[mod.mac] INFO-MAC Digest V4 #80

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator Dwayne Virnau...) (06/26/86)

INFO-MAC Digest         Thursday, 26 Jun 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 80

Today's Topics:
                  Incompatible software with System 3.2
                            New System bombs
                        TML Pascal and new System
                             System 3.2 Bugs
                   Searching HFS file space (WHEREIS)
                              Re: Appletalk
                          re:DA Dialog problems
                          LightSpeed C Problem
                            MacPaint problem
                             Pop Up Windows
                        Usenet Mac Digest V2 #50
         Lord of the Rings Finder (System 3.2/Finder 5.3 ONLY!)
                      talking moose desk accessory
                         File transfer under uw
                          Boing crashes on Mac+
                              Naming files


Date: Sun 22 Jun 86 20:05:57-ADT
From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Incompatible software with System 3.2

	I have just found a couple of incompatibilities in software
after having installed the latest Mac System 3.2.  MacSpool from
Mainstay, Inc. now crashes with an illegal instruction error (ID=03)
bomb when you try to print anything or try to clear the ram print buffer
from the MacSpool-Control desk accessory.  If anyone knows of a patch to
allow it to work I would appreciate it greatly.
	MacKermit 0.8(34) now sometimes doesn't handle direct address
cursor movements correctly while in SYSDPY on a DEC-20.  A minor
annoyance, but a refresh fixes it for a while.

	- Peter


Date: Tue, 24 Jun 86 17:54:43 EDT
From: Joel Malman <malman@J.BBN.COM>
Subject: New System bombs

I  have  been  getting quite a few Mac Bombs (#3, illegal instruction) while
using the new System  (3.2)  and  Finder  (5.3)  while  either  printing  or
starting  to  print  on  LaserWriter  (not  a  Laser+), using version 3.0 LW
software. I don't have 3.1 LW software.

Has anyone else seen this?
Does anyone have version 3.1 LW software?

Reverting to system 3.1.1 / finder 5.2 stops the bombing.



Date: Tue, 24 Jun 86 21:25 pst
From: "pugh jon%e.mfenet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA
Subject: TML Pascal and new System

I was using TML Pascal with the newer systems (3.1.1 & 3.2) and my programs
started failing.  Even the example program started failing.  It works fine if
I compile under 2.0 but not if I compile under 3.n.  It fails at the GetMenu
call.  Is this an example of a system bug or is it with TML?  Would their
update to 1.1 fix this?  Does anyone have a clue what is going on?  I am
refering to the Grow.Pas example program provided with TML.  This has got me
notably chafed.  No amount of baby powder will help.  I need an answer!

By the by, will Macbugs work with a Ramdisk?  How do you do it properly?  Could
someone post a brief intro to Macbugs or TMON and explain how they are used
and the advantages of each?  I am still a bit confused as to which to buy.
I have heard good about both but can't even use them well enough to make an
intelligent choice, and I hate buying randomly!

While we're at it, is anyone making tons of money with no work on their Mac?
There has to be a way.



Date: Wed, 25 Jun 86 22:27:17 EDT
From: Joel Malman <malman@j.bbn.com>
Subject: System 3.2 Bugs

System  Software  version 3.2 would seem to NOT be as bug free as Apple says
it is. My Mac+/LW system  crashes  quite  often  with  MacBomb  #3  (Illegal
Instruction).   Especially so when printing, or "Looking for <LASERWRITER>".
An informal survey (at BBN) indicates that other System 3.2 users  have  the
same or similar problems. I have since reverted to System 3.1.1 .. where the
problem  does  not  occur.  On  the  plus  side:  Finder  version  5.3 seems

Question:  Does  anyone  know  if  Apple is aware of the problem(s) with 3.2
and/or if another attempt at a "bug free" Operating System is in the works?


disclaimer ()
     Opinion expressed here is my own, and not in any way the
        written or expressed policy of BBN, Labs. Inc.


Date: Thu 19 Jun 86 19:12:44-PDT
From: Timothy Burcham <B.BURCH@LOTS-A.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: DragGrayRgn

So, I found out the answer to my question posed a few days ago, thanks
to Steve Stein at THINK.  It turns out that you *need* to send DragGrayRgn
a mouse point within an event loop.  Just putting up a region and pointing
within it (sending it the point of clicking as per GetMouse(&thePoint)) won't
work.  Chances are, there was a MouseUp event somewhere within the queue,
which DragGrayRgn found immediately upon a MouseDown.  So I wrote a quick
example using DragGrayRgn.  It really is a wonderful routine!

