INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderator David Gelphman...) (12/29/86)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 28 Dec 1986 Volume 5 : Issue 32 Today's Topics: C compiler upgrades arrive! Problems with TECHNOTES-DEC86-TN110.HQX.2 Jazz 1A Demo, 10 files total ConCode 1.5 QDial 1.6 Acta Format GridPic, a utility for working with compact screen files Stars 1.6 Crystal Raider Dynamac - a Macintosh compatible laptop The mac's "minor repairs" to a disk erased files. Help?! Problem with HD-20 and resources Epson printer driver for Atari ST emulating Mac Usenet Mac Digest V2 #105 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 25 Dec 86 17:06:57 est From: stew%lhasa@hucsc.HARVARD.EDU Subject: C compiler upgrades arrive! At long last, I have received both Lightspeed C 2.01 and Megamax C 3.0 practically on the same day. I plan to benchmark them and report the results (not that I would ever use MegaMax again, given their track record). A benchmark against MPW 1.0 would also be valuable. Some have suggested that development be done in Lightspeed and final production be done in MPW. I'd like to know if the improvements to be gained are worth the hassle (the three all have different notions of word lengths) and expense. I can't understand why Think didn't supply prototypes for the Toolbox. If we can get a few folks together, I'd like to collaborate on writing them. I'll coordinate handing out managers to different people. If you are willing to help, send me a message. seismo!harvard!lhasa!stew ------------------------------ Date: Wed 24 Dec 86 20:54:56-AST From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA> Subject: Problems with TECHNOTES-DEC86-TN110.HQX.2 Just picked this up from the archives, and it will not UNHEX without giving a CRC($3275) error. The usual attempts at stripping headers, etc., have been made with no success. At your leisure, could you please arrange a copy for transfer that will work. - Peter P.S. Happy Holidays to you and yours. [ note from moderator: TN110 suffered from the binhex problem I mentioned in a recent digest. It could not be unhexed by binhex 4.0 because of a bug in 4.0. I have placed a new version in the archives which has been run though unpit first to packit it. One other point about TN110. I wonder about its veracity for two reasons: it did not come in the written technotes for no good reason and 2) it has some information which seems to be of a questionable nature (Mac Jr. with a 68008? ). DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Dec 86 05:00:10 EST From: Martin Resnick <mlr0%gte-labs.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Jazz 1A Demo, 10 files total These files are the Jazz 1A Demo distribution. The first file contains MacWrite documentation for the Jazz 1A demo, some sample Jazz 1A files and the Jazz 1A System Update application. The second file contains the demo application. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-DOCS-PART1.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-DOCS-PART2.HQX concatentate the above two parts together before unbinhexing. [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART1.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART2.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART3.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART4.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART5.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART6.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART7.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DEMO-JAZZ1A-PART8.HQX concatentate the above 8 parts together before unbinhexing. DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 25 Dec 86 11:13:18 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: ConCode 1.5 [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: CONCODE 1.5 Date: 22-DEC-1986 22:21 by JOHNSTOKES File 1 is ConCode Version 1.5, a desk accessory. This desk accessory is a M68000 reference for looking up instruction address modes, operand lengths, conditional truth settings, and how operands are changed when executing a given instruction. Shareware. DA size: 7004 bytes. File 2 is a text log file of revisions for the ConCode desk accessory. John S. Stokes III, author. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-CONCODE-15.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 25 Dec 86 11:13:48 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: QDial 1.6 [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: QDIAL 1.6 Date: 25-DEC-1986 10:05 by LAPORTE [ Updated 24-DEC-1986 01:22 by LAPORTE to version 1.6. v1.6 fixes a bug that caused QDial to hang with Mac Plus and certain modems. 1.6 now works with Qubie and other semi-Hayes-compatible modems. Cut, Copy, and Paste also work now. Revised docs are posted as QDial Docs. Source files unchanged. ] MacQueue dialer (or QDial for short) is a desk accesory that installs a small auto-dialing routine into the system RAM of the Macintosh computer. The dialing routine works in the background, dialing up to five numbers at a time, until one of them answers. QDial requires a Hayes or 100% Hayes compatible modem. