[net.sf-lovers] DH Lawrence

Michael.Barton@CMU-EE-GAUSS.ARPA (06/06/85)

From: Michael.Barton@cmu-ee-gauss

>> Remember they said DH Lawrence (for example) wrote "garbage" and
>> "trash" when his spicier works first came out.
>>       Julian "a tribble took it" Gomez
>>       The Ohio State University
>>       {ucbvax,decvax}!cbosg!osu-eddie!julian
>Er, DH Lawrence is a her.  I think her works, spicier and otherwise,
>aren't really very good.  She insists on explaining what her
>characters are like, rather than showing it, and I've never been
>able to identify with any of them.
>                -- SKZB

Was this a joke that I missed?  

	D(avid) H(erbert) Lawrence 1885-1930.  English author.
	{from The American Heritage Dictionary}