[mod.computers.68k] DBMS For CP/M-68K Now Available on SIMTEL20

HELLER%cs.umass.edu@RELAY.CS.NET (Stride 440 User) (11/07/86)

	I have adapted David Betz's Simple Data Base program to run under
CP/M-68K. SDB is a relational data base program, but is not relationally
complete. It provides the relational operations of SELECT, PROJECT, and
JOIN, but is missing the set operations INTERSECTION, UNION, and DIFFERENCE,
as well as some others.

	The file is now available on SIMTEL20:

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC

Directory PD:<CPM.CPM68K>
SDB.LBR.1			BINARY	201856  8FD1H

	This is a LU format library file with squeezed members.  Full source
is included along with a ready-to-run CP/M-68K executable file
(relocatable), and AR68 object library for linking user-written C programs
that make use of SDB files.

	This file is also available on GEnie (CP/M roundtable), BIX
(listings/cpm), Keith Peterson's Royal Oak RCP/M system, and in the CP/M
file area of FidoNet node 101/27 (Dave's Fido, Gardner MA).

			Robert Heller
	ARPANet:	Heller@UMass-CS.CSNET
	BIX:		Heller
	GEnie:		RHeller
	FidoNet:	Robert Heller at Dave's Fido (101/27)