The example (a la q & d):

#include 	"HD20:lsC:Mac #includes:Quickdraw.h"
#include 	"HD20:lsC:Mac #includes:ToolboxUtil.h"
#include  	"HD20:lsC:Mac #includes:WindowMgr.h"
#include  	"HD20:lsC:Mac #includes:EventMgr.h"

#define	NULL		0L

static Rect 		r = {50, 100, 150, 200},  lr = {0, 0, 350, 520}, sr = {0, 0, 350, 520};
static Rect		wRect = {40, 4, 338, 508};
static RgnHandle	theRgn, CopyOfRgn;
EventRecord	event;
WindowPtr		theWindow;
WindowRecord	wRecord;
Point			p1;
long			aLong;

void Make_A_Window(vf)
char *vf;
		theWindow = NewWindow(&wRecord, &wRect, vf, 1, 0, (long)-1, 0, (long)0);

void DoExample()
		theRgn = NewRgn();
		CopyOfRgn = NewRgn();
		RectRgn(theRgn, &r);

	int constrain;
		FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
		Make_A_Window("\pDragGrayRgn Demo");
		do {
			if (!GetNextEvent(0x3E, &event))
			switch (event.what) {
				case mouseDown:
					if  (PtInRgn(event.where, theRgn)) {
						CopyRgn(theRgn, CopyOfRgn);
						if (event.modifiers & shiftKey) {
							if (event.modifiers & optionKey)
								constrain = hAxisOnly;
							else constrain = vAxisOnly;
						} else constrain  = noConstraint;
						aLong = DragGrayRgn(CopyOfRgn, event.where, &lr, &sr, constrain, NULL);
					OffsetRgn(theRgn, (int) (aLong & 0xFFFF), (int) (aLong >> 16));
				case keyDown:
				case autoKey:
		} while (TRUE);


Note that the support from THINK is great!  I've never had such support from
a $140 purchase.
			Have fun...


Date: Sun, 22 Jun 86 16:38 EST
From: ELIOT%cs.umass.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Subject: Searching HFS file space (WHEREIS)

Whoever was planning to write the equivalent of WHEREIS for the Mac
might be interested in Consulair's GREP program.  It is intended
to search the text of a file for lines matching a pattern, but you can
select the subset of files whose names match a substring to work on.

As far as I know you can only buy this program as part of the Utilities
package, which has SuperMake, Grep, Diff and the maximum performance
analyzer, for $100.00 or so.  This is too bad, because SuperMake and MPA
are not too useful to people who don't have Consulair C.

I have all of the above programs, and I like them.  There are some bugs in
SuperMake and I havn't really used MPA yet.  I also think that Consulair
products are in general, well, not cheap.


Date: Mon, 23 Jun 86 16:45:35 EDT
From: singer@harvard.HARVARD.EDU (Andrew Singer)
Subject: Re: Appletalk

Concerning Robert Wald's problem with LightspeedC and AppleTalk,
he noted correctly in a USENET msg that the atpSocket VAR parameter
to ATPOpenSocket is expected to be a pointer to a 2-byte variable.
However, he incorrectly implies that this is due to some quirk in
LightspeedC that causes this to be different from Inside Mac. If
you look carefully in IM, you'll find that the atpSocket parameter
is indeed declared as a "Byte", but if you look elsewhere in IM
(Using Assembly Language) you'll find that the type "Byte" denotes
a 2-byte region of storage with the value in the low-order byte.
Since "Byte" is declared as "0..255", this is correct according
to LisaPascal's storage conventions (it had better be!). The
choice of the name "Byte" for this type is unfortunate, but hardly
Lightspeed's fault...


Date: Tue, 24 Jun 86 14:33:05 EDT
From: Meredith Lesly <mlesly@bbn-labs-b.arpa>
Subject: re:DA Dialog problems

DA-owned windows have a windowKind of the owner type (you know, the magic
negative number).  This is how a DA gets its window events.  But the
Dialog Manager expects the windowKind to be DialogKind (or whatever it's
called.)  So if your dialog has a windowKind of its owned #, IsDialogEvent
won't think it's a dialog and therefore will always return false.  With
modal dialogs, you can change the windowkind to be DialogKind temporarily
and then change it back (if necessary), but I'm not sure what the right
thing is to do with modeless dialogs off the top of my head.

