From: Randall B. Neff <NEFF@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> St. Martin's Press also distributes Bluejay and Tor Hardcovers. Don't believe the dates for Bluejay books. August The Golden Horn vol II Judith Tarr 14.95 Bluejay The Memory of Whiteness Kim Stanley Robinson 15.95 Tor September Steppe Piers Anthony 13.95 Tor Wonder's Child Jack Williamson 8.95 Bluejay Freedom Beach James Patrick Kelly/ John Kessel 8.95/15.95 Bluejay The Space Merchants Frederik Pohl/ C. M. Kornbluth 5.95/11.95 Bluejay October Spinneret Timothy Zahn 15.95 Bluejay Human Error Paul Preuss 14.95 Tor Privateers Ben Bova 15.95 Tor The Widow's Son Robert Anton Wilson (Historical Illuminatus II) 9.95 BJ The Legion of Time Jack Williamson 8.95 Bluejay November Song of Kali Dan Simmons 15.95 Bluejay Free Live Free Gene Wolfe 16.95 Tor The City of the Chasch Jack Vance 8.95 Bluejay December Children of the Light Susan Weston 15.95 St. Martins Nightflyers George R. R. Martin 8.95 Bluejay Randy NEFF@SU-SIERRA -------