INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (07/28/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 27 Jul 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 91 Today's Topics: TCP/IP for macintosh? Bi-Directional Imagewriters... New ROMs, System, what's included? DA Key 2.02 Other... 2.01 Delphi Mac Digest V2 #31 Re: Digitizing point coordinates (MacTablet) Help with Font Changer Improvments Large-screen projection systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 86 15:23:05 EDT From: Shores%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA (Ken Shores) Subject: TCP/IP for macintosh? We are planning an Ethernet based TCP/IP network to link several of our mainframe and micro-computers and we would like to include some Macs. Does anyone know of TCP/IP software and/or Ethernet hardware for the Macintosh? If you do, please send me any information that you can, even just the company name would help. Please send any comments to me rather than to this digest; digest reception is erratic out here on BITNET. Ken Shores, systems programmer University of Massachusetts P.S. I am sending this to a couple of digests, my apologies to anyone who sees it more than once. USMail: 125 Lederle GRC, UMass, Amherst, MA, 01003 BITNet: Shores@UMass ARPANet: Shores%UMass.BITNET@Wiscvm.Wisc.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Sunday 27 July 1986 06.17 CST From: Samir Kaleem <XSAK%IECMICC.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA> Subject: Bi-Directional Imagewriters... As I found out, some Imagewriters will start printing bi-directionally by caps lock-shift-option sequence when clicking on the print button in the print dialog box. The sequence used again will put it back into single direction mode. Supposedly, this will make the Imagewriter print at almost double it's speed. My problem is that when I tried this sequence, it did indeed work, but the next time I printed again, it went back to the single direction mode. Anyone know how to make it stay in the bi-direction mode? Another little question. Is anyone out there interested in SmallTalk-80 for the Mac? I've got a version of that from Apple, but have been a little limited in my operations with it so far. Mainly because I'm trying to learn it myself, and because they recommend a hard drive with almost 3.5 meg allocated to SmallTalk (it comes on a 6 disk set). Sheesh|||| Can't wait to get a hard drive (when I can afford it), but I'm interested in exchanging information with others who are interested in SmallTalk-80 BCNU...Samir Kaleem (Bitnet: XSAK@IECMICC.BITNET) (Arpa: XSAK%IECMICC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU) ------------------------------ Subject: New ROMs, System, what's included? Date: Sun, 27 Jul 86 12:10:41 -0800 From: Kathleen Huddleston <gregory@ICSE.UCI.EDU> I have upgraded my Mac with the new ROMs and new system (3.2). I also am using a HD20 in addition to the 800K drive. Do I need the HD20 driver in my system folder on the Hard disk, or is this already bundled in the ROMs or System 3.2? Also, I have heard that AppleTalk is in the new System and new ROMs. Therefore, do I need the separate Apple Talk driver as well? While I'm at it, do I need the software version of the Chicago font in my System Font file? If I can remove any of these, it would be nice to do so. Kathleen Huddleston <> ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 86 00:21:20 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: DA Key 2.02 [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: DA KEY 2.02 Date: 24-JUL-1986 19:51 by LOFTUSBECKER [ Updated 23-JUL-1986 21:56 by LOFTUSBECKER to 2.02. Corrects a bug in the renumber routine. ] A replacement for Other .. and DA Key 1.x, this is a much smoother way to run desk accessories not installed in the system file. Documentation file included, in MacWrite 4.5 format. Shareware. [ Note from moderator: This Version is a bugfix to version 2.0] [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>FKEY-DA-KEY202.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 86 00:21:47 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Other... 2.01 [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: OTHER... 2.01 Date: 25-JUL-1986 21:35 by LOFTUSBECKER Version 2.0 of Other..., the desk accessory that lets you run desk accessories from disk files even if they aren't installed in the System. Major changes from earlier versions, now supports full concurrent operation with the running program. Documentation in MacWrite 4.5 format. This upload is version 2.01. - Lofty Becker [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-OTHER-201.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 86 10:00:22 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #31 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, 26 July 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 31 Today's Topics: RE: GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENT (Re: Msg 7924) RE: LODOWN BACKUP (Re: Msg 10624) RE: LODOWN BACKUP (Re: Msg 10708) RE: Alter Ego (male) (Re: Msg 10704) RE: Alter Ego (male) (Re: Msg 10711) RE: Alter Ego (male) (Re: Msg 10744) RE: Alter Ego (male) (Re: Msg 10744) Finder point size RE: Finder point size (Re: Msg 10729) RE: LODOWN BACKUP (Re: Msg 10712) RE: LODOWN BACKUP (Re: Msg 10731) RE: DATABASES (Re: Msg 10734) RE: DATABASES (Re: Msg 10690) RE: DATABASES (Re: Msg 10738) RE: DATABASES (Re: Msg 10775) RE: DATABASES (Re: Msg 10785) RE: astrology (Re: Msg 10421) Modification to Apple License Agreement RE: Modification to Apple License Agreem (Re: Msg 10755) RE: Modification to Apple License Agreem (Re: Msg 376) RE: Modification to Apple License Agreem (Re: Msg 378) RE: Modification to Apple License Agreem (Re: Msg 376) Cooling fan RE: Cooling fan (Re: Msg 10757) RE: Cooling fan (Re: Msg 10757) HD-20 Missing Space? RE: HD-20 Missing Space? (Re: Msg 10760) RE: SCSI conversions (Re: Msg 10736) RE: SCSI conversions (Re: Msg 10790) RE: SCSI conversions (Re: Msg 10817) MaxPlus from MacMemory Inc. RE: MaxPlus from MacMemory Inc. (Re: Msg 10795) Power supplies How do I recover lost disk space? RE: How do I recover lost disk space? (Re: Msg 10804) RE: How do I recover lost disk space? (Re: Msg 10809) LaserJet Lightspeed C Editor RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 365) RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 365) RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 370) RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 374) RE: Lightspeed C Editor (Re: Msg 365) File menu and DA's RE: File menu and DA's (Re: Msg 366) RE: saving window coords (Re: Msg 351) new hard disk Modems with Mac+'s [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV2-31.