[mod.mac] INFO-MAC Digest V4 #131

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator David Gelphman...) (10/16/86)

INFO-MAC Digest         Wednesday, 15 Oct 1986    Volume 4 : Issue 131

Today's Topics:
                            re: SetEventMask
                            Events in Dialogs
                 Prob: interpreting Pascal to C - HELP!
                 Aztec C Ramdisk problems, FTP problems
                             Moire Idle DAs
                              Clipper FKEY
                              Boot Edit.HQX
                        Usenet Mac Digest V2 #84
                        Delphi Mac Digest V2 #52
                        Re: Fan Hack for the Mac
                   RE: Looking for DS Disk Bulk Copier
                             Laserwiter 020
                              MAC+ keyboard
                          MORE's Bullet Charts
                       Word processing for Welsh?
      Japanese Word Processing S/W (was Asian Languages on the Mac)
                 DA For Modifying the "Get Info" Block?
                       MacQueries, esp Disk Drives
                       Downloading from Compuserve
                           imagewriter 1 vs 2


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 86 17:01:22 EDT
From: Meredith Lesly <mlesly@labs-b.bbn.com>
Subject: re: SetEventMask

The apple glue is wrong.  I discovered this because LightspeedC uses the
Apple-licensed glue and the very first bug I found was this one.  I think
the problem is that the glue stored a long rather than a word.  Try
disassembling the glue and take a look.


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 86 09:45:45 EDT
From: bills@CCA.CCA.COM (Bill Stackhouse)
Subject: Events in Dialogs

Using Lightspeed Pascal on a Mac+, I have noticed the following which
seems to be different than I expected or is described in Inside Macintosh.
Can anyone explain why this is?

With no windows showing and only a dialog displayed, the filterProc called
as part of ModelDialog is passed NullEvents as the mouse is moved around.
(I expected this).

With windows behind a dialog, the filterProc is not passed any NullEvents,
but is passed UpdateEvts instead. (I did not expect this).

Bill Stackhouse


Date: 14 Oct 86 11:02 CDT
Subject: Prob: interpreting Pascal to C - HELP!

maybe I need to be shot in the head for trying to learn a new language (C) and
how to program the Mac at the same time - anyway now I'm committed.
The backgroung of the problem.

1)  I have IM vol 1-3, Mac C ver 1.something, and a Fat Mac with ext drive.

2) I have a subscription to MacTutor, and a book called "Hidden Powers of the
Macintosh" by Christ Morgan of the Waite Group.

3) In learning the basics of the Mac, some of the examples start with drawing
straight to the screen via GrafPorts.  Not so bad a problem.  My problem is -
the examples use a Procedure called NEW() which allocates space for a GrafPort
(~108 bytes) and returns a handle to the new space in memory. So far so good.
Except that 1) NEW() is not documented in IM, and MacC doesn't mention any
equivalent either.  Is this an old Lisa Pascal command?

4) Here's most of the Pascal program example:
      Pat: Pattern;
      Cur: Cursor;
      StuffHex(@Pat, '8142241818244281')
      FillRect(thePort^.portBits.Bounds, Pat);

5) I've tried the following in MacC for this example (on page 84) of the book :
#include "macdefs.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Quickdraw.h"
GrafPtr  myPort;
#define  GPortSize  108
GrafPort NEW()
  return  getmemz(GPortSize);
myPort = NEW();
  Pattern  Pat;
  StuffHex(&Pat, 0x8142241818244281)
  FillRect(&myPort.portBits.Bounds, &Pat);
/* initGraf .. done by Mac C */
/* initFonts .. done by MacC */
  initmem();  /* must be done for the getmemz routine */

I have tried various &, *, -> type notations for the reference within FillRect
and I always get a message like "*** Wrong or Missing Field ***...".  It looks
like it isn't recognizing the record names like "portBits.Bounds" on my new

