[uw.general] Job Notice

rhbartels@watcgl.UUCP (Richard Bartels) (03/11/86)

       B O E I N G   C O M P U T E R   S E R V I C E S
                   Applied Mathematics
The applied mathematics group in the Engineering Technology
Applications Division of Boeing Computer Services, located
in Seattle, Washington, has immediate openings for well
qualified individuals in
        - Numerical Analysis
        - Numerical Solution of PDE's
        - Computational Fluid Dynamics
        - Numerical Linear Algebra
        - Computational Geometry
        - Supercomputing
We are looking for entry level or experienced Ph.D.'s with either
a dissertation or postgraduate experience in one or more of the
above fields.  In both computational geometry and supercomputing
experienced Masters degree holders will be considered. In super-
computing, we specifically seek an individual familiar with
parallel or vector computer architectures and efficient
applications coding.
Our group consists of about 35 mathematicians and computer scientists
performing research and consultation work for other parts of the 
Boeing Company, for commercial customers, and for governmental
agencies. Our computing resources include a CRAY X-MP/24 with SSD,
networked to numerous CYBER and IBM machines.
We require individuals capable of working independently in a dynamic
multidisciplinary environment. Permanent residency is required; 
U.S. citizenship is preferred.
Qualified aplicants should sent a resume to:
Dr. Gregory S. Shubin
Boeing Computer Services
MS 9C-01
565 Andover Park West
Tukwila, WA 98188
Boeing is an equal opportunity employer.