[mod.computers.68k] CP/M-68K wisk list

mknox@NGP.UTEXAS.EDU (mknox) (06/01/86)

On some of the "wishes", I will make the following comments:

    o	A converter from xxxx source code (assembly) to 68000 assembly
	language:  A real simple minded one is very easy to write, in
	fact, I did one once as a set of VMS MACRO macros (doubt if I
	can find it anymore, though).  Problem is, the resultant program
	ran like molassis!  The problem of going from the 8080, 8088,
	Z80, ... series is with the condition code register.  It is not
	updated on a large series of instructions which the 68000 DOES
	update.  So a lot of programmers use sequences like:
				DCR	B
				MOV	A,H
				INX 	D
				JNZ	wherever
	and it is the result of the DCR several instructions back that
	determines the jump.  So the "converter" program winds up putting
	out a LOT of code that wastes time saving and restoring the 
	status register.  What is needed is a slightly more sophisticated
	program than a simple one-to-one conversion; a program which
	can optomize and only update the "status" when it will be needed
	later (a small percentage of the time).  It is a quite do-able
	program, just a little more work than I have had time for 

    o	A software company that knows what CP/M-68K is:  Sure, TriSoft
	kn{_ows, Mark of the Unicorn knows, Compuview knows, LMI knows,
	Whitesmith knows, Alcyon knows, SVS knows (but won't talk to
	you anyway, so that doesn't help), DRI is trying to forget,
	First Software knows (ask DRI) but they have laid off so many
	people its hard to find anyone who will admit anything, ...

	A lot of companies know CP/M-68K and have a product for it.  The
	trouble is, most of them only have one or two of their own
	products for it.  The companies which do NOT know CP/M-68K are
	the BIG mail order companies.  All they seem to know about is
	PC-DOS.  WESTICO (now defunct) was one of the last I know
	about which carried just about EVERYTHING for EVERYTHING.

	By the way, a sideways plug for a company called The Programmer's
	Shop.  They don't normally carry CP/M-68K stuff, but they have
	about as general a stocking as I see anywhere.  And they maintain
	a LARGE referral list.  I send a lot of people to them who are
	looking for oddball or unusual packages.  And they have indicated
	that they will carry CP/M-68K stuff, IF they get enough calls
	for it.  [Note:  I can't plug TriSoft here; wouldn't be polite.]
