INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (09/03/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Monday, 1 Sep 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 108 Today's Topics: HFS and MFS volumes B-Trees Mac PROLOGs Character Mappings MacPaint File Format disk-inserted events (Re: Pernicious bug in Videx...) From Absoft. How to access controls from Absoft Fortran. MacBin program for Unix systems Smalltalk 0.3 TOPS/MACAUTHOR re: Problems exchanging Lisas for Mac+ Lisa to Mac+ Upgrade computer intensive campuses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 29 Aug 86 08:26 PDT From: PUGH%CCV.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: HFS and MFS volumes To: Lance Nakata Subject: How to identify an HFS disk? Tech note #66 states that calling PBHGetVInfo will give you the directory signature in the ioVSigWord field of the HParamBlockRec. A signature of $D2D7 means that it is MFS and $4244 means it is HFS. To change this you could use the call to PBSetVInfo, but you would probably be asking for trouble. Play around with it and see, but Be Careful, and, as always, muck with a copy. This, and tons more information, is also in Volume IV of Inside Mac, available in the Software Supplement Volume 1, Issue 3 from Apple. Twenty-five bucks for 7 disks (4 Mac, 3 Lisa) and a two inch thick stack of documentation. Such a deal. Jon ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Aug 86 10:22 PDT From: PUGH%CCV.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: B-Trees B-Trees are a data structure that is very popular for use in heavy sorting and searching applications. Their advantage is that they store all the data in their terminal nodes and they are very balanced, making searches and sorts very quick. Apple uses B-Trees in the HFS file system to handle the directory information. Any decent college text should include a discussion of B-Trees and if I was really lucky I could dig up my old CS 440 Data Structures Pascal assignment that manipulated them. They require more complex code for keeping them balanced, but the speed tradeoff is worth it in large datasets. Jon ------------------------------ Subject: Mac PROLOGs Date: Tue, 02 Sep 86 09:43:13 -0500 From: Jonathan K. Millen <jkm@mitre-bedford.ARPA> I have been using LPA MacProlog since last January and can report favorably on it. I have a pre-release version; the final version has apparently not yet been received by Programming Logic Systems (Milford, Connecticut, the distributor) from LPA. But this version is quite serviceable. It supports three dialects: Edinburgh, MicroProlog, and a Lisp-like "standard" syntax. The editing and execution environment is totally integrated and makes thorough use of the Mac interface. Predicates are entered into one or more windows, each of which can be designated as interpreted, compiled, or data (interpreted and allowing updates during execution). Interpreted predicates can be traced interactively. Compiled predicates can be traced passively and run much faster and with less memory. Compilation is nearly instantaneous. On a fairly large (10 dense pages) program, the compiled code ran somewhat faster than the same program running interpretively in LM-Prolog on a Symbolics Lisp machine. Running interpretively on the Mac, this program ran out of memory (1 Meg Mac+) on an example requiring deep searches, though when compiled it ran comfortably in 512K. Built-in predicates are provided for creating menus and for putting up a few standard dialogs for accepting text or yes/no input. One can also put up a scrolling window of terms to be selected. Graphics are not supported. Apparently some formatted printing will be available in the final version. All in all, I like it because of its faithfulness to, and support of, the Macintosh interface; and it is full-featured and efficient. Now, if it only supported QuickDraw... -Jonathan Millen. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Aug 86 13:40 EST From: Subject: Character Mappings Doea anybody know how to hack the keyboard configuaration? In the phone book edition of Inside Macintosh there is a note (Toolbox event, p 10) saying that the next version of the OS Event Manager documentation will explain how this is done. The "Final" version of IM omits all mention of keyboard configuations. I want to change the keyboard configuration so that the Option key is handled like a true meta key, rather than being a shift key that accesses special characters. I would also like to disable the "accent" key combinations, so that Option-U, Option-I etc. can be used by my application. Currently I am running the keycodes through my own tables to create my own character codes. This is strictly forbidden by IM, but they leave me no choice. It still doesn't allow me to read the accent key combinations directly. (Option-U has to be pressed twice.) Chris Eliot (Eliot@Umass CSNET) (CRE@MIT-MC ARPANET) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28 Aug 86 10:48:15 edt From: (Richard Siegel) Subject: MacPaint File Format I'm writing an FKEY that captures the screen, and then allows you to save the screen image as either a MacPaint file or a StartupScreen file, while allowing you to choose the name and disk via the Standard File box. I got the routines worked out to get the screen bits and save the StartupScreen file, but I am stuck on the MacPaint part. I don't know the faintest about MacPaint's file format. can anyone help? --Rich ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Aug 86 23:25:39 mdt From: dlc%a@LANL.ARPA (Dale Carstensen) Subject: disk-inserted events (Re: Pernicious bug in Videx...) I see the same symptoms on my 2-meg 64K ROM machine, only with JClock instead of the mail program you have. I have never been able to get any disk recognized, however, once the Mac quits recognizing disks. I try to always have BinHex and a terminal emulator on my RamDisk, in case I need to save a file, but have no floppy disk capability. I never had the problem with System 3.1.1/Finder 5.2, but it sure happens with 3.2/5.3. I'm not pleased that it happens at all, and I hope that not using JClock will eliminate it. I predict that Apple will never fix it, except perhaps by accident. [ note from moderator: it seems that the disk insertion event problem is with the latest system release. One way to have your disk recognized by the application if it wasn't when it was first inserted is to press on the place where the pop down menu is in the dialog box (which shows you the path to the file). This forces the system to read the disk. Another way is to press on the diskname which appears just above all the buttons. This has the same effect but also is a shortcut method of moving up one level in the hierarchary (sp) when in nested folders. DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 29 Aug 86 22:03:00 EDT From: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> Subject: From Absoft. How to access controls from Absoft Fortran. Reply-to: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> The following 2 messages contain: 1. An example showing how to access controls such as scroll bars from Absoft Fortran. The heart of this is a routine from Richard Smith at Absoft which allows you to obtain pointers to functions from Fortran. 2. The binhex 4 version of the assembly lang. routine ctlprc.sub for use with the scroll.for example. I have made one change to the code. The equivalence statements in the main prog. are there because I had commented them out from the file I think it is incorrect to put the equivalence statements in the include file. If you are using the version of as received from Micro/Absoft, then remove the equivalence statements from the main program and in scroll.for and all will be well. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>FORTRAN-CONTROLS-EXAMPLE.SOURCE [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>FORTRAN-CTLPRC-SUB.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Aug 86 1:12:13 EDT From: Gary P Standorf <standorf@CECOM-2.ARPA> Subject: MacBin program for Unix systems The macbin program runs on a Unix machine to create a MacBinary format file from the 3 Unix files created when uploaded using macget (MacTerminal 1.1 emulator), or having dehexified a .hqx file using xbin. This is useful for downloading to a Macintosh running a terminal emulator that is using the MacBinary protocol. Note: to run this program on a System V Unix system, remove all calls to the bzero() procedure. It doesn't exist on System V, and isn't needed. This particular copy was downloaded from Genie. Gary Standorf <> -- From: jimb@amdcad Subject: xbin to macbin converter (C source) Reply-To: jimb@amdcad.UUCP (Jim Budler) The following program takes the three files created by xbin (.info .data and .rsrc) and makes a MacBinary format file out of them. It checks for the protected bit and moves that if present as required by MacBinary. Easy to use: if you have the three files,, file.rsrc type 'macbin file' and it will create file.bin [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>UNIX-MACBINARY.SHAR DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 86 14:09:37 pdt From: Roger Tucker <roger%fresno-state.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA> Subject: Smalltalk 0.3 I have ordered Smalltalk-80 version 0.3 and it is my understanding that version 0.3 IS Mac+ compatable and requires 1 Mb or more. Version 0.2 has been around for over a year and will run on a 512 Mac. i have been using 0.2 for about 4 months and it is a good implementation albet rather slow. I would be interested in hearing from any other users of Smalltalk. --roger ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Aug 86 17:31:12 +0200 From: <CLAK100%BGUNOS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: TOPS/MACAUTHOR HI THERE, I GOT SOME ADS DESCRIBING THE NEW SCIENTIFIC/TECHNICAL WORD PROCESSOR, CALLED "MACAUTHOR", THIS APPLICATION SEEMS TO BE DEVELOPED IN ENGLAND, ANYBODY THERE , KNOWS ANYTING ABOUT IT ? I'LL BE HAPPY TO HEAR SOME OPINIONS,SINCE I PLAN TO BUY ONE. ALSO , WHAT ABOUT "TOPS" THE MAC-IBM-PC LINK. TNKS RAFI ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Aug 86 22:00:12 EDT From: Gavin_Eadie%UMich-MTS.Mailnet@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: re: Problems exchanging Lisas for Mac+ I ordered two MacPlus exchanges for Lisas about three weeks ago and had my MacPluses within 5 days from a local computer store. I don't think you're throwing stones in the right direction when you blame Apple for non-delivery. University of Michigan Computing Center Gavin Eadie ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Sep 86 12:52:08 EDT From: "Robert E. Yellen" (IMD-TSD) <ryellen@ARDEC.ARPA> Subject: Lisa to Mac+ Upgrade We here at ARDEC upgraded 11 Lisa's to the Mac Plus back in May 86. The upgrade was delivered in less than 30 days. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 86 10:11:21 CST From: munnari!augean.oz!ncapon@seismo.CSS.GOV (Dr. Capon) Subject: computer intensive campuses This message is being sent to several groups. I apologize to those who see it twice. I have also had some mail problems, apparently due to changes in host names to conform to domain addressing; it isn`t clear what arrived and what didn't. I have had a reject note and a response to one copy. i am seeking to establish contacts with people concerned with planning for computer intensive campuses. (alias, `workstations for every student') My interest ranges from the technical through the managerial to the academic outcomes. Our setting is a state-funded University of 10000 students. The current PC to student ratio is about 1 to 20, but we want to raise that as soon as possible. It is likely that many institutions will have the same problems of costs, benefits, impacts on network resources etc, and we would benefit from discussions. Some institutions are more advanced down this road than we are, and I would like to talk to them particularly. It may be that the people I want to contact are not direct users of the groups I am using; I would appreciate it if readers would pass on the message or send me suggestions. Please reply via electronic mail as in the header. Otherwise via AIR mail (necessary) to I.N. Capon Vice Chancellors Office University of Adelaide North Terrace Adelaide South Australia 5000 Thank you for your help. ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************