[mod.mac] INFO-MAC Digest V4 #130

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (10/12/86)

INFO-MAC Digest          Sunday, 12 Oct 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 130

Today's Topics:
                        RAMSDOpen with Lightspeed
                        Re: Fragmentation Problem
                              LSC with HFS
                  Creating MS-Basic Library Programs??
                          Profiles and MacWorks
                        Usenet Mac Digest V2 #83
                        Delphi Mac Digest V2 #51
                               Disk Verify
                           Re: MacKermit Fonts
                 FanMania (Really, Mac's operating temp)
                          Rentals Registration
                     Japanese Word Processing on Mac
                     MacApp Developer's Association
               Requesting info on new faster Laserwriter?
                     Looking for DS Disk Bulk Copier
           Woke up this mornin', got them blue-bashin' blues.


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 11:40:04 edt
From: rs4u@andrew.cmu.edu (Richard Siegel)
Subject: RAMSDOpen with Lightspeed

	The SERD file >is< distributed with Lightspeed Pascal, at least...

	In order that RAMSDOpen work properly, you need to copy the SERD
resources from the SERD file into either the System file or the resource file
designated for your project to use (this is in Pascal). Then, it'll work.



Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 11:36:40 edt
From: rs4u@andrew.cmu.edu (Richard Siegel)
Subject: Re: Fragmentation Problem

	I don't know if this will make a difference or not, but what I
usually do is have all of my initialization code in a separate segment, then
unload that segment using UnLoadSeg() after calling my initialization. I've
this program (FzzPlot) that's very memory-demanding, but by carefully
segmenting the application in this manner, I've never had any problems. I'm
using LSP too...



Date: 10 Oct 86 19:09:53 EDT
From: Duane.Williams@k.cs.cmu.edu
Subject: LSC with HFS

| I think you can run LSC in a folder but you evidently need all the include
| files in the SAME folder as LSC (not necessarily the root). The update which
| is in the works and is reported to be out soon evidently resolves this
| problem.   DAVEG ]

This is correct.  You can put LSC and the headers in one folder and, for the
most part, never have to look inside that folder while using LSC.  So the
fact that it has lots of files in it is not a problem.  You can put your
projects in different folders of their own.

How many different solutions to the search paths problem are we going to
have to deal with?  TML Pascal v2.0 has one.  MDS v2.0 has a different one.
The next version of LSC is reported to have one.  I suppose there are others.
There should have been just one, provided by Apple in a software supplement.


Date: Sat 11 Oct 86 11:23:58-PDT
From: Tony Siegman  <SIEGMAN@Sierra.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Creating MS-Basic Library Programs??

We'd like to be able to write number-crunching subroutines (such as Fast
Fourier Transforms, root finders, etc.) in Pascal, C, or even MS Fortran;
compile them; and then convert the compiled code into library members that
would be CALLable from Microsoft Basic.

We have a few pages of documentation that came from Microsoft (not sure exactly
where) on how to convert assembly code into Basic library members; but nothing
that goes beyond this.

Can anyone offer advice on this, summarize personal experience, or point to
other sources of information?  (While we're at it, can anyone say anything on
status of a compiled MS Basic?)


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 01:19 CDT
Subject: Profiles and MacWorks

I heard about a company (in Utah, I think) that offers patches to
MacWorks to let you use two Profiles instead of one.  Having
10Mb instead of just 5Mb sounds pretty appealing to me.  Anybody
out there know the scoop?  Is this place for real?

Greg Marriott

The MacHax(tm) Group

Send replies to max@tamlsr.bitnet


Date: 12 Oct 86 10:20:23 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #83

Usenet Mac Digest        Sunday, 12 October 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 83

