[mod.computers.68k] Some history of AmigaDOS.


>> There is perhaps a deeper reason for the amiga not using a MMU. The operating
>> system is based on message passing, those messages are passed by reference
>> rather than copying. It assumes and is dependent on an single address space.
>> Unless the OS changes in a major way you'll not get VM on an Amiga.

1) The guts of AmigaDOS is TRIPOS, which got it's start running on
11's. Last time I looked, everything but the very smallest had MMU's
in them. I'd be surprised if TRIPOS couldn't be adopted for a
protected environment (the OS would have to copy messages from user
space, and maybe back into user space. No biggy.)

2) TRIPOS wasn't accepted as the Amiga OS until late in the design
cycle. Sometime _after_ the company that had contracted to provide the
OS spec'ed by C/A for the box had reneged on their contract.

Just out of curiosity, anyone out there running TRIPOS as provided on
the Sage/Stride/others? boxes?
