INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator Lance Y. Nakata) (05/18/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 18 May 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 72 Today's Topics: re: problems with sequencer INIT mechanism on Mac+ Canonicalizing file names Weird screen problems. StartupDesk Resource-- won't work on HyperDrive?? "Phone - Net" experience? Bug copying files with Mac Plus Compiled MS-Basic for the Mac -- Is it likely? Mailing list software Dungeon of Doom 3.0 Structured Analysis/Design Tools for the Mac News about Macintosh TeX ANNOUNCING THE SMUG BBS Darin Adler's ReverseScreen-1.0b1.pit.Hqx follows Wish list ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 15 May 86 09:58:07 PDT From: <DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@Lindy> Reply-to: DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@SU-Forsythe.ARPA Subject: re: problems with sequencer Date: 15 May 86 09:54-PST From: DAVEG@SLACVM To: INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM Subject: re: problems with sequencer Date: 15 May 1986, 09:53:25 PST From: David M. Gelphman 415-854-3300 x2538 DAVEG at SLACVM To: INFO-MAC at SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD Subject: re: problems with sequencer I also had the problem where sequencer would not run as the startup application but otherwise worked ok. When I put it in the system folder everything worked OK!! I suspect this is a bug with the system, not sequencer but I haven't really investigated it. David Gelphman BITNET address: DAVEG@SLACVM Bin #88 SLAC ARPANET address: DAVEG@SLACVM.BITNET Stanford, Calif. 94305 UUCP address: ...psuvax1!daveg%slacvm.bitnet 415-854-3300 x2538 usual disclaimer #432 applies: my employer apologies for the fact that I have access to this net. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 10:11:47 PDT From: <DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@Lindy> Reply-to: DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@SU-Forsythe.ARPA Subject: INIT mechanism on Mac+ Date: 15 May 86 10:04-PST From: DAVEG@SLACVM To: INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM Subject: INIT mechanism on Mac+ Date: 15 May 1986, 09:59:15 PST From: David M. Gelphman 415-854-3300 x2538 DAVEG at SLACVM To: INFO-MAC at SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD Subject: INIT mechanism on Mac+ For those with a MacPlus you can avoid having to install INITS into the system file. Technical Note #57 says on page 18 that: "When the system starts up, it looks for files with types INIT and RDEV in the system folder. If it finds any, it looks in those files resources of type INIT. If it finds any of those, it executes them." I found this handy since I don't really like installing INITs in my system file (hate mucking with it and having to fixup everything after a new version of the system shows up). In this case I merely used the resource editor to create a new file with just the INIT resource of interest in it. I then used the GET INFO part of RESEDIT (v1.0d7) to set the type and creator. Once you are done, put the resulting file into the system folder and the init will be run upon startup. If you want to stop that init from being installed, merely remove the file from the system folder and hide it in another folder. I think this is preferable to modifying the system file itself. David Gelphman BITNET address: DAVEG@SLACVM Bin #88 SLAC ARPANET address: DAVEG@SLACVM.BITNET Stanford, Calif. 94305 UUCP address: ...psuvax1!daveg%slacvm.bitnet 415-854-3300 x2538 usual disclaimer #432 applies: my employer apologies for the fact that I have access to this net. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 12:50 CDT From: <BOYD%TAMLSR.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> (Scott T. Boyd) Subject: From: STAR::JAKANE9213 "John Arthur Kane - Texas A&M Micro Center" 14-MAY-1986 23:13 Subj: Mac Plus Bug > I am relaying yet another Mac Plus feature found by one of our graduate > students, Richard Thomas. It seems that if you have a Mac Plus and either a > Mac Plus or a Mac 512K keyboard, if you press cmd-shift-enter, you do not get > what you expect, but you get the equivalent of cmd-shift-3. This problem > surfaced while using Microsoft File, but its effect has been throughout all of > the software that we have tested. > > This problem will also occur on a Mac 512K that is upgraded to a Mac Plus, > have not tried it on a Mac 512K Enhanced yet. > > We were running System 5.2, Finder 3.1.1. > > Has anyone had any similar problems? I will post Apple's reply to this when it > becomes available to me. Answer's just back from Apple. The problem will be fixed in the next release of the System. No indication if they have heard of it before or not. Oh Well. bcnu :-) ------------------------------ Date: Thu 15 May 86 03:40:11-EDT From: GZ%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: Canonicalizing file names Is it possible to get the name of a file as it appears in the directory entry, short of walking B-trees by hand or whatever? _GetFileInfo and _GetCatInfo never seem to modify the strings I give them. I want to get the proper capitalization of the name (i.e. if the directory entry says "Foo Bar" and the user types "foo bar" to my program, I want to come back with "Foo Bar"). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 02:18:07 PDT From: csanders@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Craig S. Anderson) Subject: Weird screen problems. I recently replaced my 128K Mac with a Mac Plus. The extra memory is great. However, the Mac+ has the same screen problem that the 128K Mac did. The problem is that when the screen is almost all white I can see several horizontal bands on the screen that start at the top of the screen and move down to the bottom of the screen in about a second or so. The bands then appear again at the top of the screen. The bands make the screen appear lighter (or whiter) as it travels down the screen, which can be very disconcerting at times. This effect is especially noticeable when I use a terminal emulator. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it unusual? Craig Anderson csanders@ernie.Berkeley.EDU ------------------------------ From: John T Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> Date: Thu, 15 May 86 10:50:21 EDT Subject: StartupDesk Resource-- won't work on HyperDrive?? Reply-to: John T. Kohl <jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU> I have tried repeatedly to get StartupDesk to work on my HyperDrive 20, but it consistently either bombs or comes up with a bomb-shaped box and puts the exchange-disks icon in the upper right corner of the screen. It works just fine if I install it on a standard floppy without the HyperDrive drivers. Any ideas? John Kohl jtkohl@ATHENA.MIT.EDU ...!mit-eddie!jtkohl ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 20:22:55 pdt From: Bernard Aboba <bernard@ararat> Subject: "Phone - Net" experience? Has anyone out there ever done an AppleTalk installation utilizing BMUG-net, or "Phone-Net", which means using modular telephone plugs and wires? Any hints? I hear that it's basically more reliable, and can cover a longer distance than AppleTalk cable, and is cheaper to boot. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 May 86 07:51:45 edt From: kalagher@mitre.ARPA (Richard Kalagher) Subject: Bug copying files with Mac Plus I have a consistent problem when copying files from a 400K disk to and 800K disk on a single drive Mac Plus. The problem occurs when trying to copy all the files at once from a disk containing 50-80 files in several different folders. I get a message for 2 or 3 of the files saying "couldn't write file 'foobar'". If I copy the files in smaller chunks, everything is OK or if I go back and copy the files that couldn't be written, it works OK. Does anyone know what the "couldn't write" alert means? In addition, when the alert comes up you have the choice of "continue" or "cancel". The one time I clicked "cancel", the machine hung up and I had to reboot. The above occurrs with System 3.1.1 and Finder 5.2. ------------------------------ Date: Fri 16 May 86 08:57:21-PDT From: Tony Siegman <SIEGMAN@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> Subject: Compiled MS-Basic for the Mac -- Is it likely? I have to make a decision on which language to use for a series of programs to be used in an engineering course (nothing fancy programming-wise, but want to use Mac screen displays, and some moderate speed). Prime candidates at minute are MS-Basic or MS-Fortran (sorry, NOT Pascal). Can anyone express any knowledgeable opinion as to whether a compiled version of MS-Basic for the Mac is likely to be brought out in the next year or two -- or how one might best find this out from Microsoft? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 May 86 15:25:46 PDT From: Wayne_Carr%SFU.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Mailing list software Can anyone out there help? I'm looking for software for the MAC to store mailing lists and print labels as sorted by various criteria. If you have one, could you send it to me via the network to Simon Fraser University? Thanks in advance. Wayne Carr ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 May 86 17:15:55 edt From: cperry@mitre.ARPA (Chris Perry) Subject: Dungeon of Doom 3.0 DD 3.0 definitely beats 2.0 in presentation, action, etc.; however, it does not terminate execution gracefully. When I quit ver. 3.0, I get an ID=26 bomb on my 512K MFS machine. Has anybody else experienced this problem? Chris [FROM THE MODERATOR: DoD 3.0 will bomb with ID=26 if you do not put a finder on the disk (I know; it happened to me!). The short documentation included in one game menu says to put a finder and small system file on the disk with the program. Space shouldn't be a problem for those fortunate enough to have 800k disk capacity, but we don't all enjoy that luxury! - Lance ]15-May-86 08:47:25-PDT,1737;000000000001 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 08:45:44 PDT From: sml@Ford-wdl1.ARPA (Steve Lazarus) Subject: Structured Analysis/Design Tools for the Mac There have been several recent request regarding Structured Analysis/Design tools for the Mac. I've not used anything firsthand, but here's what I know about. 1. Structure Chart Excel Software P.O. Box 141 Marshalltown, IA 50158 (515) 753-0889 This appears to do structure charts as per Yourdon. List is $449, its is available for $299 through July 31, and a demo copy is available for $19 + $5 shipping. 