[mod.mac] INFO-MAC Digest V4 #112

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (09/10/86)

INFO-MAC Digest          Tuesday, 9 Sep 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 112

Today's Topics:
                    Update on posting of Servant 0.79
                      servant 0.79 expiration date
             limits in the current (correct) Servant posting
     MicroAnalyst just started a BBS to support MacZAP customers ...
          MacZAP-BBS: list of patch-files available, currently
            Slideshow-demo of LabView available for FTP ....
             Wanted: GKS (or something similar) for the Mac
               Small problem with microsoft basic 2.10.00
            Database (Library) and Accounting Software needed


Date: Mon,  8 Sep 86 18:54:56 PDT
Reply-to: DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.Edu
Subject: Update on posting of Servant 0.79

  The original posting of servant to info-mac was somehow corrupted
between here and SUMEX. I have corrected the problem and now those
who wish to FTP this should now be able to. I am really sorry that
so many people tried to download it and failed. I sympathize with
being so close to getting something but having it just fall short
of your grasp, especially something as interesting as Servant.
   Just a comment to those who sent me messages here at SLAC requesting
a copy:  I can't send out stuff directly to so many people. That is the
purpose of the info-mac archives. For those on BITNET there is a server
machine which has many info-mac files on it. I personally sympathize with
those on BITNET who have been frustrated that the MACSERVE files are
not up to date.  To solve this problem, I am currently SENDING all files
posted to info-mac directly to both   MACSERVE at BITNIC   and to
Roger Long who moderates  mod.mac.binaries.  I personally can't send copies
to everyone and hopefully the connection to BITNET will soon be more
timely (I really want that to work!).
   Enjoy Servant and again, sorry for the corrupted posting.
David Gelphman                  BITNET address: DAVEG@SLACVM
Bin #88 SLAC                    ARPANET address:  DAVEG@SLACVM.BITNET
Stanford, Calif. 94305          UUCP address: ...psuvax1!daveg%slacvm.bitnet
415-854-3300 x2538


Subject: servant 0.79 expiration date
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 86 11:25:10 -0800
From: duggie@portia.stanford.edu

One more note about servant-- it becomes inactive after October 31st. (Or so
it says in the about box. It complains if the clock is set incorrectly, but
I haven't experimented with it much.)  It is a TEST version only, as Dave made
clear. Get your suggestions to Andy fast while they're still worth
something to him-- who knows what he might get done by Halloween.

--Doug Felt


Date: Tue, 9 Sep 86 00:45:28 pdt
From: Harry Saal <hjs@lindy.stanford.edu>
Subject: limits in the current (correct) Servant posting

Please inform the readers that Servant 0.79 does not work unless you
have 128K ROMs. Even running HD-20/HFS is apparently not sufficient. Others
may wish to save the download time by knowing this ahead of time.

Also: I found out by running DIFF that there were only two lines with errors
in the original posting. I extracted the diffs and then patched just those
two lines. The checksum passed!

Query: the only editor I think I have which can edit a 100KB+ ascii file is
MS WORD (a word processor of all things!). Everything else barfs on the
size of such a file. DId I miss one? WORD does the job, but boy is it slow
saving the ascii file back with changes. But it DID work after all, more than
the numerous "program" editors I have did.

[ note from moderator:  The QUED editor for the Mac should be able to handle
any length text file which will fit in your available memory (sorry if you
still have 128K Mac). Thanks for noting the problem with running SERVANT
and 64K ROMS.  DAVEG  ]


Date: Thu 4 Sep 86 02:54:24-CDT
From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: MicroAnalyst just started a BBS to support MacZAP customers
Subject: ...

here are the announcements posted there:

Msg. #5 in **Mac Zap System** Posted on 08/24/86 at 13:29:24
Subject: Zap System Board
This board is used to leave messages, info, tips etc... anything
on the Mac Zap system. The sysop will also leave notices and
news on this board. This message center is available only to
owners of the Mac Zap system.

