INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator Dwayne Virnau...) (06/09/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Monday, 9 Jun 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 77 Today's Topics: KeyUp Events in Modal Dialogs Re: Request for help with SFGetFile SUMacC v2? 800K drive nuisance SCSI driver sources, hints .REL file format Mac Plus Cache Plotting packages Aztec C source for file print utility Aztec C "touch" utility Usenet Mac Digest V2 #45 Delphi Mac Digest V2 #22 Red Ryder 9.2 posted DiskLibrarian 1.7 posted Mac font to vfont (Sun screen) font converter Structured Analysis Tools - Addendum Dungeon-of-Doom 2.0 & 3.0 Faites attention si vous essayez d'imprimer en francais! A farewell to info-mac SCSI Drives Softstrip... mailing labels with Microsoft File? Looking for Library Software.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu 5 Jun 86 11:28:27-PDT From: David L. Edwards <DLE@SRI-AI.ARPA> Subject: KeyUp Events in Modal Dialogs Subject: RE: Event masks in Modal Dialog? > Am I correct in concluding that Modal Dialog ignores KeyUp events? I don't > see any mention made to this effect in IM, but my FilterProc responds to > all other events of interest, but not KeyUp. Assuming this to be the case, > is there any way to force it to respond to KeyUp's? Modal dialogs do not ignore KeyUp events but they are not normally available to the dialog since, by default, KeyUp events are not posted to the event queue. In order to receive those events, you must modify the system event mask using the call: SetEventMask(everyEvent); For more information, refer to the OS Event Manager. -dle ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 17:17:32 PDT From: woody@Juliet.Caltech.Edu (William E. Woody) Subject: Re: Request for help with SFGetFile > I'm not familiar with Lightspeed C, but it could be that it is > passing the entire structure of 'apoint' to SFGetFile. So, the > correct call would be: > > SFGetFile(&apoint, "\p ", (ProcPtr) 0, 2, typelist, (ProcPtr) 0, &reply); > > In Megamax C, I have to pass all Point's as &pt. This is strange > because somewhere in Inside Mac it says points are passed as long > values instead of addresses. Wo knows? Give the & a try. In Megamax C, the glue routines inside SysLib all take pointers to the structures they pass, even if the Macintosh Roms expect the structure. So, for SFGetFile, the source to the SysLib routine SFGetFile inside Library 1:Pack2.C looks like: [Comments are mine. code from V2.0 source] sfgetfile(where,prompt,filefilter,numtypes,typelist,dglhook,reply) point *where; ... { ... asm { move.l where(A6),A0 ; Megamax stores local stuff offset ; by array A6, so A0 == where move.l (A0),-(A7) ; Push the point as a long word onto ; the stack. ... } /* End of assembler routines. Now we can use C comments! */ ... But who knows, maybe LightSpeed C (yeech) may do the same thing as the Megamax C SysLib glue does. - William Woody NET Woody%Romeo@Hamlet.Caltech.Edu USNAIL 1-54 Lloyd, Caltech / Pasadena, CA 91126 I hope Megamax doesn't die; I LIKE their compiler. *sigh* PLEASE COME BACK! DON'T ABANDON ME! ------------------------------ Subject: SUMacC v2? Date: 06 Jun 86 10:11:27 EST (Fri) From: "Christopher A. Kent" <cak@Purdue.EDU> The latest "Wheels for the Mind" indicates that version 2 of SUMacC is complete. Is this available for FTP from somewhere? chris ------------------------------ Subject: 800K drive nuisance Date: Sat, 31 May 86 17:42:27 -0800 From: Kathleen Huddleston <gregory@ICSE.UCI.EDU> I wanted to share a problem I've encountered and not seen detailed here before. I picked up a few Public Domain disks from my local user group that had apparently been created on an 800K drive. They were unreadable on my 400K drive at home even though they were initialized as 400K disks. When I put them in the 400K drive, I got the usual message - unreadable, do you wish to initialize. I also tried looking at them with MacTools and they were completely empty from that view. However, I suspected the problem and tried them on my MacPlus at school. They were fine. Therefore, a warning. In some cases, even 400K disks created by the new 800K drives may be unreadable. Try them in 800K drives before initializing. And for user groups and others making copies for mixed users - try to test at least some of your disks in 400K drives before distributing them. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 86 13:36:53 edt From: Bill Hofmann <> Subject: SCSI driver sources, hints Has anyone seen a SCSI driver source knocking around? I'm told Apple has made a sample one available, but haven't been able to track it down. Any leads would be appreciated. As well, I've heard horrible stories about major problems with the [Apple side] of the SCSI interface. Any details would be appreciated. Please reply to the above address, as I'm not on the list. Thanks! -Bill Hofmann PO Box 41-0009 SF CA 94141 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 86 15:41 pst From: "pugh jon%e.mfenet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: .REL file format Does anyone have a program for examining the insides of a .REL file? All it would really need to do would be to list all the external symbols lying therein. Or does anyone have the format? Tom Leonard must, but does anyone reading this have it? Jon ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Jun 86 14:30:20 PDT From: XQWERTY%UCLASSCF.