     Just when you thought is was safe... (Microsoft Copy Protection)
     Re: Imagewriter II Transparancies
     Re: Memory compactification runs drive??
     Request for digitizer information
     Re: Print Selection... menu item in editors and other applications
     Re: MacWrite document problem
     Converting MacPaint pictures to the IBM PC
     new book:  The Macintosh Advisor:
         Essential Techniques for Experienced Users
     SCSI Interface / MaxRam Compatibility
     Cut-sheet bin (feeder)
     Re: ETH Modula2 Single Pass (how to access the tool-box)
     desktop publishing
     Re: Converting MacPaint pictures to the IBM PC
     Using Imagewriter for other PC's
     Re: Request for digitizer information
     SCSI hard disks
     MacMan Database
     info request: Unix, nroff, TeX, EMACS
     Re: SCSI hard disks
     Re: Editable text items in Dialogs
     SetEventMask Buggy?
     Fixing games that reboot
     Re: Using Imagewriter for other PC's
     MacPublisher II Crashes
     Clip Art request
     Re: HP LaserJet Driver?
     Re: Wanted: Small C for the 68000
     page sizes on Imagewriter and Laserwriter
     Serial Driver Question
     Re: MacApp status ?

[ archived as




Date: 12 Oct 86 10:21:13 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #51

Delphi Mac Digest          Sunday, 12 October 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 51

Today's Topics:
     RE: Versions in the night... (Re: Msg 13522)
     RE: Radius FPD (Re: Msg 13555)
     RE: Beep on startup (Re: Msg 13542)
     DA Installer + (2 messages)
     RE: Davong 10MB Hard Disk
     RE: DataFrame spooler problems.. (Re: Msg 13527) (2 messages)
     disk initialization bug? (2 messages)
     MACazine errors
     AST 2000 tape backup problem
     HORIZONTAL lines!?! (3 messages)
     IBM MultiMate to MSWord...
     A better disk performance analyser...
     Non-ejectable volumes
     Problem with SCSI HD
     PageMaker 2.0 (3 messages)
     Alisa = VAX + Mac
     100mb SCSI
     RE: 100mb SCSI (Re: Msg 13645)
     Micah Drive still around? (2 messages)
     Fast Printer (2 messages)
     Heap Fragmentation Problem
     RE: Cooling fans
     INIT 31 mechanism (3 messages)
     s/w dev tools
     HyperDrive FX/20
     code segments (2 messages)
     Usenut Digest Vol. 3 #54





Date: 12 Oct 86 11:02:33 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Disk Verify

[ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ]

Date: 11-OCT-1986 16:30 by HSTARR

Here is a handy utility to check the formatting of your diskettes. It is non
destructive, and will check non-Macintosh (but Apple formatted) diskettes. This
will allow you to determine if those single sided disks really can be used as
double sided. Also good for a double check after a few days. Send comments and
suggestions to HSTARR.





Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 08:16 EST
Subject: Re: MacKermit Fonts

There was recently a question about Kermit fonts and
their readability.

I have taken head responsibility for the MacKermit
project, which has not been worked on in a year.
We are currently converting it to a native Mac C compiler
(Prototyping in Lightspeed C with final product in MPW C)
and are going to add the Kermit sliding window protcol,
TEK4010 support (we hope), as well as cleaning up some
of the Mac Plus incompatabilities.  We can certainly look
into the font problem, and this is just a guess but I
would imagine that the original font was intended to
"emulate" the look of a VT100.  If it isn't all that
close I could certainly mess with it a bit.  It could
simply be changed with ResEdit if it bothers you now.
However, Geneva 10 (as was suggested) will not work, as
Kermit requires a monospaced font...

If anyone else out there has something to contribute to
the MacKermit project, feel free to drop me a line and
we'll see what you can do.  The project is currently
myself and one other person, but we are going to probably
pick up a third in a bit.  This is going to be some
high powered Mac and C work, so don't jump on the boat
just for fun.

We don't have a tentative release date yet, but I am
hoping to have the code native by next week sometime.

-Tom Dowdy
"I am increasinly of the opinion that a vast majority
 of wrong thinking people are right."


Date: Thu, 9 Oct 86 21:38:26 cdt
From: wmartin@ngp.UTEXAS.EDU (Wiley Sanders)
Subject: FanMania (Really, Mac's operating temp)
Reply-to: wmartin@ut-ngp.UUCP (Wiley Sanders)

Well, I took a dial-type photo thermometer and laid it level along the left
hand vent of several different Macs and Mac Pluses here in our microlab.
The 512K's seem to run about 130F. and the Pluses about 115.