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-QUICKDIAL-16.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 26 Dec 86 22:19:27 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Acta Format [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: ACTAFORMAT Date: 14-JUN-1986 17:51 by DDUNHAM File format of Acta documents (Acta is the desk accessory outline processor written by DDUNHAM and available from Symmetry Corp.). MacWrite doc. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>ACTA-FORMAT.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 86 00:15:34 pst From: oster%lapis.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU (David Phillip Oster) Subject: GridPic, a utility for working with compact screen files This distribution is in 5 parts: 1.) This header 2.) GridPic.Doc - documentation for GridPic 3.) GridPic.Hqx - the hqx file of the program itself 4.) GridPic.c - the source code for GridPic, for LightSpeed C, version 2.01 5.) GridPic.R - the script for RMaker for the resources of GridPic --- David Phillip Oster -- "The goal of Computer Science is to Arpa: -- build something that will last at Uucp: ucbvax!ucblapis!oster -- least until we've finished building it." [ note from moderator: since all 5 parts were sent in one file I have posted it in that manner. Users are advised that they need to separate the file into the distinct parts (clearly marked) before using this file. archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-GRIDPIC.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 86 00:22:20 pst From: oster%lapis.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU (David Phillip Oster) Subject: Stars 1.6 Enclosed is my new Stars 1.6. Stars is a "screen-hack" desk accessory, a desk accessory you can run while your Mac is otherwise idle. It has two purposes: 1.) It keeps the screen mostly black, so no fixed pattern gets burned into the phosphor of your Mac's CRT screen. 2.) Its pretty and fun to watch. (Particularly late at night, in a dark room, when you are tired or stoned.) Stars does not come up automatically. Stars uses more than 90% of your 68000 processor, so if it came up automatically it would get in the way of downloads, or long computations. If you want Stars you must select it from the desk accessory menu. Stars comes in slow and goes away fast. It starts up with the fastest digital dissolve anyone has yet done on the Mac, and (if it can get the buffer memory) stops instantaneously. If it can't allocate enough buffer memory, then when it stops it asks the Window Manager to redraw the screen. I made Stars go away fast because when you want to start working again, you don't want to wait. This version of Stars accepts the following commands: 1.) Type a letter of the alphabet to warp into a new galaxy. Galaxies diifer in their star density. 2.) Type a digit to change your speed. 5-9 are forward speeds, 5 is slowest and 9 is fastest. 0-4 are backwards speeds. 4 is slowest, 0 is fastest. Changing your speed does not warp you into a new galaxy. The backward speeds reveal that the reason you are travelling through space is to escape a rotating black hole that is sucking everything into its bottomless maw. But even with this as their fate, the stars are happy, and say hello to you as you go by. Stars is compatible with Menu Clock, the new ROMs, the old ROMs, and the MacXL. Thanks to Matt Grayson for many valuable suggestions and code. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-STARS-16.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Dec 86 04:54:11 EST From: Martin Resnick <mlr0%gte-labs.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Crystal Raider This is a very addicting shareware game from England. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>GAME-CRYSTAL-RAIDER.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Dec 86 16:30 N From: <FRUIN%HLERUL5.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> (Thomas Fruin) Subject: Dynamac - a Macintosh compatible laptop The British computer monthly Personal Computer World featured an article on the Dynamac, the first Mac compatible to actually come out (the MacColby and and Sharp machines aren't ready yet). Dynamac is an impressive machine, the article says. It sports the full 4 Mb of RAM, one 800K floppy drive, 40 Mb hard disk, 2400 bps modem, and an electroluminescent display. And all of that in one laptop, although a larger than usual one. Unfortunately it is not batterly powered: you need a normal power outlet for it. This is due to the large amout of power the screen needs. The screen has a resolution of 640 x 400 pixels, and has the same stuff built in to drive one of those E-machine big screens. In fact, is has a connector at the back to plug in one of those screens - no extra hardware required! The screen is amber and pretty good, but it lacks the great contrast of the Mac's screen. The company that makes Dynamac (sorry, forgot to bring the magazine to my Xmas holiday address, so I can't tell who) uses a genuine Mac Plus to build one of these things. They use the complete motherboard of a Plus and build their black laptop machine around it. That probably explains the