Msg. #6 in **Disk and File Recovery** Posted on 08/24/86 at 13:34:19
Subject: Sysop Disk And File Recovery Board
This board is to be used for leaving messages on disk and file
recovery. Post messages and the sysop(s) or other users will help.

Msg. #7 in **Disk and File Recovery** Posted on 08/24/86 at 14:59:23
Subject: HFS Disk Crashes
Micro Analyst is in the process of improving the HFS disk
and file recovery systems. We need more information on HFS
disk system crashes. With your help we can gain more information
on HFS crashes and why they crash. What do we need from You??
1) Details on what crashed (Floppy, file, or hard disk) and what
   were you doing when it crashed.
2) Details on how many (Roughly) files, folders were on the disk
   that crashed.
3) A look at blocks 2 and 3 are requested on crashed floppies or
   hard disks. How do you get these to us?? One is of course to
   send us by mail the macpaint pictures described below. The other
   is to send us the macpaint pictures by converting them to binhex
   format and uploading with the information 1 & 2 to the bulletin
   board. We would then leave you a message on anything we find.
   WHAT macpaint pictures you ask?? Well you do the following:
   A)Start mac zap tools and
        Floppy: Set drive to disk drive that contains bad disk
        hard disk: Set drive and Driver to volume that crashed.
                   to do this see the mac zap manual. Specifically
                   unit table list and enter large drive number.
   B)Set block number to 2 and click read. then do command shift 3 to
     make a macpaint picture of the screen which now shows block 2.
     Set block number to 3 and click read. Do command shift 3 and now
     you have the two macpaint docs showing blocks 2 and 3.

Msg. #8 in **Developers/Programmers** Posted on 08/24/86 at 15:01:06
Subject: Developers/Programmers Read This
This board is used for leaving messages concerning programming or
developing on the Macintosh. We have a large amount of experience with
macintosh and will attempt to answer questions. Any users who wish to
add to this are greatly appreciated.


	I nearly forgot to mention that this BBS is NOT FREE !!!

You can dial in and ask for validation, which is handled at 2 levels:

of the current 3 areas, only registered MacZap-owners get access to 2 and 3:

File Download Sections
1> Public Domain Downloads
2> Mac Zap System Downloads
3> Patch File Downloads

COST: $15 / 6 months	and $25 / year

Disclaimers apply: Les Herbst is a friend, no more, no less, and the BBS is
	likely going to be a "no-profit" venture for him, so I don't feel that
	this posting is inappropriate for this group (so don't flame at me,
	please.  I have sensitive skin ..:-)

	....  heck, mentioning the cost makes this, probably, just the
	opposite of a commercial (whatever that's called ... :-))


Date: Thu 4 Sep 86 14:19:20-CDT
From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: MacZAP-BBS: list of patch-files available, currently

[ note from moderator:  Werner sent a file of patch files
currently available on their bulletin board. It has been
archived as:




Date: Sun, 7 Sep 86 18:56:00 cdt
From: werner@ngp.UTEXAS.EDU (Werner Uhrig)
Subject: Slideshow-demo of LabView available for FTP ....

Subject: program LabView from National Instruments, Austin TX


a little while ago, I posted an article on LabView, a DataFlow-inspired
programming system to simulate electronic instruments and expressed my hope
to be able to provide more information soon.

Today I uploaded a complete 'slide-show' which describes the product.
However, given that the files are rather large (~500K, 30+ Paint-files)
and the information is provided "as is" from NI and is not a "critical"
review (may even include a little 'marketing hype') I can only make them
available for FTP for a limited time on UT-NGP.ARPA alias "ngp.utexas.edu"
( login with "Anonymous" and change to directory "public/LabView" )

Our site-entry in NIC's HOSTS-table is:

please, be considerate and do not FTP our site during prime working hours
to access large files like these.  my neck (which is stuck out) thanks you (-:

I will leave it to the moderator of INFO-MAC to decide if all/some of the
material should be archived at SUMEX (I doubt it, though) and I'll, probably,
make some selected Paint-docs available on a USENET news-group.  People with
serious interest (and intentions to spend Kilo-bucks) can, probably, get the
slideshow on disk directly from NI (my guess, I didn't ask them about it).
They can be reached via 1-800-531-4742 (outside TX) and (512)250-9119 or TELEX
from overseas.

