[mod.mac] Delphi Mac Digest V2 #39

SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU (Jeffrey Shulman) (09/03/86)

Delphi Mac Digest          Wednesday, 3 September 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 39

Today's Topics:
     RE: Lisa C HFS Interface (2 messages)
     Medical/Dental (3 messages)
     C/EraseRect problem (2 messages)
     -108 with Font/DA Mover (12 messages)
     OverVUE export?
     Reflex (nee Interlace) (7 messages)
     Mach I - FORTH
     LaserWriter and Lotus 1-2-3 (3 messages)
     RE: EXPO news? (Re: Msg 12147)

From: MACLAIRD (11972)
Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V4 #101 (Re: Msg 11900)
Date: 21-AUG 05:13 Network Digests
>From: "Leigh L. Klotz" <KLOTZ@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Lisa C HFS Interface
>Does anyone out there use the Lisa/Green Hills C compiler?  I have
>a copy, and I'm trying to use some HFS functions with it.  The December
>'85 software update claimed that the HFS/Mac+ Rom interface functions
>would be out soon, but when I asked I found out that they're never
>coming out.  Today I got an unsigned letter from Apple that said I
>would have to either write assembly language glue routines or link
>to Pascal code.
>Should I be doing extern Pascal declarations to call the functions,
>or will that cause me to link in the entire HFS Pascal interface when
>all I really want is a couple of the param block instructions?  Also,
>does anybody have the declarations for the HFS parameter block data
>structures in C?  All I have is intrfc/osintf.text, and I don't want
>to convert it to C by myself if someone else already has.
There was a note in the latest Software Supplement ("Vol. 1 Issue 3") to
Lisa Workshop C users.  See Page "1.2"; write
Lisa C Interfaces
Apple Computer, Inc.
Mail Stop 3-T
20525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, CA  95014
I haven't yet received them; of course, I only sent off on August 15.  I would
assume they are HFS-compatible.
Now, about the Lisa Workshop linker; it does not do any sniffing.  You indicate
which files you want it to read, and if a file is not referenced then it does
not increase the size of the code.  However, Link seems to consider its object
files by unit; a simple call to sprintf(), for instance, increases the size of
the application by 7K, dragging in the glue for SANE, of all things.  We don't
get the source to the glue, either. . . shucks!
I think the best immediate solution is to put the interfaces together as you
need them, one by one.  Also utilizing the PB[H] calls is much more worthwhile
and not that much tougher, although nothing is simpler than FSWrite().
Good Luck!

From: PEABO (11975)
Subject: RE: Lisa C HFS Interface
Date: 21-AUG 11:10 Network Digests
It drags in the SANE code in order to be able to deal with floating point
conversions.  The most common optimization of sprintf() is to disable all
floating point references, since many programs don't need them.

From: PUGDOG (11966)
Subject: Medical/Dental
Date: 21-AUG 00:04 SIG Business
Has anyone used "Front Desk"  By layered?  I called them a couple of
weeks ago, they said one of their products had been discontinued, and
that tye would be sending some information  (of course it hasn't arrived)
But, I heard of a DOC in CT using a program that sounded similar, and I
am curious as to what this program is, and what it does.
If the information arrives tomorry, I might still consider it.  BUT, the
slow response time is an indication of the companies desire to sell...
[just making a point...]
I'm tempted to call them to see if they are still in business!
Have you used the strip reader?  It has applications and ramifications that
go far beyond game playing....  Did the company once follow up one of my
numerous phone calls?  NO.  Did they return even one of My seferal letters?
NO!  What gives?  Don't businesses want to make money any more????
Just letting off steam,
You've been a wonderful bunch of strangers!  (With a few exceptions, |-) )
Keep it up, the medical field is very large and growing, and I need help
keeping up... You can't know everything about every machine!  Thanks again...
[I might start a monthly give-away for the person who provides the most useful
tidbit that month....  It's an idea.  ALSO!  If anyone writes, and has
information or reviews of MAC Programs or hardware that would relate to a
medical or research environment, I am starting publication of TydBytes on
a regular basis, and in hard copy as well as electronic form.  It is a
more or less monthly paper/newsletter published by the Synaptic Junction,
an non-profit organization I started to publish, reviw, and disseminate
information to medical, research, educational, and other health-related
groups, especially those working with public monies... So drop me a line]
Thanks again,

From: DDUNHAM (12012)
Subject: RE: Medical/Dental (Re: Msg 11966)
Date: 22-AUG 21:05 SIG Business
You say Cauzin is a great product with lousy marketing.  What do you
have against mooses?  Seriously, they were in business as of Saturday
(and supposedly want to put a couple of my programs on strips).  Why
do you accuse them of targeting the strips to games?