My desire is to be able to dynamically allocate grafports as needed.  (Examples
further in the book require this).
What am I doing wrong?, any other ideas on how to come up with an equivalent
to the NEW() procedure?
Much thanks in advance.  Please respond in person to MACA@AFCC-4 if you can
(unless you think this is a common or usefull  bit of knowhow to others).
signed ... CFrustrated... Jay Personius


Subject: Aztec C Ramdisk problems, FTP problems
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 86 12:58:06 -0500
From: tbmoore@ATHENA.MIT.EDU

I've been having problems with the Ramdisk supplied with Aztec C 1.06H. It
seems to be impossible to convince the shell to make the Ramdisk the boot disk.
I executed the exec file shown in the manual under MountRam, with the
additional lines: cp /system ram:
                  cp /finder ram:

After executing the shell from the Ramdisk, the Ramdisk should become the boot
disk. It does not. For now, I have been exiting to the Finder and
command-option-double-clicking on the Ramdisk's Finder icon to make the Ramdisk
the boot disk, but this is pretty bogus.

another problem:
Recently it has been almost impossible to FTP to sumex-aim; I keep getting
"Connection timed out". Has anybody else experienced this? Is this sumex's
problem or a local problem?
			-Tim Moore (tbmoore@athena.mit.edu)

[ note from moderator:  I'm not aware of any special problems here at
sumex but I haven't been logged on much lately. Anytime the system is
down your connection will time out. DAVEG ]


Date: 14 Oct 86 18:47:16 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Moire Idle DAs

[ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ]

Date: 12-OCT-1986 20:05 by RMUHA

Two more idle DAs.

Moire.da bounces two points (random speeds) and inscribes objects within the
generated rectangles.

Poly.da bounces up to ten points and connects the dots.

See the notes file for keyboard commands for each DA.

The source consists of three files:
idler.c - a common DA shell that may be used for writing other DAs.
moire.c - drawing routines for moire.da
poly.c - drawing routines for poly.da

Produced using LightSpeed* C!

[ archived as




Date: 14 Oct 86 18:48:55 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Clipper FKEY

[ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ]

Date: 13-OCT-1986 21:16 by LOFTUSBECKER

FKEY to insert carriage returns (at wordbreaks) every 70 characters in
text that has been copied to the clipboard.  Useful with DA's like
miniWriter to easily get linebreaks for upload (select, copy, invoke
Clipper, paste, and voila, it's ready to upload).  Freeware, may be
freely copied.  Bug reports, please?





Date: Wed 15 Oct 86 12:44:11-ADT
From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Boot Edit.HQX

Here is a little program I found on a local BBS.  It will edit the
Welcome to Macintosh, the DSAT and BOMB icon.

	- Peter





Date: Wed 15 Oct 86 12:46:53-ADT
From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: FastFormat.HQX

Here is another fast disk formatter.  It will format any disk and give
it the name BLANK.  It is cautious about write-protected and
pre-initialized disks.  This was found on a local freeware/shareware

	- Peter





Date: Wed 15 Oct 86 12:48:34-ADT
From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA>
Subject: MassCopier.HQX

This program was found on a local BBS which contains freeware/shareware
programs only.  It will allow you to make multiple copies of a master

	- Peter





Date: 15 Oct 86 09:57:53 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #84

Usenet Mac Digest        Wednesday, 15 October 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 84

     Re: Converting MacPaint pictures to the IBM PC
     Re: SetEventMask Buggy?
     Finder ShutDown Command
     problems with LoDown tape backup ...
     Re: page sizes on Imagewriter and Laserwriter
     Re: Stupid Question on Disk Space
     Help me.  Please, help me. (Bzzzzzz).
     Bless Supermac
     Re: Print Selection... menu item in edit
     Re: Query: 3.5S 20Meg SCSI-drive from Su
     Latest Version of 68K MDS
     Re: Using Imagewriter for other PC's
     Apple, just give me what I want!
     Mac power supply failures!!
     Problem with off-screen bitmaps.
     Re: Editable text items in Dialogs
     Re: jerky screen animation with SCSI disk
     Graphics Magician
     Review of DataFrame20 by SuperMac
     Question on contents of \"BootDrive\"
     Re: Keyboard Layout
     Re: Latest Version of 68K MDS
     Re: Converting MacPaint pictures to the IBM PC
     Re: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #51