The windowKind problem may well have something to do with the other
problem you have as well.


Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1986 21:56:59 EDT
From: Robert L. Wald  <6090617%PUCC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject: LightSpeed C Problem

  I'm having a problem passing a procedure pointer to a UserIterm procedure
in Lightspeed C. Its taking place inside of a Desk Accesory whose window
is a dialog box.

I put in the pointer for the UserItem like
The function is defined as
pascal void MyItem(theWindow,itemNo)
WindowPtr theWindow;
int itemNo;

  The function is never getting called. I have a SysBeep(3) at the beginning to
see if it ever is called. Also a Static Text item is never drawn which comes
after the myProc in the item list. Everything works fine if I don't try
to replace the pointer so I can use the UserItem, but I need the UserItem.

Any Ideas?

Another problem (academic): A dialog within a Desk Acc. is supposed to work
with all Dialog Mgr calls, but IsDialogEvent returns FALSE; I skip
it and pass everything to DialogSelect. Is this right?

-------------------   Nexus   --------------------

-Rob Wald
(PUCC User Services)
BITNET: 6090617@PUCC

  Why a mouse when it spins?


Date: 24 Jun 86 14:05:29 EDT (Tuesday)
From: schlichter.Wbst@Xerox.COM
Subject: MacPaint problem

sorry I did not know the official mailing address for INFO-MAC mail.

After upgrading to a Mac+ I recently run into a problem with Macpaint. If
Macpaint and the system are on a different disk, the editing commands cut/copy
of Macpaint do not work correctly anymore. It behaves like the following:
select some information within Macpaint and then apply cut/copy.
If you now apply the paste command, nothing comes back (the clipboard is
empty). I tried it with the systems 3.1.1/3.2, but also with the old system
which came before 3.0 (I don't remember its number).
Another strange behaviour was the following: select within Macpaint some
information and then apply cut/copy; invoke now a desk accessory
(like Scrapbook), select something there and cut/copy it; if you now return
to Macpaint and invoke the paste command, then you get exactly that
information what you previously cut/copied from Macpaint, not the
information you cut/copied from the desk accessory.

If Macpaint and the system are on the same disk, everything works fine. I also
tried the above examples with an old 512K Mac without any problems. Do I do
something substantial wrong or has Macpaint problems with the new ROM?

	Arpa Net: Schlichter.Wbst@Xerox.arpa
	Usnet:    {seismo, topaz, allegra}!rochester!rocksanne!jhs


Date: Mon, 23 Jun 86 09:20:03 PDT
From: Charles Dolan <cpd@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Pop Up Windows

I was checking out uEmacs and I really liked the popup menus, which are
the same style, shadowed rectangles, as pull down menus.  Does anyone
out there know how this is done?  I am assuming that sine they look so
similar to the pull down menus, they can be be done easily with the Menu
Manager, as opposed to writing a hole new menu package.

-Charlie Dolan


Date: 24 Jun 86 10:55:16 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #50

Usenet Mac Digest          Tuesday, 24 June 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 50

Today's Topics:
     MacAuthor Review (long)
     DA Dialog WIndow
     How can you tell how long it will take?
     MacWorkStation Protocol
     Sacredness of -nnnn(a5) (Bug in DiskInfo?)
     Re: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #25 (Re:  TEClick bug)
     A Tale of Two Oddities
     Re: MICHA Hard disk /Ram Owners??
     Oklahoma City APPLEFEST
     Re: DA Dialog WIndow
     Arabic Font for the Mac
     Re: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #25 (MassTech defunct)
     John Mitchell and FEdit




Date: 24 Jun 86 19:51:44 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: miniWRITER

[ Uploaded from Delphi - Jeff ]

Date: 23-JUN-1986 19:09 by DDUNHAM

miniWRITER(tm) is a TEXT-processor desk accessory with Undo and deluxe
printing at draft speed.  In addition to the desk accessory itself,
this package contains the following files:

miniWRITER.doc describes the miniWRITER desk accessory.  It's in MacWrite 2.2
format.  miniWRITER.appendix goes into detail on ImageWriter printing. Part of
the miniWRITER(tm) package.

imageWRITER font.  Use with miniWRITER desk accessory for what-you-see-is-what-
you-get printing at draft speed.

