@decwrl.UUCP (05/24/86)
First, to correct a mistaken impression, I don't get a chance to decide not to forward info-68k mail to the rest of the list. That mail is automatically sent to everybody on the list, and I see it about the same time as the rest of you. Second, it appears that ucbvax is dropping mail. This is the second case where someone sent mail saying "this is the nth time I asked to be removed," and I hadn't seen any of the previous n-1 messages. mwm@lll-crg.arpa should be a more reliable route. However, you should try info-68k-request@ucbvax FIRST. If you don't here back in three or four days (internet people, that is), then try the lll-crg address. Sorry, <mike
It appears that the info-68k/mod.computers.68k gateway is broken, so that things posted to mod.computers.68k don't appear on info-68k, but do appear on mod.computers.68k. When I forward them to info-68k, they then appear twice on mod.computers.68k. Until this gets straightened out, all postings to mod.computers.68k are going to be held. You'll see them on mod.computers.68k, but not on info-68k. After it gets straightened out, there may be a last rash of duplicates on mod.computers.68k. Since the Keeper of the Gateways is in Boston, there may be some delay in getting it cleaned up. In any case, all should be well by the end of the week. Sorry, <mike