2. ANATOOL (Analysis Toolkit) Abvent 9903 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 278 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (213) 659-5157 These folks had a booth at the San Francisco MacExpo. I don't know if they have a released product yet. This package does dataflow diagrams, data dictionaries, and mini-specs. 3. Deft My files are letting me down one this on. Maybe someone out there can fill in the blanks. This was a Canadian firm that exhibited at the New Orleans DEXPO (May 1985). They had their front end running on VMS (UNIX planned later) driving the interface on the Mac. I've heard nothing since then so I don't know if they are still there are not. Steve Lazarus (415) 852-4203 Ford Aerospace ...{fortune,sun}!wdl1!sml (UUCP) MS X-20 sml@ford-wdl1 (ARPA) 3939 Fabian Way Palo Alto, CA 94303 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 21:14:22 EDT From: Richard Furuta <> Subject: News about Macintosh TeX I've just received an announcement of the Macintosh version of the TeX formatting package. It's available now in prerelease form ($495 from Addison-Wesley/contact Brenda Cavallaro at (617) 944-6795---price includes version 1.0 update when released). The package corresponds to TeX version 2.0. The package requires a 512K Mac or larger with at least 800 Kbytes of disk. It supports the PostScript printers and the ImageWriter (I and II). They use the new TeX Computer Modern fonts and also say they support the PostScript printers' built-in Helvetica and Times fonts. They include a built-in editor that handles multiple document windows and handles very large documents quickly (multiple megabyte files with quick relocation within the file---they quote a one second time to move from point to point in a 1 megabyte file using an Apple HD20 hard disk). They also provide a built-in previewer. LaTeX is not yet included. An enhancement promised for the first released version is the ability to paste in pictures from MacPaint and MacDraw---that's not in the prerelease yet. The stated timings seem to be very good---10 to 20 seconds per page for TeX processing and 2 to 4 seconds to display a new typeset page. They don't say how long it takes to print a page on the Imagewriter. These timings compare very favorably with the IBM PC versions. The XT TeX's took about two times as long to process a page. The AT versions took about half the time per page. Since I'm sending this note to some lists that I do not moderate, let me state that I have no commercial interest in this product or in the firm that created it (Barry Smith of Kellerman and Smith in Portland, OR). I have known the author of the port for a number of years and we both serve on the steering committee for the TeX Users Group. --Rick ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 May 86 20:27:13 pdt From: Bernard Aboba <bernard@ararat> Subject: ANNOUNCING THE SMUG BBS Yet again, for those of you who do not yet know, the Stanford Macintosh Users Group has finally brought up their Bulletin Board System. Phone number is (415) 853-3056, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 60 minutes per hour, 60 seconds per minute.... Aside from the usual stimulating conversation, the calendar of SMUG events is available, E-Mail, etc., your basic Mouse Exchange BBS, which even non-members can log into. Call the SMUG hotline at (415) 725-0152 and leave a message for more info. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 May 86 15:37:52 cdt From: werner@ngp.UTEXAS.EDU (Werner Uhrig) Subject: Darin Adler's ReverseScreen-1.0b1.pit.Hqx follows this is Darin Adler's last contribution before leaving town for the summer. He wrote the program to help a vision-impaired friend for whom it is easier to work with a white-on-black screen. The article includes a documentation file, and is packed with PackIt-II and hexed with BinHex4. [Archived as [SUMEX-AIM]<INFO-MAC>REVERSE-SCREEN-10B1.HQX. - Lance ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 May 86 00:02:26 PDT From: woody@Juliet.Caltech.Edu (William E. Woody) Subject: Wish list After spending an entire afternoon trying to figure out why a program of mine (hack together in C; it reads the directories off of floppy disks and prints the list on the printer), and finding the mistake (by _painfully_ porting the *entire* source for the macintosh library, the header files, and my program to a local frendly Unix Vax, and writing shell scripts to (a) convert #include<...> into #include"..." (b) removing all asm{...} constructs in the macintosh syslib library [This is Megamax C, by the way] and (c) make a lint library out of the (large) number of source files for the Megamax C library), I desided something then and there: I WANT LINT FOR THE MACINTOSH! I WANT LINT FOR THE MACINTOSH! I WANT LINT FOR THE MACINTOSH! I will personally be willing to pay $$$ (and me a starving student, too!) to the first person/group/company with a LINT for the Macintosh! (After all, the big blue PC in the corner has several companies with LINT; shucks, a port of an existing LINT to the macintosh can't be _that_ bad. Shoot, I'd even help...) - William Woody NET Woody%Romeo@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu USNAIL 1-54 Lloyd, Caltech / Pasadena, CA 91126 ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************