Here's a combined response to three questions included in Info-Mac v4 #36. 1. Regarding MacWait--Look very carefully at the watch cursor after MacWait has been run. The hands of the watch will spin every time it comes up until you reboot. Cute, huh? 2. I believe (though I'm not sure) that every MacTerminal document has the set of resources described. I know for a fact that the CNFG resource is present in every document. (It may be pasted into MacTerminal, by the way, to alter the default document settings. All the settings in the Settings and Phone menus are saved in the CNFG resource.) The other resources may only be added if certain default settings are changed. I'm not sure. 3. MacDraw version 1.9 has been available for a number of months. I've had my copy since October 1985. The bug fix involved a dialog whose static text was not disabled, so if you clicked on the static text the dialog would close without doing anything. I don't know whether HFS was supported in 1.7 or not. I would tend to believe that MacDraw worked with HFS from the start. If it didn't, that would mean that it didn't follow Inside Mac religiously, wouldn't it? Hope all this helps. I also hope it's correct :-) Bye! Pat Kuras <KURAS@BCVAX3>