Date: 15 Oct 86 22:01:38 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #52

Delphi Mac Digest          Wednesday, 15 October 1986      Volume 2 : Issue 52

Today's Topics:
     Finder 5.4
     RE: HyperDrive FX/20 (Re: Msg 13710) (2 messages)
     Scrolling (2 messages)
     Point in Oval (3 messages)
     Re: SCSI hard disks
     RE: Radius FPD (Re: Msg 13695) (2 messages)
     text editing (3 messages)
     Stack Size (7 messages)
     RE: Point in Ovel (Re: Msg 859)
     OASIS 1.2,WayStation
     HyperDrive 2000 (5 messages)
     Motorola et al (2 messages)
     C&S N/CSN&Y (2 messages)
     RE: Graphics Magician
     TurboCharger problems
     PostScript Escape Font




Date: Sun 12 Oct 1986 17:48 CDT
Subject: Re: Fan Hack for the Mac

 Thank you very much for such a complete description of how to put a cheap
 fan into the Mac. I have a Mac+ myself, and was getting a little worried about
 how warm it gets over extended use. I assumed some of the crashes because of
 that. I have a EE grad student as my room-mate who is going to assist me in
 making sure things are put in correctly, but I have no idea on where to get
 the correct screw-driver to open up the Mac. Can anyone suggest where I could
 get one? Thanx in advance.

 I also came across an interesting problem on my Mac+ recently. For some reason
 the print port got set to the modem, and I couldn't figure out where my files
 were going. I looked at Chooser, and sure enough, the modem port was selected.
 I changed that to the print port, and things were fine. However, the next time
 I fired up the Mac, the same problem occured. It seems that for some reason,
 Chooser doesn't make the print port the default port. I tried it a couple of
 times (this using system 5.3 and Finder 5.2). Finally, I got tired of this
 problem, and booted up the Mac with Finder 4.1 and got out the old Choose
 Printer. I changes the default port with that, and the problem has been
 solved. Someone should let Apple know that the new Chooser doesn't work

 --- Samir Kaleem


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 86 09:31 EDT
From: Paul Christensen <PCHRISTENSEN%rca.com@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: RE: Looking for DS Disk Bulk Copier

The only program in the Macintosh realm that I know will mass-copy 800K
disks is MacBackup version 4.5 from Practical Computer Applications, Inc.
MacBackup uses all available memory for its copies, so if you have a Mac
with at least 1 meg of memory, and caching turned off, it will read an
entire 800K disk, and copy it back to many diskettes.  MacBackup is also
smart enough to analyze your original disk and copy it appropriately
(ie it automatically selects 400K or 800K copy).  MacBackup also copies
copy-protected software (although not nearly as much as Copy II Mac).

However, be warned that MacBackup is not nearly as fast as MassCopy
(even with 400K disks), and that you will have to press a dialog button
for each new disk (unlike MassCopy, which automatically continued the

MacBackup is relatively inexpensive (around $40 or so) and if you can't
find it through mail order or dealer, you can order directly:

	Practical Computer Applications, Inc.
	1305 Jefferson Highway
	Champlin, Minnesota 55316
	(612) 427-4789

As far as protecting files on the disk from being dragged by the average
Mac user, the Bozo bit DOES NOT WORK.  Apple abandonded this protection
with Finder 5.x.  You should now set the PROTECTED bit to discourage
Finder copying.

				- Paul Christensen


Note:  As always, I have no connection with Practical Computer Associates.