From: PUGDOG (12038)
Subject: RE: Medical/Dental (Re: Msg 12012)
Date: 23-AUG 13:22 SIG Business
I didn';t target them for games....  I targeted them to be out of
business by now, for all the dealer support and customer support we
get here in the east!
But, on fri, I realized they must still be in business, since I got a cute
little binger with some information (pretty useless) in it.  The Important
stuff is missing,....  Like prodsuct infor, availablity of programs, which
mages are stripping, etc.

From: MANASCO (11977)
Subject: C/EraseRect problem
Date: 21-AUG 15:17 Programming

       I'd really appreciate it if someone could take a look at the
code fragme nts below and tell me why it does what it does. (I know
there are better and more elegant ways to do this but I want to know
why this works only some of the time.)  The program (evolved from this
month's ABC column in MacTutor) just puts up some menus and windows
and lets you mess with the windows.  At any one time there can either
of two windows on the screen or they can both be there (or neither).
When one window is on screen (either of the two) grow works perfectly
and the window is erased properly. When both windows are up grow still
works but NEITHER window is ever erased (leaving the old frame lines
and grow box in it).  I did some tests and whichWindow always corectly
equals either theWindow or DBtheWindow when you click in grow.
Please...any thoughts ?  I've been banging my head against a wall: It
should either work all the time or not at all.
.. .. ..
WindowPtr               theWindow; WindowRecord windowRec; Rect
dragbound; Rect
#ifdef          debug
        WindowPtr               DBtheWindow;
        WindowRecord    DBwindowRec;
.. .. ..
        EventRecord     *er;
        short           windowcode;
        WindowPtr       whichWindow;
        short           ingo;
        long            newSize;
        RgnHandle       contRgnHnd;
        windowcode = FindWindow(&er -> where, &whichWindow);
        switch (windowcode)
         .. .. ..
                case inGrow:
                        newSize = GrowWindow(whichWindow, &er -> where,
                       SizeWindow(whichWindow, LoWord(newSize), 
				  HiWord(newSize), TRUE);
                        #ifdef debug
                                if (whichWindow == DBtheWindow)
                                        contRgnHnd = DBwindowRec.contRgn;
                        contRgnHnd = windowRec.contRgn;
                        #ifdef debug
                        EraseRect(&(*contRgnHnd) -> rgnBBox);
.. .. ..
                        Thanks in advance,

From: DDUNHAM (12013)
Subject: RE: C/EraseRect problem (Re: Msg 11977)
Date: 22-AUG 21:05 Programming
Before you do any drawing, you probably need a SetPort().

From: DDUNHAM (11991)
Subject: -108 with Font/DA Mover
Date: 21-AUG 23:47 Bugs & Features
I'm pretty sure now that -108 when trying to install (or even
deinstall) from a System file is not caused by a corrupted System, but
by running out of system heap (the resource map for System is kept in
the system heap).  The problem is worse on a Mac Plus (because the
system heap is smaller -- more globals, and two programs, one of which
I'm on record as not liking, which would break if the application heap
were moved up).  It's also worse when your System file is 852K.  My
solution is to boot from a floppy with Font/DA Mover on it and run
F/DAM from the floppy to modify your hard disk System.  My Apple
connection suggested copying the System, installing into the copy, and
copying back (which will also need a floppy).  The key is, avoid
installing into the currently open System.

From: PEABO (11992)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 11991)
Date: 22-AUG 00:40 Bugs & Features
How much do you think you can pack into the System resource fork before it
begins to be difficult to run the system at all?  Even if you can update the
index from in your application heap, the resulting RF might begin to get
uncomfortably large ...
Also, Apple says you better not make the System heap larger that 65536 bytes if
you want to stay out of trouble (perhaps with ROM trap patches being

From: DDUNHAM (12011)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 11992)
Date: 22-AUG 21:03 Bugs & Features
I've never heard about any problems with resource files being too large.  Is
852K large (actually 1K of that is data fork)?
After I enlarged my System heap, I seem to be having much better luck using
Font/DA Mover.

From: PEABO (12019)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12011)
Date: 22-AUG 23:52 Bugs & Features
Presumably it's the resource map which is getting large ... I have never looked
at the system heap to see what it typically looks like, but if it's so badly
fragmented the resource map can't be expanded, then maybe the resource map is
getting uncomfortably large.  Just speculation on my part ...