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Gann M.) Subject: Mac Plus Cache I've been reading a lot about setting the cache bit so that the RAM cache on the Mac Plus will work. I never payed any attention to it back then because I didn't have a Plus. However, now that I do, can someone tell me how to go about setting the cache bit for an application? I don't "hack" into my Mac too much, so I really don't know what to do. I have FEDIT 3.5. Help! Gann M. ------------------------------ Date: 5 Jun 86 15:31 EDT From: Richard Renfro <rrenfro@dtrc> Subject: Plotting packages We recently received a Houston Instruments D-size plotter to attach to one of our Macs and draw circuit board layouts with. It would be very useful to be able to plot from MacDraw/MacDraft and other software as well. Is there a "generic" plotter driver available at this time, something selectable with the Chooser? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jun 86 01:42:41 mdt From: dlc%a@LANL.ARPA (Dale Carstensen) Subject: Aztec C source for file print utility I modified a public-domain print utility for use on the Macintosh with Aztec C. It supports a number of options for different draft pitches and line spacing on the Imagewriter, and prints the file name and last modification date and time in the header, so if that's what you need and you have Aztec C, here it is. If you have another C, you'll need to do some conversion. If you don't have any C, you probably won't want this. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-PRINTFILE.C DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jun 86 01:47:37 mdt From: dlc%a@LANL.ARPA (Dale Carstensen) Subject: Aztec C "touch" utility I used some of the program for the print utility to implement "touch" for Aztec C, which helps save some time with "make" when you update comments in a source file, so the object wouldn't change, or change definitions and type definitions in a header file and know which C sources are defined to make as dependent on the header, but don't use what was changed, etc. If you don't use "make", this may not be interesting to you, but it is an example of getting directory information about a file. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-TOUCH.C DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jun 86 11:45:42 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #45 Usenet Mac Digest Sunday, 8 June 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 45 Today's Topics: macdraw upgrade wishes Getting at the LaserPrep file Fragmentation of memory Re: Help: Travelling with a Mac Re: Apple's response to 10 Challenges SCSI Profile? TML Pascal problem Re: TT512 Rebuttal Manx 1.06H shipped with "Deadly System" Retraction DA support (or lack thereof) Re: macdraw upgrade wishes Red Ryder 9.2 Re: MacDraw upgrade wishes Re: Configuring the SCC chip on the Mac Re: Help: Travelling with a Mac Re: Configuring the SCC chip on the Mac MacPlus bug(?), observations Selecting Folders New apple-baby VEGAS PX and SC in Maxbug? TML Pascal, Debugger Help MacWrite 4.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>USENETV2-45.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jun 86 11:46:21 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #22 Delphi Mac Digest Sunday, 8 June 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 22 Today's Topics: Omnis bbs HyperDrive 2000 delayed RE: HyperDrive 2000 delayed (Re: Msg 8703) RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #43 (Re: Msg 8609) New System/Finder Aldus Recommendation RE: Aldus Recommendation (Re: Msg 8666) Re: Stella address Aldus Prep 1.2 bug LaserWriter Plus ROM workaround Mac Plus / printer problems RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684) Re: ResEdit is too *** slow for menus RE: Networking with Mac Plus (Re: Msg 8694) dust problems RE: dust problems (Re: Msg 8790) System 3.2/Finder 5.3 RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #44 (Re: Msg 8684) Easy 3D generating keydown event with modifiers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV2-22.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu 5 Jun 86 17:11:17-PDT From: Lance Nakata <K.Kirin@LOTS-A.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: Here is an old help file from early this year. I hope it is still current enough for the billiards game that was recently posted. Lance [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>BILLIARDS-HELP.HQX DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu 5 Jun 86 18:30:04-PDT From: Lance Nakata <K.Kirin@LOTS-A.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: Red Ryder 9.2 posted I've placed Red Ryder 9.2 in the <INFO-MAC> directory. These files were copied from net.sources.mac, so I hope they all came through okay. They are archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>REDRYDER-92.HQX {application} REDRYDER-92-CHANGES.TXT {list of changes from 8.0} Note that REDRYDER-92-CHANGES.TXT is a text file. Do not use BinHex on it! Please let the Moderator know if there are any problems with these files. Lance Nakata ------------------------------ Date: Sun 8 Jun 86 03:28:18-PDT From: Lance Nakata <K.Kirin@LOTS-A.