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 86 12:53:01 edt
From: Christopher North <bono%dartmouth.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: fans

I have been using a system saver mac from kensington ($65 from maconnection)
and I love it.  Prior to using I had two power board failures presumably heat
related as they both occurred during heavy usage perids.  Sure, it makes a
little bit of noise but it is nothing that bothers me.  It sits very snugly
on top of the mac but I do not have to remove it during transport because
it fits right in my mac pack.


Date: Tue, 7 Oct 86 15:05 EDT
Subject: Rentals Registration

  I take it back. No sooner do I post my story than the Lightspeed C and
Pascal Registration cards/Licenses appear in a battered envelope in my
mailbox. Apparently, they were mailed quite promptly by MacRentals. They
were probably mishandled by the good 'ol US Mail people. So, I can now
use the tools without guilt.



Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 21:53:48 jst
From: nttlab!nojima@shasta.stanford.edu (Hisao NOJIMA)
Subject: Japanese Word Processing on Mac


  I read Tamir Weiner on Japanese WordProcessor on Mac.  I am a Mac
user living in Japan.

  As Tamir wrote, KANJI-Talk is a kind of software adaptar for Mac,
which allows user to use Kanjis in several Mac applications.  (Excel,
MacWrite, MacPaint and others)
  We have a Word Processor for Mac, EGword from ErgoSoft.  I have
tried it on Mac512, but not on Mac+.  (I have to upgrade the software,
but I haven't done so.)
EGword on Mac512 worked well, but as the quality of the printed drafts
were quite low and slow (you have to wait about four or five minutes to
get only one page of printouts), so I didn't use it seriously.
  But, now you can use EzPrint (from Hi-TECS), which allows you to
print EgWord files to Kanji printers (EPSON VP-80K, VP-130K), so
accordingly you can get high quality output quickly.
  I hope Apple Japan or some other companies try hard to make it
possible to print Kanji files to LaserWriters. (and we need mcuh
bigger screen and finer resolution.  Most Japanese personal computers
have 640 * 400 pixels, on which we can display 40*25 kanjis, however,
on Mac we can display about 23*13 kanjis.)
Until then, Japanese word processing on Mac may remains far back
behind with contenporary levels of Japanese Word Processing softwares,
like ICHI-TAROU, which is the best selling word processing software
for NEC PC9800.

		Hisao NOJIMA


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 01:21 CDT
Subject: MacApp Developer's Association

Here it is, just like I promised.

             Announcing the MacApp Developer's Association.

MacApp users are proud to announce the formation of the MacApp Developer's
Association.  Our goal is to provide technical support and information
to our fellow developers who are using Object Oriented Programming
languages.  We will publish a regular (hopefully monthly) newsletter
addressing the concerns of MacApp users.  We will provide, maintain,
and support an Object Library for developers.  As a developers
association we feel it is important to provide an informal electronic
mail Q&A service for out members where you can get answers to your
MacApp questions.  We will provide support for the formation of local
MacApp user groups.

Our original organizing effort is supported by Apple Computer but we
anticipate being a fully indepenent organization through your participation
and support.  We are looking for volunteers able to contribute to the
above efforts.  If you have an article, an idea for an object, or a
tutorial to contribute to the newsletter you should contact Eric
Anderson (addresses are listed below).  If you wish to contribute an
object to the Object Library contact Kurt Schmucker concerning documentation
details.  If you would like to participate in the Q&A service contact
Greg Marriott or Scott Boyd.  If you wish to form a local support group
or are looking for local support contact Carl Nelson.

To receive the first 6 newsletters we are asking that you make a contribution
of $15 to cover the costs of its printing, production and postage. Send
your name, address, and check to the MacApp Developers Association.
Details concerning access and distribution of the object library will
be published in our first newsletter.  Tentatively the Q&A service will
be conducted using MCI mail.  The cost to join is low, there are no
connect charges and the price to send a short, well phrased question is
a dollar or less; contact MCI at 1-800-MCI-MAIL to obtain an account.
The MCI mail ID is MacApp Questions.  The most useful Q&A's will appear
in each newsletter.