Date: Tue, 14 Oct 86 09:56 PDT
Subject: Laserwiter 020

I spoke with some people from Adobe when they were here at the lab pushing
Postscript (not that we needed convincing :-) and they said that a number of
printers are coming out with the 68020 based driver that they manufacture.
They were quite mum on details concerning several printers (except to say,
"watch for this type of thing").  I forget the details, but they said that
DEC was coming out with an 020 based printer to hook to VAXen and that Apple
had something in the works.  They also said that a number of color ink jet
printers would be coming out for relatively cheap.  Look for them to be
announced "real soon now".



Date: Mon, 13 Oct 86 16:41:54 EDT
From: Howard Walter <howard@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: MAC+ keyboard

I would like to either exchange the command and shift lock keys or disable
the detent in the shift lock key. I have disassembled the keyboard to
the point where I removed the small screws holding the metal plate
to the printed circuit board. Unfortunately, the keyboard does not appear
to separate further. Can anyone please provide further advice?

I remember a note about the regular MAC keyboard but the + seems to be


Howard Walter


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 86 15:26:36 edt
From: kalagher@mitre.ARPA (Richard Kalagher)
Subject: MORE's Bullet Charts

My initial fascination with the Bullet Chart features of MORE have faded.
I have not found it very useful in producing real, printed presentations
for the following reasons:

1. If an item is too long to fit on one physical line, MORE just cuts it
off rather than continuing it on the next line.  This limits you to
short items (I know they should be short) or a small point size, or both.

2. There is no easy way to include sub-bullets.

3. When printing a full page bullet chart in landscape mode, the line
between the title and the bulleted items is too far down the page (half
way, sometimes).  Also its location varies depending on the number of

You can work around some of these things by using documents, but in
general it is more hassle than using Macwrite or Macdraw to begin with.
Has anyone discovered any ways to get around these problems with MORE?


Date: Tue, 14 Oct 86 13:39:15 EDT
From: Mark Nodine <mnodine@labs-b.bbn.com>
Subject: Word processing for Welsh?

Apple did a pretty good job of trying to figure out which special characters
would be needed by a broad variety of foreign languages when they developed
the MacIntosh fonts, so that the traditional vowels (a, e, i, o, u) can be
accessed with a wide variety of different diacritical marks.  Unfortunately,
Welsh uses more than those vowels commonly, specifically y and w.  There are
words in Welsh which have a circumflex (^) over y and w and which need the
circumflex to distinguish them from other words.  Does anybody know of a nice
way to get these characters so I can do word processing for Welsh?  I suppose
I could edit all of my fonts that I want to use to add new characters, but then
there will be the problem of figuring out the keyboard equivalents to invoke
them...  Can anybody help?



Date: Saturday, 11 Oct 1986 00:23:48-PDT
From: shimono%tkov58.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM  (Takao Shimono - the TongKing
From: boy)
Subject: Japanese Word Processing S/W (was Asian Languages on the Mac)

  The following below is the excerpt from net.micro.mac.
  I think EgWord (V2.20) works on MacPlus.
      KanjiTalk (Japanized MacPlus) is better, because it has a Kanji-ROM.

  Takao Shimono
  uucp:   {decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!tkov58.dec.com!shimono
  arpa:   shimono%tkov58.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM
  junet (Japan Unix NETwork):   shimono@digita.dec-j.junet
  NTT (NanTyaTte):  (03)989-7055

  "DIG IT, ALice"
>Newsgroups: net.micro.mac
>Path: decwrl!pyramid!hplabs!qantel!ihnp4!inuxc!pur-ee!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!sandrock
>Subject: Re: Japanese word-processing software
>Posted: 12 Sep 86 14:47:00 GMT
>Nf-ID: #R:curly.ucla-cs.ARPA:1414:uiucuxc:96900037:000:571
>Nf-From: uiucuxc.CSO.UIUC.EDU!sandrock    Sep 12 09:47:00 1986
>     There is a highly recommended Japanese language word-processor called
>   EgWord marketed in the U.S. by
>          Counterpoint Systems
>          P.O. Box 1685
>          Cambridge, MA 02138
>     EgWord was reviewed in the April 86 issue of MacUser, and is listed for
>   $300, although there may be a newer release out now for $370 with support
>   for the LaserWriter. (But please check with Counterpoint Systems.)
>   Disclaimer: I have no connection with Counterpoint Systems other than the
>               hope to one of these days become a customer of theirs!