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: DiskLibrarian 1.7 posted I've brought over a copy of DiskLibrarian 1.7 from net.sources.mac and placed it in <INFO-MAC> under the name [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>DISKLIBRARIAN-17.HQX. It is a binhexed Packit file that contains DL 1.7, a quick summary of the features, and a list of changes since Rev 1.0. It appears to have all the major bugs that 1.0 sported fixed, and it runs off a 20MB HFS hard drive, so it seems to work for HFS too (all of this according to the message posting). Lance ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 86 09:48:24 PDT From: John Bruner <> Subject: Mac font to vfont (Sun screen) font converter "fontcvt" is a UNIX program I wrote one day while waiting for my hard disc to be repaired. It extracts FONT resources from a Macintosh resource file and creates font files in vfont format. These fonts can be used as Sun screen fonts. (Theoretically they could also be used as Versatec printer fonts, but the difference in resolution makes all but the largest Mac fonts too small for the Versatec.) -- John Bruner (S-1 Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) MILNET: jdb@mordor [jdb@s1-c.ARPA] (415) 422-0758 UUCP: ...!ucbvax!dual!mordor!jdb ...!seismo!mordor!jdb --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.ARPA]<INFO-MAC>FONT-CONVERT.SHAR DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 86 11:45:46 PDT From: sml@Ford-wdl1.ARPA (Steve Lazarus) Subject: Structured Analysis Tools - Addendum I now have information on the DEFT Product I mentioned in a previous note. DEFT is to have 4 modules: 1. Data-Flow Diagramming 2. Entity-Relationship Diagramming (Can also do structure charts) 3. Formatting Tool - (screens, reports, and design documents) 4. Translator - Transfer info to VMS and into CDD, TDMS, Cobol, or Fortran The name comes from the 1st letters. They currently have the 1st 2 available on VMS. The Mac is used as an interface. Company info: Disus 557 Dixon Road Suite 110 Toronto, Canada M9W 1H7 (416) 249-2246 Steve Lazarus (415) 852-4203 Ford Aerospace ...{fortune,sun}!wdl1!sml (UUCP) MS X-20 sml@ford-wdl1 (ARPA) 3939 Fabian Way Palo Alto, CA 94303 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 May 86 14:48:04 pst From: ha@prandtl.ARPA (Charles D. Ha) Subject: Dungeon-of-Doom 2.0 & 3.0 > From: cperry@mitre.ARPA (Chris Perry) > DD 3.0 definitely beats 2.0 in presentation, action, etc.; however, it does > not terminate execution gracefully. When I quit ver. 3.0, I get an ID=26 > bomb on my 512K MFS machine. Has anybody else experienced this problem? > Chris > [FROM THE MODERATOR: DoD 3.0 will bomb with ID=26 if you do not put a > finder on the disk (I know; it happened to me!). The short documentation > included in one game menu says to put a finder and small system file on > the disk with the program... - Lance] This is just exactly the *opposite* of my own experience on a 512K MFS Mac. Dungeon of Doom 3.0 always terminates gracefully for me when run from a floppy without a Finder nor any other usual System stuff. I did notice the short doc later but never bothered to change anything since it never gave any trouble. On the other hand, v2.0 keeps rebooting the Mac when I try to leave the game; not a bomb, but a simple (?) reboot. Is this supposed to be normal for DoD 2 ? If so, is rebooting really necessary ? Now I'm confused. Anyway, I tend to agree with Chris in that I like the general presentation in version 3.0 better than 2.0. My only problem is finding the Orb... Btw, for the unwary ones, DoD (not sure which version, but most likely both) creates several invisible files: Character Data, Level xx (xx: 01, 02, ... to whatever) were among those that I saw. Happy hunting! Charles Ha/ha@prandtl.ARPA "The likelihood of an individual being right increases in direct proportion to the intensity of someone trying to prove him wrong." Mr. Jordan, 'Heaven Can Wait' ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Jun 1986 22:29 EDT From: HENRY%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: Faites attention si vous essayez d'imprimer en francais! I occasionally use MacWrite to write documents in French. I appreciate the Mac's ability to be able to conveniently write correctly accented French, something difficult to do on all the other editors I use on other systems. A trick I sometimes use to quickly print an address on an envelope is to copy the address from the MacWrite letter into a MockWrite page, format it a little, then use MockWrite's Print command. When I tried this with a French address containing an "e" with an accent aigu, the Imagewriter went haywire and switched to some sort of expanded printing mode. This persisted even across booting the Mac until I power cycled the printer. My guess is that in the draft print mode used by MockWrite, the accented "e" is some sort of control character for switching modes. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Jun 86 17:00:39 PDT From: (Chris Borton) Subject: A farewell to info-mac This a fond farewell to all of you that made up net.micro.mac and info-mac the last two years. I've learned a great deal here, and hope I helped some of you out when possible. The reason for my pending absence is simple: I am going as a foreign exchange student to study in Goettingen, Germany for a year. Georg-August Universitaet in Goettingen is very well known for most subjects *except* Computer Science, and to my knowledge they don't have much (if any) of a facility there. Hence, I will be cut out of the telecommunications world. [I have a double major of Computer Science/German Literature, doing my CS here at UCSD and most of my German there] As always, I am happy to answer any questions or fulfill requests sent to me if possible. From 15 June until 31 July I will be at: 101 East 7th Street Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-7667 (_anytime_, voice) After 4 August I can be reached at: Chris Borton c/o EAP Study Center Georg-August Universitaet Wilhemstrasse 4 D-3400 Goettingen, West Germany Thank you to all for providing a wonderful medium for discussion and sharing of information. The Mac is indeed wonderful...Chuq, Ephraim, Werner, Darin, Larry, and all other wonderful information sources--keep up the great work! --Chris ------- Chris "Johann" Borton, UC San Diego Undergraduate CS & German Lit borton@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU || ...!{ucbvax,decvax,noscvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!borton "Zuerst `die Pruefungen,' und dann nach Davis bis 4 August wenn ich nach Goettingen fliegen werde. Ich werde Euch sehr hat mir viel Spass gemacht und auch habe ich viel gelernt" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jun 86 16:42 PDT From: Don Worth (213) 825-7408 or 825-9445 <CSMIDDW@UCLA-CCN.ARPA> Subject: SCSI Drives We had time to do some quick benchmarks on our new Lowdown 20, our MDIdeas 20, and our DataFrame 20 SCSI hard disks today. The Lowdown is the fastest (as might have been expected). We created a folder with four copies of MacWrite in it, turned off the cache, and restarted the system then timed how long it took to duplicate the folder (hard disk to hard disk). Times are given below: DataFrame 20 - 11 seconds MDIdeas 20 - 11 seconds Lowdown 20 - 8 seconds 800K diskette- 41 seconds 3Com Ethermac- 66 seconds (thanks AppleTalk!) Apple HD 20 - Haven't got around to it yet We have only just hooked up the LowDown so have no particular opinion as to its reliability (and we haven't received the tape backup unit we ordered yet). My MDIdeas drive has a problem getting started at power-up sometimes. I turn it on and it makes a nasty rachetting sound and goes to sleep forever (never comes alive as far as the Mac is concerned). This happens about 2 out of 3 starts. It is probably just this particu- lar drive but then who knows. The DataFrame seems to work fine except in one esoteric case: If you "disconnect" from AppleTalk (to run something that hates AppleTalk like the old version of MacLink) and then reconnect (using Control Panel) the system bombs. There is a rumor that this is Apple's fault...maybe. The Lowdown seems pretty nice on the face of the above numbers but it has to been the ugliest looking thing (of course who needs a pretty face in a hard disk?). Don Worth UCLA Microcomputer Support Office CSMIDDW@UCLAMVS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 10:56 PDT From: PUGH%CCV.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: Softstrip... Thanks to KSPROUL@RED.RUTGERS.EDU for the comments on the Cauzin Softstrip. The thing we all want to know though, is what software have you gotten with this thing? Can you print strips? Is there enough software being published in this format to warrent it's purchase? Who is publishing software this way? I realize it's a bit much to ask, but I can't be the only one curious about it. This device sounds very nice, but it is crucial that it get support from independant vendors. Jon ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 86 16:03:02 PDT From: brydon%newton@BERKELEY.EDU (Louis B. Brydon) Subject: mailing labels with Microsoft File? I am trying to do a 'simple' mailing list, and would like to use Microsoft File. I thought it did mailing labels, but in trying to do so have been having troubles. Any 'File' users out there who can help me out? -Louis ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 86 14:35:48 EDT From: SAROFF%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (MANAGER OF THE KILLER Subject: Looking for Library Software.... Hi, The University of Massachusetts Science Fiction Society has a library with over 3000 books in it. We are currently using a paper-and-3x5-card system to handle the books. A number of people, myself included, have decided to investigate the possibility of computerizing the library, card catalogue, and membership roster. What sort of software is available to do this. The requirements for the software follow: 1) It must be able to interface with a bar-code reader or some other similar system (Minimizes Human Error In check-ins/check-outs). 2) It must prevent a person with books or fines outstanding from checking out books. 3) It must be able to maintain an up to date membership roster. 4) It must be able to function as a card catalogue. 5) It must distinguish between hard and soft bound books. 6) It must be able to handle "doubles". (Books that have two novels, generally by two different authors, that are bound together.) 7) Must be reasonably "idiot proof" to use. 8) The budgetary constraints limit us to: A micro-computer, a bar code reader, and a hard disc. U.M.S.F.S. does not currently have a micro, so any software source is fine we will select the system based on the library software. Matthew Saroff BITNET:SAROFF@UMASS ARPANET:SAROFF%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************