Two templates for printing envelopes with miniWRITER.  For best
results, install the imageWRITER font before using them.  These
templates work with the ImageWriter printer.

A ResEdit TMPL (template) resource useful for customizing the miniWRITER desk
accessory.  See miniWRITER.doc for more information.  (This resource will be
distributed in the "suitcase file" in future uploads.)

Copyright (C) 1986 Maitreya Design. SHAREWARE.




Date: Wed, 25 Jun 86 09:01:28 PDT
From: chuq@SUN.COM (Chuq Von Rospach)
Subject: Lord of the Rings Finder (System 3.2/Finder 5.3 ONLY!)

Here is a packit file containing resources that convert a System 3.2/Finder 5.3
version of the Mac to a Lord of the Rings based finder. Cute. Kitsch.
But fun for all the family. This is from CompuServe.







Date: Wed, 25 Jun 86 20:46:59 PDT
Subject: talking moose desk accessory

Here is the talking Moose desk accessory as a binhex document. Use
binhex to unpack then packit II to convert to three files.

   This is a fabulous DA which provides a talking moose. The moose
will appear after every so many seconds of inactivity on your Mac
and give you some pearls of wisdom. This is a packit file (PACKIT II)
and contains the Moose Phrases (can be edited by RESEDIT), the
moose DA (installed by Font/DA mover) and documentation. Note that
it does not include the Macintalk speech driver which is needed.




Date: Tue, 24 Jun 86 11:50:38 pdt
From: saj@ACC-SB-UNIX.ARPA (Steve Johnson)
Subject: File transfer under uw

Attn:  File transfer under uw.  The multi-windowing terminal emulator, uw,
is the most useful piece of Mac software I have
(and it's free, courtesy of John Bruner).  One feature
it does not possess is file tranfer.  However, I have stumbled
onto a reasonably convenient way to tranfer files when using uw.  On the Unix
side, first run uw.
On the Mac side, run
both uw and MacKermit (Version 0.8(34)) under the Switcher.
Most of the time you will just use uw from the mac side.  But when you want to
do a file transfer, switch over to Mackermit, and use it to run
Unix Kermit (the latest version from Columbia)
in one of the uw windows (shells).
You should set parity to space, and the packet start character to ^B in both
the Mac and Unix Kermits (these configurations can be saved in files and called
up quickly).  Appropriate command to Unix Kermit are
	set send start 2
	set rec start 2
	set parity space
Then do the file transfer.  When complete, exit from Unix Kermit, and switch
back to uw.  Uw picks right up where it was left.  Caveat:  this won't work if
other uw windows are sending data to the Mac simultaneously with the Kermit
     This technique does not work with Macterminal and Macget/Macput, because
the Xmodem protocol sends 8-bit characters, which the Unix uw will diddle.
I think the ultimate would be to integrate kermit (or xmodem) into uw, so that
file transfer could go on in a background window, while you could continue
to edit in some other window.  But hey, I'm sure not complaining.


Date: Tue, 24 Jun 86 17:24:35 EDT
From: ms1g@andrew.cmu.edu (Mark Steven Sherman)
Subject: Boing crashes on Mac+

I downloaded Boing and it seems to crash when quitting (on a Mac+). Also, there
is no sound (despite its name). Anyone else have this problem (or a suggestion
on how to avoid the crash)?


Date: Wed, 25 Jun 86 21:48:39 PDT
From: woody@Juliet.Caltech.Edu (William E. Woody)
Subject: Naming files

What kinda file name is <INFO-MAC>BUGFIXES-FINDER53-SYSTEM32.TXT?  Seeing
what the upper limit on file names are on the SUMEX machine?  :-)

- William Woody                              mac > /|\ && ][n
Date: Wed 25 Jun 86 22:15:30-PDT
Subject: Re: Naming files

I apologized for that name as soon as I used it.  But what else do
you suggest calling it?

I've got one for you:  posted in this digest is a program that will change
the system and finder to a "lord of the rings" type system and finder
(what in the world is a lord of the rings system and finder?).  BUT, the
program will only work on system 3.2 and finder 5.3 (weren't those just
released last week?).

What should I call this thing?

Lord-of-the-Rings-System-32-Finder-53-Only.hqx   ?

Any suggestions?

Dwayne Virnau...

of course please note that I ended up calling the file



End of INFO-MAC Digest