[mod.computers.68k] A bug in the jsr _ccp routine


I just discovered a "strange bug" with the jsr to CCP routine I sent out.
It is strange in that it appears, consistently, under an extreme set of
circumstances.  The only work around I have found is simple but perplexing.
If you are compiling a series of programs using the supplied C.SUB file, and
you want to compile the programs from within the suspended program, then you
cannot stay in background CCP for more than two trips through the SUB file
without returning to the suspended program.  Invariably on the third
straight compilation C168 returns a "Read error on program load."  No other
program produces this error, and C168 doesn't produce it on the first or
second run through.

However, the system crashes after this error because the bottom of the
suspended program is blown away by the attempt to load. Keep in mind the
TPA has been *permanently* reset, the stacks have been saved at the very
top of old memory, which is significantly higher than the memory the BDOS
thinks it has to work with.  (I checked this by running a return TPA size
program.)  I know the original user stack is intact because the RTE
operates properly, returning to the calling function.  The actual crash
occurs when the returned to function calls another function that I know to
be near the beginning of the program's text base.  But even though there is
a 256 byte "no-man's-land" between TPA top and the beginning of the
suspended program, the load prog function manages to trash the lowest parts
of that program.

If you compile the modules one at a time, and after each run through C.SUB
you return to the suspended program, there appears to be no restriction on
the number of times the SUB program can be run, and no program load error
occurs.   This is a little annoying but also intriguing.  Anyone got any