From: MOUSEKETEER (12026)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12019)
Date: 23-AUG 00:54 Bugs & Features
System heap? Resource map expansion? OK.......
When does this get translated into English?  I mean, if my resource map is
getting uncomfortably large, how can I help it?  Get it a membership in
WaitState Watchers?
Reminds me of a cartoon in the new Stereo Review...sign in front of audiophile
shop..."Habla Technical Lingo"

From: JIMH (12044)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12019)
Date: 23-AUG 17:49 Bugs & Features
Peter, I ran into the dreaded missing sectors problem last night.  But
instead of finding it when i did a backup and restore, i found it
while using a new program called diskexpress.  it correctly diagnosed
the problem when i did a fragmantation check last night.  It wont fix
the problem, in fact it refuses to touch a disk that has this problem
on the theory that it might be a locked disk.  However its nice to
have a way of finding out when its time to do a backup and restore.
It also appears to do a good job of defragmenting the files on the
disk.  I said a while back that i thought it was faster to just do a
backup and restore, and it is.  However, this program does something
that a simple backup and restore cant, it moves the system file and
some otheres base d on its prioritizing scheme to the front of the
disk where access time should be fastest.  I still back my disk up
before doing this as it can be really hazerdous to the disk however it
seems to work really well if youve got some time to just let it go off
and crunch on your disk. As long as i am on the subject of neat toys
from the expo, have you read Scott Knaster's book (how to write
macintosh software) yet.  it is an excellent discussion of debugging
and little know mac programming techniques.  it uses TMON as the
debugger, and even though ive been using it for a year now i learned a
lot of new things i can do with it.  I just about couldnt put it down!

From: PEABO (12048)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12044)
Date: 23-AUG 18:17 Bugs & Features
I started looking at Scott's book, but I haven't really gotten into it yet.
On the placement of the System file, I would want to put the System
file (and in fact anything in the Blessed Folder) into the MIDDLE of
the disk, not the front!

From: JIMH (12063)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12062)
Date: 23-AUG 22:27 Bugs & Features
Peter, the address and phone i have are AlSoft, Inc. P.O. Box 927
Spriing, Texas 77383-0927 713-353-1510
One problem with the program (or non problem) is that it will not run from my
hard drive (tecmar) it crashes and burns when i try.  However you cant optomize
the disk you are running from anyway so i put it on my boot floppy and it works
great.  jim

From: MACINTOUCH (12092)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12086)
Date: 24-AUG 22:51 Bugs & Features
Just a note on DiskExpress:  I was surprised to find it even works on a
HyperDrive!  Took a long time, but seemed to do a good job.

From: DDUNHAM (12103)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12019)
Date: 25-AUG 04:34 Bugs & Features
Andy Hertzfeld gave me a tip on avoiding large system resource maps:  don't use
named resources in DAs.  I'd named a lot of dialogs in miniWRITER1.0 for easy
hacking (and development, I'll admit it) but I took out all but the essential
resource names.  Tempo is a big violator (and they don't even use very unique
names; a prerelease miniWRITER once got deinstalled by Tempo).

From: PEABO (12112)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12103)
Date: 25-AUG 10:55 Bugs & Features
In the case of Tempo wanting to identify resources it owns a short but
extremely crytpic and self-checking (via coded CRC) would seem to be
preferable to any kind of mnemonic name.  What is a typical non-unique
Tempo resource name?

From: DDUNHAM (12141)
Subject: RE: -108 with Font/DA Mover (Re: Msg 12112)
Date: 26-AUG 22:55 Bugs & Features
The killer was "Options."  I changed mine as soon as I found out (I'm only
looking at resource names for the characters).  It appears as if the Tempo
Installer uses GetNamedResource to de-install.  It's probably too late now for
them to change.