Date: Wed 15 Oct 86 10:02:11-PDT
From: Tony Siegman  <SIEGMAN@Sierra.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: DA For Modifying the "Get Info" Block?

Mac programmers seem to love writing disk accessories for myriad
esoteric uses.  Since I often put notes about each file into its "Get
Info" block, I'd love to have a DA with which I could edit a file's
"get Info" message **while the file was open and being worked on with
some other application**.


Subject: MacQueries, esp Disk Drives
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 86 03:05:39 -0800
From: Don Rose <drose@cip.UCI.EDU>

Hi Kathleen; thanks for your message on the rebate. I called Priority One and
some other stores, and they all seem to know about the rebate for students
($200 for MacPlus, maybe only $175 for 512E??) -- but for some reason
CompuTrends says they have no knowledge of a rebate! this confuses me, since
the other stores say it's a direct-from-Apple rebate (just show proof of
purchase or proof of studentness, or something like that). If you have any
info on this oddity, please tell me; it seems that if I buy from CTrends, I
could still apply  for the apple rebate, even if CTrends isn't wise to it.

One theory is that CTrends has the rebate "built-in", since the other stores'
prices seem to be higher by a difference that about equals the rebate.
For example, PriorityOne's prices are: 1800(plus), 1395(512E).
     whereas CompuTrends' prices are:  1600      , 1150.
Pri.One's apple-20MB HD is cheaper, though
            (899 vs. CTrends' 999 price).

3 more questions:
 (1) if i initially got an external drive instead of a HD (to save money),
      would i ever have a use for it if i someday buy a HD? Or would I
      perhaps find that an external drive is sufficient for my needs?
      (Ctrends's apple 800K ext. drive is 365; Warp Nine's is 239 retail.)

 (2) i know of at least one program i'd like to use which specifically says
      "requires either 2 drives, or HD". IS it possible i could get by
      with only the 1 built-in (standard) Mac drive, and just suffer the
      inconvenience of swapping disks, etc? Or, could I perhaps go the  Plus
      route, and use its Ramdisk/cache ability to serve as a second (virtual)
      drive (thus avoiding/delaying the purchase of an ext. drive or HD)?

 (3) A friend of mine told me (perhaps jokingly) that he'd sell his 512K (non-
      enhanced) Mac, plus a non-apple sing.side ext. drive, for 700 total. If
      he's really serious, should I go for it? (Ctrends's 512-->512E upgrade is
      250, while the 512E-->Plus upgrade is 500.) Are used Macs a risk?
      More importantly, would the old (non-HFS) organization and sing.sided
      environment cause hassles when I eventually upgraded?

Thanks for any help on this admittedly long message. --Donald

P.S. Is your ImageWriter2 still jamming paper? do you still feel IW1's better?


Date: Mon 13 Oct 86 13:04:35-EDT
Subject: Downloading from Compuserve

Does anyone have any info about downloading files from Compuserve using
Kermit on a 512K Mac.  Am new to this sort of thing, and while I've mastered
downloading from our local DEC20 I must admit to being daunted by what I'm
reading on Compuserve (besides it's expensive just "grazing" through Compu-
serve) and in various magazines.  Anyone out there able to point out what I'm
missing?  Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Subject: imagewriter 1 vs 2
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 86 17:21:14 -0800
From: Don Rose <drose@CIP.UCI.EDU>

Any thoughts about which is "better"? 2 seems the obvious choice, but some
have said the 2 jams paper often, and that perhaps the 1 is better on text.
--Donald Rose


End of INFO-MAC Digest