I have another piece of "good news".  The folks at NI got hold of my earlier
posting and are now seriously considering my suggestion of making a crippled
demo available (maybe even an "educational version", who knows) - your support
of this idea when you contact them, might help.  My personal guess is also
that researchers with "track record" and ideas to use LabView in something
resulting in publications, may also be in a good position  to negotiate with
NI to become a "Beta-test-site".  NI also plans to establish a BBS to support
their customers, and, hopefully, find some unused microVax to hook into USEnet.

(I was told Friday that NI plans to ship a release-version before the
end of this month, and, given that I DO NOT have a beta-version, I have no
idea how close the actual product is to the one described in the slide-show)

If nothing else, I hope you appreciate and enjoy what seems to me to be a
great user-interface and very nicely prepared demo-slideshow.  As you all
know, the *REAL* programs tend to have bugs, caveat emptor ....  If the
program (and related hardware) has no "monster-bugs", I expect this program
to receive its share of industry-praise ...

Ohh, and don't miss looking at the Paint-docs on paper or with the likes of
DA PaintGrabber or MacPaint; slideshow only displays the top-left corner,
there is explanatory text in the lower half of the Paint-doc.`

[ All Disclaimers apply !!!  Just Mac-excitement, that's all....
	.... but, I understand that the recognized Mac-authorities really
	flipped over the program at Boston, and that the local IBMers
	pushing RTs just sadly shook their head when given a demo.....   ((-: ]

[ a sample FTP-session follows .... first under UNIX then TOPS-20 ]
[ try first with only file SlideShow.pit.hqx and 1 or 2 small Slide-files ]

[ the sample ftp session is archived as




Date: Tue, 9 Sep 86 11:38 N
Subject: Wanted: GKS (or something similar) for the Mac

This semester I'm taking a Computer Graphics class at Leiden University.
One of the things we have to do is program in GKS.  I'm trying to convince
Professor J. van den Bos, whose teaches it, to let me do the programming on
the Macintosh instead.  However, while he admits the Mac is superior in some
cases (such as Windowing), he argues that the Mac lacks things such as
transformations and world coordinates.  He has a point.

I still want to do the programming on the Mac, so I'ld like to know if there
are any libraries or developement systems which implement (some of) the
things in GKS (like transformations and world coordinates).  I'm desperate!
Has anybody written any routines in this direction?

-- Thomas



Date: Sun, 7 Sep 86 12:21+0100
From: Ralph <MartinRR%multics.cardiff.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: Small problem with microsoft basic 2.10.00

A friend of mine who doesnt have access to the net has microsoft basic
2.10.00 and is having problems.  Baiscally, it seems that he cant make
it print on the AppleLaserWriter, and that it thinks that the only type
of printer is an imagewriter.  At least, thats what he thinks the
problem is.  Would anyone out there care to comment on this ?  Or give
any hints on what to do ?
 Thanks, Ralph


Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1986  10:21 EDT
From: Dean Sutherland <Sutherland@TL-20B.ARPA>
Subject: Database (Library) and Accounting Software needed

I am looking for software for my Mac+ to help keep track of my SF collection.
Software intended for a real library would be ideal, as I have many many books
(and friends who like to borrow them).  Minimum required functionality: keep
track of circulation (ie. who's had which books for how long), give status of
individual books, etc.  Some tools to help with data entry would be very
useful, as my collection is LARGE.

I have a Mac+ w/ external disk drive.  I do NOT have a hard disk; the ONLY
printer I have access to is a Laserwriter.

Please mail responses to me (sutherland@tartan.ARPA).  I will summarize to the
net if there is sufficient interest.

I am also looking for recommendations for good home accounting software.  I'm
sure that all you experienced macHackers have strong opinions on this subject,
so please share them with me.

Dean F. Sutherland


End of INFO-MAC Digest