INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (08/21/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Wednesday, 20 Aug 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 102 Today's Topics: Boston MacWorld Expo Mac and ethernet MacTerminal Break Keys Info on LaserWRiter Feeding & reading version numbers SCSI Formatter and Installer Delphi Mac Digest V2 #38 the real availability of microsoft 2.2 fortran update Question-New ROMs Information on MacTran '77 ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 18 Aug 86 23:33 CDT From: <BOYD%TAMLSR.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> (Scott T. Boyd) Subject: Boston MacWorld Expo OK, here's some random bits from the expo: - Andy H. showed off Servant 0.79. It prints it's own bug reports on request, and you should send them to him if you want it to work right. User feedback is more valuable than gold. How good is it? GOOD. Expect to see the need for DA's drop to almost nothing. All of the gossip and rumors about it are true. If you've heard about it, it probably does it. My copy does... We're putting him up for Mac man of the year. - Somebody is selling a program to do what Darin Adler did for us with Startup Desk. Can you believe it? Gee, for only $29!! By the way, Darin gets our vote for Mac man of the year, too... - Big screens. Two, maybe more. One is from e-machines. It's 1024 x 8?? and only requires 150 bytes of INITs to work as is with most software. It's for real. It ran everything I saw on it, including some developmental software from inhouse Apple. Only problem is it's 80dpi vs. the normal 72 dpi. However, I like it!! You should see it run MacSpin on the Prodigy 4!!!! Wow! Another big screen is MegaScreen (or something like that). It can't handle MacSpin (which is a very clean, follow-the-guidelines type program) so I say give 'em some time to fix it up. These are running in the $1500-$3000 range. Kinda pricey. Expect to see more of these, especially from some very talented people, very soon. - Anybody need a SCSI drive? There's like nine manufacturers out there now. MacBottom can be upgraded for about $200 to SCSI from serial. - MacTeX(tm) from FTL systems looks nice. So does TeXtures (great name, huh?) from Addison-Wesley (guess who won the tm battle!). Both are nice and do the job and make VAX implementations look like, well, VAX implementations. They could probably use some work on the user interface (esp. A-W's). But are they really worth >$500? Keep your eyes open for another one with a much better pricetag. - APDA. Join it. Apple Programmer's and Developer's Association. Apple and a bunch of 3rd party people are making their software and docs available at very reasonable prices to anyone with a checkbook. It costs $20 to join (we got a free copy of Scott Knaster's book in the bargain!) and prices are very good. You can already order things like MPW beta, MacApp, TML Pascal, Lightspeed C & Pascal, the Software Supplements, the Tech notes, and all those neat things that it used to take a miracle to get. The stuff from Apple is xeroxed and the software is not production ready, but you can get it as early as anyone else. That's the ticket! - MacSpin version 1.1 is shipping. Neat features include printing, clipboard support, Prodigy 4 support, and a host of those features you asked for. Andrew Donoho takes those phone calls seriously. He's a good guy, so go out and spend your money. You won't believe your eyes. - Several laser spoolers were shown. - QMS showed their postscript(tm) printers. How about 24 pages per minute on your appletalk! - PhoneNet. We got it, plugged one box into our upstairs mac and the phone plug, the other into the mac downstairs and the phone plug (via T connector) and were playing MazeWars in minutes. Boy, was it neat when the phone rang and I talked to somebody without unhooking! - MazeWars Plus is available from MacroMind for $50. - TMON+ wasn't shown due to some last minute work. - MacNosy V2 was shown. Their slogan was "Beyond discipline and into bondage." Right. - Look for TMON+ in the near future. - At the after the party party (hosted by Chris Allen of Dreams of the Phoenix) we saw Dan Cochran, Scott Watson, Dennis Brothers, Scott Knaster, Brian Stearns, a whole slew of Levco folks, a bunch of loud obnoxious types from some company to remain nameless (you know who you are!), and a whole bevy of MacLuminaries. Fun party. Keep up the good work, Chris. BTW, they were showing off their 3D program. Looks promising. Watch for it at around $50. - MacCharlies. How do they do it? - New products from Apple? To quote an unnamed source, "That's not an announced product." :-) Good answer Harvey! John would be proud of you!! No kidding, that's exactly what he said. It was fun. We had a blast. Special thanks to the MacApp team for a great system and a good time. Eileen, thanks for the pink t-shirts!! We love 'em. scott boyd greg marriott banzai binaries software to go ps: We are affiliated with everybody, they all pay us money, and you shouldn't believe everything you read, but it's fun to anyway!! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Aug 86 08:25:31 EDT From: Shores%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Ken Shores) Subject: Mac and ethernet writes: >Subject: MAC/appletalk connection to UNIX/ethernet >Does anyone know how to do this? I sent out a similar request a while back, though not involving UNIX, and was directed to Kinetics, Inc. of Walnut Creek, CA. They apparently have a bridge to connect appletalk to ethernet, and software that lets a Mac speak TCP/IP. We are still waiting for their catalog, so I can't tell you any more. Their phone number is (415) 947-0998. Ken Shores P.S. They were mentioned (briefly) in a networking article in the June issue of MacWorld. ------------------------------ Subject: MacTerminal Break Keys Date: Tue, 19 Aug 86 16:33:23 -0800 From: Kathleen Huddleston <gregory@ICSE.UCI.EDU> Here are the appropriate keys to use with MacTerminal 2.0 and old and new keyboards: Function: Break Enter Long Break Send Answerback Message key or keys: Old Keyboard Enter ---- Shift/Enter Command/Enter Old Keypad ---- Enter ---- ---- Mac XL Keyboard Enter Return Shift/O/Enter Command/Enter XL Keypad ---- Enter ---- ---- Mac+ Keyboard Op/Enter Enter Shft/Op/Enter Command/O(ption)/Enter Hope this solves the mystery. I have had my dataswitch connector adjusted so a long break signal drops DTR. Kathleen Huddleston ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Aug 86 21:34:27 +0300 From: Tamir Weiner <UMFORTH%WEIZMANN.