From: MACINTOUCH (11994)
Subject: OverVUE export?
Date: 22-AUG 09:34 Bugs & Features
Flame on.
OverVUE is one of the best programs around for _inputting_ data, with all
kinds of great shortcuts, including the ability to create radio buttons for
a small set of possible field values.
To balance this, it's got some of the _worst_ export capability I've gotten
stuck dealing with.  Forget any kind of Macish ability to do report layout,
add all kinds of hassles with fixed field lengths and funny attributes, ignore
tab-delimited text output abilities, add bugs, and you start to get the picture.
(flame off)

From: PEABO (12000)
Subject: Reflex (nee Interlace)
Date: 22-AUG 15:14 Business Mac
I bought Reflex from Borland at the Expo and I am using it to create a large
database composed of three files with relations.
NOTE:  Reflex is the same program as Interlace from Singular Solutions, just
under a new name now that Borland has bought Singular.
It works great for inputting the data (well, almost great, but I got around the
problem I had), and for printing a complex report from the three files, BUT ...
I am thus-far stymied by how to export a file containing data from
more than one of the three files at once.  Perhaps I'm missing
something obvious, but it seems to allow selection of fields from only
one file at a time!  Does know what I have to do to make this work?
(The manual is a little less than helpful here ... some of the other
problems I had I could only figure out by reading the example database

From: MACINTOUCH (12001)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12000)
Date: 22-AUG 16:31 Business Mac
Is there a print to disk function?  How do Helix and Omnis 3 do it?  (I don't

From: PEABO (12002)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12001)
Date: 22-AUG 16:54 Business Mac
There is a very nice Export function ... just it seems to apply only
to one file at a time ...

From: FRIED (12037)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12002)
Date: 23-AUG 13:11 Business Mac
Can't you define a file to contain a JOIN of the fields you want, then export
that?  If you can't do JOINs, it doesn't seem very useful.

From: PEABO (12045)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12037)
Date: 23-AUG 18:09 Business Mac
Well, it says it's a relational database, but as I said, the manual
leaves a lot to be desired.

From: NICKDREXEL (12064)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12045)
Date: 24-AUG 00:20 Business Mac
Hi.  Peter..
     I am another happy user of an Interlace database with a great price and
value for all of us.  Now... where is the next version with Calculated field,
Storing picture, the security function and time stamps?
     So far I do not know my status yet.  I knew that Borland has bought
Singular Software.  I have happened to register with Singular.  Hopefully, I
will not have to pay a lot for upgrade.  (I have version 1.01).  Hope that not
everybody will have the same attitude as Living VideoText.
     Your question about import fields from several database file to another
program.  I have noticed that it could be done by create report from several DB
files and export it out.  After that you can import it back or to another
applications as Text or Clipboard.
     I hope that this will solve your problem.  Goodluck...

From: PEABO (12081)
Subject: RE: Reflex (nee Interlace) (Re: Msg 12064)
Date: 24-AUG 18:45 Business Mac
OK, I'll look more closely at that ... I thought I tried it and got just the
fields in one of the files!

From: MADMACS (12003)
Subject: Mach I - FORTH
Date: 22-AUG 17:19 Programming
Does anyone have any information about an implemention of FORTH called Mach I ?
- Doug Wood

From: MADMACS (12004)
Subject: LaserWriter and Lotus 1-2-3
Date: 22-AUG 17:20 Hardware & Peripherals
Does anyone know of a printer driver to allow Lotus 1-2-3 to print graphics to
the LaserWriter? - Doug Wood

From: MANASCO (12134)
Subject: RE: LaserWriter and Lotus 1-2-3 (Re: Msg 12004)
Date: 26-AUG 19:33 Hardware & Peripherals
This weeks InfoWorld says that it can be done by using the Diablo
emulation mode and turning the mode switch to "Special". As for using
the full power of the Laserwriter from a PC the only thing I know of
that will drive it is MS Word 3.0 which comes with a driver set up for
it. Hope it helps...  Dennis

From: PEABO (12136)
Subject: RE: LaserWriter and Lotus 1-2-3 (Re: Msg 12134)
Date: 26-AUG 21:06 Hardware & Peripherals
Of course, now that Apple has made Desktop Publishing a reality, the IBM world
has begun to take notice.  That means you'll see a lot of new products in the
next 6 months that run on IBM PC (or more likely PC/AT, cause the PC isn't fast
enough) which will take advantage of the Apple LW.  PageMaker for IBM should be
introduced at the Seybold show September 3-6, and it will probably be a pace
setter for other products.

From: MOUSEKETEER (12149)
Subject: RE: EXPO news? (Re: Msg 12147)
Date: 27-AUG 00:35 Mousing Around
One more note from this weeks issue of IW and I promise I'll throw my copy
away ;-)
Letraset is said to have purchased Boston Software Publishers Inc., the folks
who put out MacPublisher II.  Letraset is the largest of the companies that
make those nice little rub-on letter sheets....which brings up some interesting
ideas for program "enhancements"....

End of Delphi Mac Digest