We hope to hear from you and look forward to seeing you at our next
meeting, to be held during the January 198 MacWorld Expo in San Francisco.

MacApp(tm) Developer's Association
P.O. Box 23
Everett, WA  98201-0023
MCI: Carl Nelson
USENET: uw-beaver!tikal!sunup!chn

Greg Marriott/Scott Boyd
3420 D  Sandra St.
Bryan, TX  77801
MCI: MacApp Questions
     Greg Marriott
BITnet: max@tamlsr.bitnet
CSNet:  boyd%tamlsr@tamu.csnet

Kurt Schmucker
2516 Vineyard Lane
Crofton, MD 21114
BIX: kschmucker

Eric Anderson
P.O. box 1145
Montpelier, VT  05602
MCI: Tomevs

Greg Marriott

Whew.  Disclaimer: I have no official connection with Apple Computer.
                   I'm not getting paid to do this.  I'm paying my
                   $15 just like every other member.


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 86 01:26:46 EDT
From: cordy%qucis.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
Subject: Requesting info on new faster Laserwriter?

I have heard rumours that Adobe has created a new fast 68020-based
controller to go into Laserwriters and such.  I presume this means
that we will shortly see announcements of a Laserwriter II or somesuch,
rendering the present Laserwriter obsolete (or at least slow).
Does anyone have any solid information on the existence and predicted
birth date of such as beast?  I want to know if we should wait for it or
go ahead and shell out the bucks for the present slow Laserwriter.

Thanks in advance

Jim Cordy                                       cordy@qucis.bitnet
Dept. Computing and Information Science         decvax!utcsri!qucis!cordy
Queen's University at Kingston
Kingston Canada


Date: 11 Oct 1986 15:22-EST
From: Vermicious.Knid@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Looking for DS Disk Bulk Copier

I have been given the task of creating about 50 double-sided disks for
public use in clusters here at Carnegie Mellon.  The disks are made up
and contain invisible files and other such nonsense.  Does anyone know
of a PD or cheap commercial bulk double-sided disk copier?  It should be
a 'read master disk and then feed in blanks' based system. It doesn't
have to deal with any protection - just a normal sector copy should do.
I have an old PD program called MassCopy, but it doesn't seem to know
how to deal with double sided disks.  Any help is appreciated.

Also - I want some of the files on the disk (namely Paint and Write) to
not be able to be drag copied by J Random User.  But the bozo bit
doesn't seem to do anything on an HFS volume - any help here?

					Thanks, Marc


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 86 09:21 EDT
Subject: Woke up this mornin', got them blue-bashin' blues.

My 10 September issue of Punch just arrived. Punch, you ask?  Well, you
see, when Michael Bywater is in form, his Database page does wonders
for one's spirits.  Like the following excerpt from his Q/A discussion
on the Amstrad PC-1512, which costs eight to ten times less than a
similarly configured IBM PC, runs pretty much all the PC stuff along
with its own GEMware, and is faster.  The cherry comes at the bottom
of the glass:

>       What reason, then, is there to buy a real IBM?
>       --Absolutely none whatever.
>       What will this mean for IBM?
>       --The bum's rush; and, my goodness, they've had it coming to them
>       for a long time.
>       So to sum up?
>       --If you want an IBM PC, buy an Amstrad.  If you already have an
>       IBM  PC and want another one, buy an Amstrad.  If you haven't got
>       a computer at all and don't want to spend much, buy an Amstrad.
>       If you haven't got a computer but vaguely feel one would be useful,
>       don't buy anything; wait until you have good reason to buy one,
>       then buy an Amstrad.  If you don't mind spending L2,000 and want the
>       best computer on the market right now, buy an Apple Macintosh Plus.

                Prof M.J. Connolly
                Slavic & Eastern Languages
                Boston College/Carney 239
                Chestnut Hill MA 02167    (617) 552-3912 cnnmj@bcvax3.bitnet


End of INFO-MAC Digest