INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator William J. Berner) (03/09/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 9 Mar 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 28
Today's Topics:
Misplaced ResEd
DevTools 1.1
A Transfer DA Written in TML Pascal
Finder 5.1 under Switcher 4.4
Usenet Mac Digest V2 #13
Re: 800K and normal macs
Re: 800k drive.
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 86 11:31:32 est
From: cperry@mitre.ARPA (Chris Perry)
Subject: Misplaced ResEd
Hi. The most current version of ResEd (10d5) is placed in a deceptive
part of the index. I believe it's called <INFO-MAC>RESED10D5.HQX, while
previous versions were placed in the "UTILITY" section of the index:
"<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-RESED10D4.HQX" and so forth. Would it be possible to
place 10d5 back in the UTILITY section?
Date: 8 Mar 86 13:05:01 EST
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: DevTools 1.1
[ Updated from Delphi - Jeff ]
// 1.00 2/3/86 Initial release to the public on Delphi/Well
// 1.01 2/4/86 Add syntax checking to folder fields
// Change Open button to Select
// 1.02 2/20/86 Disable Eject if non-ejectable drive
// Make TAB do a Next Drive
// Make CR close and exit
// On entry make sfSaveDisk and SetVol same thing
// 1.03 3/5/86 Fix bug on opening zero length data fork.
// Recompile with new drvr.text to fix problems
// with exiting routines.
// Change how DoBrag is done.
// Fix bug that caused files copied to different
// disks to appear at 0,0
// Take {Get,Set}Item* functions out and put in a
// separate file. Now in LibDWB
// 1.04 3/5/86 Take out Debugger traps
// Move FindInDialog to LibDWB
// 1.1 3/7/86 Re-Release to Delphi & Well
Date: Fri 7 Mar 86 18:13:19-EST
From: Rich <RS4U@CARNEGIE.Mailnet>
Subject: A Transfer DA Written in TML Pascal
To all interested parties:
This program, written in TML Pascal, implements a Transfer
Desk accessory.
We're all familiar with the old Transfer; this one, however,
was written in Pascal, so is somewhat more readable.
To produce the deskaccessory:
1) In the TML Pascal Compiler, set the compiler option "Produce
Desk Accessory"
2) Compile and link the program as usual.
3) Run RMaker with the supplied source file (at the end of the program)
4) Use Font/DA Mover to install the accessory.
I have tested this program, and it doesn't cause any bizarre crashes.
If you have questions or problems, call me or send mail:
Richard Siegel
Box 698, 5115 Margaret Morrison Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
MCI Mail userid RSEIGEL (yes, that is S-E-I-G-E-L; they messed up)
phone number (412) 268-4224
------------------Cut Here---------------
program Transfer;
{This program implements a desk accessory that allows you to
transfer to another application.
Richard Siegel
March 7, 1986
Copying is allowed for noncommercial and personal use only.
{This file should be saved as "Transfer.pas"}
{$i MemTypes.ipas}
{$i QuickDraw.ipas}
{$i OSIntf.ipas}
{$i ToolIntf.ipas}
{$i PackIntf.ipas}
pLaunchStruct = ^LaunchStruct;
LaunchStruct = record
pfName: ^Str255;
param: integer;
End; {LaunchStruct}
DAGlobals = record
Reply : SFReply;
ValidTypes : SFTypeList;
volRef : Integer;
Location : Point;
prompt : Str255;
pMyLaunch: pLaunchStruct;
myLaunch: LaunchStruct;
fName: Str255;
err : OSErr;
DAGlobalsPtr = ^DAGlobals;
DAGlobalsHandle = ^DaGlobalsPtr;
Procedure Open(var Device : DCtlEntry; var Block : PAramBlockRec);
DaGlobalsHndl : DAGlobalsHandle;
DAGlobalsRec : DAGlobals;
Procedure Launch; INLINE $A9F2;
PROCEDURE LaunchIt(pLnch: pLaunchStruct); INLINE $205F;
Device.DCtlStorage := NewHandle(SizeOf(DAGlobalsRec));
DAGlobalsHndl := DAGlobalsHandle(Device.DCtlStorage);
with DAGlobalsHndl^^ do begin
with Location do begin
h := 60;
v := 60;
validTypes[0] := 'APPL';
SFGetFile(Location, prompt, NIL, 1, validTypes, NIL, Reply);
if Reply.good then begin
err := SetVol(NIL, Reply.vRefNum);
pMyLaunch:= @myLaunch;
With pMyLaunch^ do Begin
pfName:= @Reply.fName; {pointer to our fileName}
param:= 0; {we don't want alternate screen or sound buffers}
End; {With}
procedure Close(var Device : DCtlEntry; var Block : PAramBlockRec);
procedure Ctl(var Device : DCtlEntry; var Block : PAramBlockRec);
------------------------Cut Here-------------------
*The RMaker source file looks like this:
*RMaker source to create desk accessory file
*Richard Siegel
*March 7, 1986
* This file should be saved as Transfer.R
Transfer DA
Transfer, 20
pds2:Transfer *Make the disk name whichever disk you want the file
*to be stored on
Date: Fri 7 Mar 86 21:14:25-EST
From: Rich <RS4U@CARNEGIE.Mailnet>
Subject: Finder 5.1 under Switcher 4.4
While running Finder version 5.1 under version 4.4 of the Switcher,
I noticed that the "Shut Down" option of the Special menu had been changed
from "Shut Down" to "Quit", and when I choose it, it quits the finder and pops
mne back into switcher lickety-split. Not bad, and a very nice safety feature.
I will modify my Transfer desk accessory to post an alert under Switcher;
otherwise it crashes...
--richard siegel
Date: 8 Mar 86 14:44:54 EST
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #13
Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, 8 Mar 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 13
Today's Topics:
A couple o' questions...
Program resource for setting Switcher partition
Synth routines
TMON vs. Macsbug
MacDB & Mac+
Finding the Blessed System Folder
What development system has indexed files (ISAM or Btrees) library
Mirror Tech DS Drives
The Missing Fedit V3.5!!
68881s for Macs?
Tilde key in MacTerminal 2.0.
Re: MacDB & Mac+
Aztec C on a Hyperdrive
Aztec HFS shell coming?
Help with SmallTalk on Mac Plus (level 1)
AppleTalk file server protocols wanted
Microsoft Basic Compatibility
rs422 on Lisa/XL ?
Date: 08 Mar 86 08:30 EST
Subject: Re: 800K and normal macs
An 800K external drive will work fine with a 512K Mac
(64K ROMS...we HAVE to come up with some sort
of naming convention for all of these configurations)
provided you use the new Finder 5.1 provided by Apple
for this purpose. Your dealer should be able to provide.
- Tom Dowdy
"If it jams, force it, if it breaks, it needed fixing anyway."
Subject: Re: 800k drive.
Date: 07 Mar 86 23:00:50 EST (Fri)
From: "Steven B. Munson" <sbm@Purdue.EDU>
I have heard from a salesman that specializes in Macintoshes that,
in order to get a 128K or 512K Mac to use the external 800K drive
without updating its ROMs, you have to get the HD20 file that comes with
the Hard Disk 20 and put it on the boot disk. This apparently fools the
Mac into thinking that the 800K drive is a hard disk. You can only boot
from the internal drive, so the HD20 file has to go on a single-sided
disk, and I hear that it takes quite a bit of disk space.
Steve Munson
End of INFO-MAC Digest