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: Info on LaserWRiter Feeding & reading version numbers Have a problem with a LaserWriter that perhaps others can confirm or deny. We have finished printing a moderate sized paper (about 100 pages) and had noticed afterwards that the laserprinter frequently feed the sheets crooked. We had a horizontal line separating the footer from the body of the text and there was a 1 mm. difference between the two sides! Not enough to be critical but enough to raise a few eyebrows from the bosses who had sharp enough eyes to notice. When this was brought up to our Laser Printer expert, he said that "the thing frequently feeds in not so straight, and that it cannot be corrected". Has anyone else noticed a defect in the feeding of the LaserWriter from a paper tray? If so can it be corrected or is it a built in problem. This caused quite a hassle when we sent the master laser copies to a print shop for photo reproduction. They had a wail of a time trying to realign the pages! SECOND PROBLEM: and this one is probably an easy one... in response to a problem, it was suggested that upgrading to the latest finder and system versions would help. The finder version is displayed when invoking "About Finder" from the Apple Menu. I don't know how to find out our current System version number since there's no "About System" choice anywhere. This must be placed fairly prominently since everyone's allways refering to system 3.0, 3.1 3.2, etc. This must be obvious to nearly everyone, can someone tell me how to find that elusive version number? Thanks. ------------------------------ From: decwrl!decvax!wanginst!wang!ephraim@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Date: Tue, 19 Aug 86 00:27:56 edt Subject: SCSI Formatter and Installer Attached is a SCSI formatter and installer which you can configure for your particular SCSI drive/controller using ResEdit. This posting does not include the driver source, even though it's probably useful. In response to an inquiry about posting the driver, Apple said: > As you say, the source to the sample SCSI driver is > Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 Apple Computer, Inc. > It is provided to developers as a sample of a Macintosh > SCSI driver; it is not intended to be shipped as a > commercial product; however, developers may feel free > to copy parts of it (algorithms for installation, etc) for > their own SCSI drivers. > It may not be posted to to BBS's or nets. Developers may > obtain it as part of the Software Supplement. > Macintosh Developer Support However, the entire supplement is posted (I'm told) on Delphi and Compuserve. If you have questions or problems, feel free to write. Ephraim Vishniac decvax!wanginst!wang!ephraim [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-SCSI-DRIVER.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Aug 86 21:05:09 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #38 Delphi Mac Digest Wednesday, 20 August 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 38 Today's Topics: Administrativia - Vacation buffer RE: buffer (Re: Msg 11797) RE: buffer (Re: Msg 11798) RE: buffer (Re: Msg 11801) RE: buffer (Re: Msg 11798) Copy Perversion Woes EXPO News: Maze Wars+ RE: EXPO News: Maze Wars+ (Re: Msg 11811) Finder and System resources RE: Paranoia Vindicated (Re: Msg 586) RE: Paranoia Vindicated (Re: Msg 592) RE: char speed (Re: Msg 588) Aztec C future RE: Aztec C future (Re: Msg 623) RE: editor features (Re: Msg 603) RE: Very Weird Problem (Re: Msg 590) RE: Strange MacPlus? RE: Mike Morton's address RE: List Manager LDEF (Re: Msg 525) RE: FullPaint RE: Hard Disks for Mac+ RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #64 (Re: Msg 11845) RE: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #65 (Re: Msg 11846) Thanks, but.... RE: Thanks, but.... (Re: Msg 11863) MacWorld Expo (Boston) RE: MacWorld Expo (Boston) (Re: Msg 11880) Lightspeed pascal Appletalk'd IW/Sil. Press RE: Appletalk'd IW/Sil. Press (Re: Msg 11898) A-hooga Bug in System 3.2 Re Tech Note #78 RE: Re Tech Note #78 (Re: Msg 643) RE: Aztec C future (Re: Msg 623) RE: Aztec C future (Re: Msg 645) RE: Need help with LightSpeed C (Part II (Re: Msg 640) RE: Need help with LightSpeed C (Part II (Re: Msg 646) [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV2-38.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Aug 86 11:34:00 EDT From: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> Subject: the real availability of microsoft 2.2 fortran update Reply-to: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> I just got my notice to update MacFortran to the 2.2, HFS compatible version. I called microsoft, Visa card in hand, only to have them inform me that they do not yet have any copies of the 2.2 update in stock. Further, it is the usual 4-6 weeks for delivery, starting from whenever they DO get the updates in stock. I was going to give them my credit card number, fearing that a company PO would slow things down! My guess is that this update will not realy get out into the world in significant numbers until about Oct. 1 at least. ------------------------------ Date: Wed 20 Aug 86 16:31:07-CDT From: PKG.GARTMAN@MCC.COM Subject: Question-New ROMs Can the new ROMs be directly swapped for the old ROMs in a 128 mac (assuming they can be obtained)? Kent Richards <pkg.gartman>@mcc ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Aug 86 00:38:50 pdt From: Bernard Aboba <bernard@ararat> Subject: Information on MacTran '77 ? I have heard that a new Fortran 77 Compiler called MacTran '77 was shown at Boston MacWorld Expo. Does anyone have information on this product, such as price, vendor name & address, comparisons to Microsoft Fortran 77, etc? ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************