probably could be patched for a singler tasking system.