[mod.computers.68k] CP/M-68K v1.2 math library...

HELLER%cs.umass.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA.UUCP (06/16/86)

The tan() function is actually in the libf.a and libe.a files.  It is
"bundled" with sin() and cos().  There is for sin() and cos() a small module
(like the one below) which then calls the appropriate entry point in the
real code.  After disassembling sin() and cos(), and then the low level
composite function, I put together the following assembly code hook for

*-------------------cut here-------------------------
* -*-save-*-
* fptan.s - missing tan hook
* Robert Heller. Created: Sun Nov 3, 1985 13:21:02.13
* Last Mod: 
	.globl	_tan
	link	A6,#-4
	movem.l	D3-D7,-(A7)
	move.l	8(A6),D7
	jsr	ffptan
	move.l	D7,D0
	movem.l	(A7)+,D3-D7
	unlk	A6
*-------------------cut here-----------------------

There is no sign of atan() and there is no math.h.  I got my version of 1.2
with my machine (a Stride), so the lack of math.h isn't particular to
TriSoft (nor is the lack of tan() and atan()).

				Robert Heller