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jul 86 09:12:59 pdt From: oster%ucblapis@BERKELEY.EDU (David Phillip Oster) Subject: Re: Digitizing point coordinates (MacTablet) This letter discusses using Mac compatible digitizing tablets to get high resolution data into the Mac. This is very easy to do with the Kurta tablet. With the Kurta tablet you can map a small area of tablet onto the screen, so that the digitizing pen will cause the mouse to move in sufficiently large increments to give you the resolution you want. When you want to digitize another area of the tablet, you use a desk accessory to load a new configuration file, and the tablet is automatically remapped. Since you are stuck with what you have, and since you are not afraid to program, you might try the following: I assume the MacTablet connects to the Mac using a serial port. Do not use the MacTablet software. Listen to the tablet using terminal software (Versaterm, naacterm ...) (try 9600 buad as an initial guess at the baud rate.) The tablet probably sends a 5 byte data packet of the following form: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 - bits of a byte P 1 0 0 0 S 0 0 - P is parity. S is on if switch is down P 0 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0 - low 6 bits of x data P 0 x11x10x9 x8 x7 x6 - high 6 bits of x data P 0 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 - low 6 bits y data P 0 y11y10y9 y8 y7 y6 - high 6 bits y data b6 is 1 only at the start of a 5 byte data packet. This data is drawn from a Summagraphics data sheet for their Bit Pad 1 digitizer. Unlike the Mac, point (0,0) is probably at the LOWER-left corner. If you get data that is consistant with this, then you need only write a basic program to read data the serial port. Tablets generate so much data that you're program had better check the fullness of the serial buffer and throw away 5 byte data packets periodically to keep the buffer from overflowing. Alternatively, you could write in a langugae, like C or compiled Pascal, that was fast enough to keep up with the data rate. Low-resolution Kurta tablets and other-than-MacTablet Summagraphic tablets use this data format when they are not transmitting data is strings of ASCII, base-10 integers. Kurta's PenMouse, a cordless digitizer considerably cheaper than MacTablet, sends 2400 baud, their other models generally run at 4800 baud. Kurta also makes a MacXL compatible version. Disclaimer: My opinions are solely my own, but, in evaluating them, you should know that I am currently re-writing Kurta's software. --- David Phillip Oster -- "The goal of Computer Science is to Arpa: -- build something that will last at Uucp: ucbvax!ucblapis!oster -- least until we've finished building it." ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 86 08:30 EST From: CML5A9%IRISHMVS.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA Subject: Help with Font Changer Improvments First off, I would like to thank all of you who assisted me by reporting bugs that you found in Font Changer. It's pretty much common knowlage now that the scroll bars are messed up, but I'm going to fix that. (For now, restrict your changes to the uppermost fonts, those you don't need to scroll to.) I have a new program in the works, called Ruler Changer, that will allow global changes on ruler formats. (We have lots of people here that write theses and then realize afterwards that they need wider margins) It should be finished and posted in 2-3 weeks. (The basic program is pretty much finished, but the ruler animation and interface is still a little flakey.) My next task after that is to combine the two into one grand monolithic document mangler that will allow global font/ruler changes, plus whatever else I can think of. SO. I am going to add the following: 1) A count of the number of paragraphs changed. 2) A place for you to type font numbers in yourself, for changing documents that are in a font you don't have. 3) A way of checking what font numbers are in the document itself, helpful for using the above option. 4) Word compatability if I can get the format. 5) Will only have to select the document once, and will be able to switch which document to change without exiting the program. 6) Ruler Changer additions: Global search/change of ruler: a) Margins b) indents c) tabs d) spacing e) formatting 7) And an oldie, but a goodie, fix the scroll bars. Anyone out there have any suggestions as to what else would be nice to see? As the world's shortest MacWrite user, I find it hard to think of problems w/ huge documents. Anything would be helpful, and as before, I'm still looking for a Microsoft Word format that will let me add that feature to the program. Character type conversions are probably out, such as upper/lower case conversions and style changes to certain words, but anything else you can think of would be a major help, I'm always open to suggestions. - Tom Dowdy "I'm increasingly convinced that a vast majority of wrong thinking people are right." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Jul 86 17:14 EDT From: BRUCE%williams.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA Subject: Large-screen projection systems Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with flat large-screen projection systems for the Mac. We have seen several demos of displays and have been quite disappointed with the quality of the image. (We will have a class of 60 reading displays constantly during a one hour class). The biggest problem seems to be contrast between text and background. Our ideal system should be able to display images from Macs, IBM PC's, VCR's and Video Disks (in color for these last devices). The price should be in the range between $10K and $25K. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Kim Bruce Department of Mathematical Sciences Williams College Williamstown, MA 01267 Bruce@williams (both csnet and bitnet) ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************