steep price: approximately 6500 British pounds! They are working out an agreement with Apple to get Mac Plus's cheaper. Feel free to ask me any questions. There's lots more in the article, so I should be able to answer most of them. -- Thomas FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET (Leiden, Netherlands) ------------------------------ Subject: The mac's "minor repairs" to a disk erased files. Help?! Date: Wed, 24 Dec 86 14:27:44 PST From: korfhage@ats.UCLA.EDU I am using a Mac+ and 800K disks (Sony disks, no less). Recently I tried to copy a downloaded file from one disk into one of three folders on another disk. When I put in the disk to copy to, I got a box saying that the disk needed minor repairs, and would I allow the Mac to do those? Of course, I knew that this would be foolish. I ejected and reinserted the disk a couple times, getting the same message each time. Finally I decided to let the mac go ahead, do the repairs and finish the coyp, because even if I did loose files, they were all relatively inconsequential. The result was interesting. Of the three folders on the disk, two disappeared. The folder that remained was the one I copied the file to. However, the amount in disk is still the proper amount if all the folders still existed. Do the folders exist, but they are invisible? If so, how do I make them visible? Or have the folders been deleted? If so, can I get them back by playing with bits on the disk? I am not familiar with the Mac's directory structure. Thanks for any help you can give me. Willard Korfhage ARPA : UUCP : {ucbvax,ihnp4,randvax,trwrb!trwspp,ism780}!ucla-cs!korfhage ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Dec 86 19:47:22 PST From: Ralph_Brayham%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Problem with HD-20 and resources I have a problem that I hope someone will: 1) believe 2)help with. Using an 'old' 512 with an HD-20, finder 5.3, sys 3.0 etc. While running LSP I can not access resources using the check box in the run options dialog box. I can access these same resources if I unhook the HD-20 and run off floppies (400K) or if I use the HD-20 at work with a Mac+. The other bizarre thing is ResEdit (1.0D11 and 1.0D5) will not show any resources of any file that is not on the desktop if resEdit is in a folder. To see the resources you must have the file you want to look at and ResEdit on the desktop. If you do not. ResEdit will show a blank screen for that file as if it had no resources. When you quit back to the finder, there is a new file on the desktop that is about 500 bytes, it contains absolutely nothing. Should I look for a good service contract or a good whitch docter?? Thanx in advance. [ note from moderator: The first thing to do is make sure you are using System 3.2 Finder 5.3 NOT System 3.0. The second thing to do is make sure you are using the HD20 file with a creation date around June 1986. If you are using system software older than these, then you probably will run into problems. The HD20 file is very important to keep up to date since the early RAM based HFS versions were buggy. DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Subject: Epson printer driver for Atari ST emulating Mac Date: Fri, 26 Dec 86 07:59:59 -0500 From: zim@mitre.ARPA Could anybody give me a pointer to a printer driver which would allow a Mac to print with some standard Epson type printer? (Would printing in draft mode with an ImageWriter driver work for plain text files?) A friend has an Atari ST and a cartridge that he showed me the other day; it allows him to run some amount of Mac software (disks have to be in an Atari format, so programs are usually transferred via modem). The emulation was buggy (presumably old ROMs) and crashed a lot when trying to do simple things like copy/paste from Scrapbook, etc., but it is nonetheless interesting to see. If anybody knows more about this (including legal status of the affair; the cartridge had Apple Mac ROMS inside), I'd appreciate hearing from you. Tnx - ------------------------------ Date: 25 Dec 86 09:51:52 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V2 #105 Usenet Mac Digest Thursday, 25 December 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 105 Today's Topics: Problems with RAM serial driver Disk Initializing Help Needed Clone Wars? Re: Help with bombing PageMaker MIDI Programming Advice Wanted. TopsPrint Re: Should 64K ROMs be supported? Fontographer Copy Protection Warning repeated Dataframe 20 controller failures How to handle scrolling selections Re: Fontographer Copy Protection Warning Methods for drawing characters?? !#$% Hard drive. *&%$ Packit III Activision Copy Protection - "Shanghai" Laserwriter spoolers Opcode's protection (was: Activision Copy Protection - "Shanghai") Re: Activision Copy Protection - "Shanghai" Invisible folders Help with changing fonts in Macwrite! Sample FKEY info desired Icon Review Re: Invisible folders - use ResEdit scsi drive discussion on delphi; Warp-9 photon 20 Re: Delphi Mac Digest V2 #67 Delphi Diegsts (PSU problems) [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV2-105.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************