Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, 10 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 2 Today's Topics: RE: Warning to Expo Travellers (3 messages) Better LaserWriter formatting in PageMak RE: Better LaserWriter formatting in Pag Initialize? (2 messages) miniWRITER + SuperSpool problem? MS Basic Compiler RE: Questions about Mac postscript, Technote 14,Postscript errors MacUser Magazine bought by Ziff-Davis Letraset Marketing Ready-Set-Go New Products Introduced at Macworld Expo Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Extender) RE: Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Exten SmethersBarnes Prototyper Page Once, Automated Book Typesetting Dayna FT-100 enhancement perfecTEK MAC+PC the Macintosh Bible Macintosh 100 Awards 1st day expo impressions MW Expo Report more CP New Macintosh; Macworld Expo; Alladin; (2 messages) Design Tools ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: LOFTUSBECKER Subject: RE: Warning to Expo Travellers (Re: Msg 16169) Date: 5-JAN-02:04: Mousing Around Raines, You're lucky. One of the cases I regularly teach in my Criminal Law class was a prosecution (conviction affirmed) of someone who was found with a Swiss Army Knife in his pocket while boarding an airplane. Lofty ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: Warning to Expo Travellers (Re: Msg 16172) Date: 5-JAN-02:48: Mousing Around On my last trip out to SF, I had to do some last-minute wrapping of cartons with filament tape, which I had run out of. So on the way to the airport I bought a roll of tape and a cheap pair of scissors and finished the job while waiting for my friend to park the car. At the security checkpoint they found the scissors in my carry-on bag where I had dumped them and said I couldn't take them on board. Since they only cost 39 cents I gave them to the security agent ... I'm surprised that the person with the Swiss Army Knife would be convicted, since most people I know who have them are tool fanatics and wouldn't ordinarily think of the SAK as a weapon or be willing to be parted from it. Not to get into an extended discourse, but what there anything else about the case that led to the conviction? peter ------------------------------ From: MOUSEKETEER Subject: RE: Warning to Expo Travellers (Re: Msg 16173) Date: 5-JAN-03:34: Mousing Around Ya, what is this stuff about arresting guys with Swiss Army Knives????? They'll take my Victorinox only when they can pry my cold, lifeless fingers from it's little red case! (grin) In many years of carrying one, I've never had an airline security person question it, usually dumped on the tray with keys, coins, etc. before going through the detector. It would be foolish of the airlines to not allow Swiss Army knives on board a plane, since if the wing started to fall off, they might need someone with a handy phillips head driver to put it back on. Further, I don't see how they could be declared a dangerous weapon. Have you ever heard of the Swiss Army winning a war with them? Gotcha! ;-) Alf ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: Better LaserWriter formatting in PageMak Date: 5-JAN-04:23: Business Mac I was just doing some PageMaker layout in Times-9. When I printed it on a LaserWriter, the text was nowhere near my margin. So I pressed the interrupt switch on my Mac+ and typed sm bf4 ffff g Then I re-formatted the text. When I printed again, I had a good match between screen and page. What I did was to set the low memory global fractEnable, which tells the 128K ROMs to use the fractional character widths stored in the FOND resource. PageMaker will display these on the screen (it looks ugly), though it doesn't do anything different as far as printing (i.e. it won't kern). ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: RE: Better LaserWriter formatting in Pag (Re: Msg 16179) Date: 7-JAN-04:38: Business Mac I guess so, but I've never seen it. Besides, I'm a developer, so it's easier to look up fractEnable than to find a DA on some floppy. I believe there are some errors in the fractional width tables, especially for TimesBold, but I'm not 100% certain. Certainly PalatinoBold behaves very nicely when fractEnable is set -- it doesn't get any wider, just bolder. In any case, they work for Times9 (which is possibly the most inaccurate font around). ------------------------------ From: RICKLEPAGE Subject: Initialize? Date: 6-JAN-19:10: Hardware & Peripherals I have a Dataframe 40XP that got trashed over the weekend, and it won't respond to any of the tried and true recovery tools (Fedit, Disk First Aid, Mac Tools, etc.) Whenever I boot my Mac with it attached, I get the "This is not a Macintosh disk. Do you wish to initialize?" dialog box, which has a Cancel and Initialize button. I am not too optimistic about getting my disk back the way it was, but I have two files that had a major amount of work done on them right before i crashed. My question is this? If I initialize, will just the directory blocks get erased, leaving my data floating in pools that can be collected (painstakingly) with Fedit? Or does initialize do a bit more? Any help anyone could provide would be a big help. Rick ------------------------------ From: BRECHER Subject: RE: Initialize? (Re: Msg 16190) Date: 7-JAN-03:35: Hardware & Peripherals Responding OK to that alert will rewrite the "directory"; it will not erase other areas. ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: miniWRITER + SuperSpool problem? Date: 7-JAN-04:39: Bugs & Features I got a report from someone that the combination of SuperSpool and miniWRITER causes bomb 33 on his Mac+. Has anyone tried these two together? ------------------------------ From: SWABBY Subject: MS Basic Compiler Date: 7-JAN-19:28: Programming Hello everyone. I am a new member to the SIG on 1/7. I have received an offer from from Microsoft to purchase their new Basic Compiler. Has anyone had a chance to look at it yet? Comments appreciated! ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: Questions about Mac postscript, Technote 14,Postscript errors Date: 8-JAN-02:22: Network Digests >Date: Mon, 5 Jan 87 15:37:29 est >From: (Marc Russell Pawliger) >Subject: Questions about Mac postscript, Technote 14,Postscript errors >2) Tech Note #14: I have an old Tech Note #14 whose contents are > the format of a MacProject file. The note itself is in Word format. I > also know that Tech Note #14, the INIT 31 Mechanism, exists. What's > going on? There was a Tech Note 14 prepared by Apple in the summer of 1985 documenting MacProject file format, but it was never officially released. You have a copy that got out through informal channels. I guess Apple decided not to make the file format public, after all, since they reassigned that TN. As far as I know the information in the document you have is accurate. peter "In any context, half of all references PEABO @ DELPHI are local and half are global." ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: MacUser Magazine bought by Ziff-Davis Date: 8-JAN-19:05: Mousing Around It was revealed this week that MacUser magazine has been bought by Ziff-Davis Publications. A spokesperson for Ziff-Davis said that the magazine was currently in a transitional stage as a result of the acquisition, but that no changes in format were planned at the present time. Ziff-Davis also publishes A+ Magazine for Apple // owners, which until recently had a Macintosh section. The Macintosh section in A+ was being phased out, so the acquisition of MacUser is seen as filling a gap in Ziff-Davis' offerings. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: Letraset Marketing Ready-Set-Go Date: 8-JAN-19:13: Creative Pursuits Letraset Corporation has a large booth at the Macworld Expo devoted to version 3.0 of Ready-Set-Go by Manhattan Graphics. Letraset is now the exclusive world- wide distributor of Ready-Set-Go according to a spokesperson from Letraset. Previous to this, Letraset had concentrated on its product Letrapage (previously marketed by Boston Software Publishing, Inc. as MacPublisher II) but the marketing agreement between Letraset and Microcosmos, Inc., the developers of MacPublisher, has been terminated and all rights to MacPublisher have reverted to Microcosmos. Former Boston Software Publishing employees Russ McCann and Ed Holcomb continue to work for Letraset. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: New Products Introduced at Macworld Expo Date: 8-JAN-19:51: Mousing Around From the Macworld Expo press release: 3COM Corporation - EtherSeries Enhanced Abvent - SPACE EDIT and ANATOOL Adobe Systems, Inc - Adobe Illustrator, a new tool for graphics arts. ALP Systems, Inc. - MacProof, a style and grammar checker. Altsys Corp. - FONTastic Plus, a new bitmap font editor. American Intelliware Corp - Storyboarder, Scriptwriter, and Interactive Teacher. Bravo Technologies - MacCalc version 1.2, a fast, easy to use spreadsheet. Bree Communications, Inc. - Set & Send professional typesetting service. Casady Ware, Inc. - new additions to the Fluent Laser Fonts family including extra-bold fonts, Old English, and Cyrillic. CJB Publishing - MacNews sister publications The Business Journal and The Programming Journal. Colby Systems, Inc. - Colby Lap-Mac and Colby Modular Mac. CompServeCo - distributor for Microspot, which has introduced a new product called Planit for interior space layout. Cricket Software - CricketDraw. Data Tailor, Inc. - the next generation spreadsheet, TRAPEZE. DEVIONICS - MAGIC SLATE graphics program. Digital Etc., Inc. - Turbo Maccountant 2.0. Dynamac Computer Products, Inc. - Dynamac Portable Computer. Dynamic Office Systems - LaserPaint graphics and text editor. Erez Anzel - showing prerelease of COGO for the Macintosh. Ergotron - Macbuffer LW, a hardware buffer for the LaserWriter. ExperTelligence - ExperCommonLisp. Heizer Software - The WorksXchange Collection, four sets of templates for Microsoft Works. High Performance Systems, Inc - STELLA for business (operations management and strategic planning tool). INTELITEC, INC. - MX Plus, a battery powered portable Mac Plus. Invention Software Corporation - new releases of Pascal and C extenders. Jam Software Pty., Ltd. - MacMED, medical electronic desktop. Jasmine Computer Systems, Inc. - 20 and 80 megabyte SCSI drives. Knowledge Engineering - LaserPaint bundle and image editing software. Legalware, Inc. - Knowledge Modeling office productivity software. MacBriefs - Macbriefs Video Report, a bi-monthly 2-hour videotape magazine. MacTutor - introducing their new book, The Best of MacTutor, Vol. 1. Magic Software - Salary Magic, a salary negotiation/office management package. Monogram Software, Inc. - Business Sense accounting package. NetWorkers/Dafax - a dazzling array of new products. Profitware - Generic Applications, a development tool for Omnis 3 Plus. Right Track Software, Inc - Registrar's Office and The Main Office, for student administration. Select Micro Systems - MapMaker software. Smethers-Barnes - Prototyper, a development system for building prototypes of Macintosh software systems. Structural Measurement Systems - Parameter Manager, for desktop data management and analysis. Solutions, Inc. - new desk accesories SmartScrap & The Clipper. Spectrum Holobyte - new game FALCON. Symmetry - new versions of PictureBase and Acta. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Extender) Date: 8-JAN-19:58: Creative Pursuits Berkeley System Design (415-540-5536) is showing their new software called Stepping Out. This software allows a standard Mac screen to emulate a larger screen (using a scrollable window or a page-sized reduced view) and can also display a magnified view of a portion of a window (up to 16x) for detailed work. Regular price is $95, but the show special price of $65 is in effect through January 31. ------------------------------ From: MOUSEKETEER Subject: RE: Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Exten (Re: Msg 16223) Date: 9-JAN-00:57: Creative Pursuits I must be mixed up on this one.... You say these people are selling software that allows you to emulate a larger screen by using a scrollable window or a page-sized reduced view? You mean kinda like having little scroll bars at the side and bottom of the screen, you could look at other parts of a full page? What won't they think of next! ;-) Alf ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: SmethersBarnes Prototyper Date: 8-JAN-20:05: Programming SmethersBarnes (503-245-7270) announces Prototyper, an application prototype development tool. The tool itself uses the Macintosh user interface, so that people without technical or programming knowledge can create a prototype of a Mac application that demonstrates how it should work. Prototyper allows for the creation of freely distributable, double-clickable standalone applications. There is no licensing fee for distribution of the prototype applications. Prototyper is not copy protected, and will be priced at $185, to be shipped in March. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: Page Once, Automated Book Typesetting Date: 8-JAN-20:22: Creative Pursuits McCutcheon Graphics, one of Canada's largest pre-press suppliers to the graphics arts industry, unveiled at the Macworld Expo today its Page One(TM) automated book typesetting software for the Apple Macintosh. The book author prepares his manuascript using Microsoft WORD. Then the publisher selects one of 50 templates representing standard book designs. Using this template, Page One prepares output compatible with any PostScript printer. Page One reduces turnaround time and expense of book publishing by taking advantage of well-known and proven book designs. It also gives the publisher tools for specifying running heads, page density, and printing parts of a manuscript by page number. In addition, output can be printed at magnifcations up to 180%, allowing standard laser printers to produce 540 dot per inch output after photoreduction. Page One was created with FTL's MacTeX software, and will be available in January 87 at a price of $2000 ($2500 Canadian). Page One was co-developed by Thad McIlroy, formerly an author, publisher, bookseller, and editor of over 40 titles, noted book designer Garfield Reeves-Stevens, author editor and designer of over 300 titles, and Toronto-based FTL Systems, publisher of MacTeX. For Further information, contact McCutcheon Graphics Inc. (416-789-2993). ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: Dayna FT-100 enhancement Date: 8-JAN-20:29: Hardware & Peripherals Dayna Communications, Inc. (800-531-0600) intoruduced an enhanced version of their FT-100 IBM compatible floppy diskette attachment for the Macintosh. The enhancement consists of software which allows the IBM diskettes to be manipulated just like Macintosh diskettes ("Finder level" operation), so that files can be transferred within the standard Macintosh Finder just as if they were Macintosh files. Both 360KB and 1.2MB IBM compatible disk drives are supported. Dayna also makes MacCharlie, the IBM PC attachment to the Macintosh. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: perfecTEK MAC+PC Date: 8-JAN-20:34: Hardware & Peripherals PerkecTEK (408-251-1130) announced today an add-on coproceesor board that brings IBM PC emulation to the Macintosh without use of an external chassis. The MAC+PC fits inside the Mac and offers 640K of memory and an 8086 CPU. There is no provision for attachment of 5-1/4" diskette drives, but many programs are available on 3-1/2" format. Suggested retail price is $995, with first shipments scheduled for March 15. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: the Macintosh Bible Date: 8-JAN-20:39: Business Mac The Macintosh Bible, by Dale Coleman and Arthur Naiman, is 432 pages jam packed with tips, tricks, and shortcuts logically organized and fully indexed. The regular list price is $21, but the special show price is $16.80 plus $1.50 shipping and handling, to Goldstein & Blair, Box 7635, Berkeley, CA 94707. Two free updates (at least 40 pages each) are included in the price of the book. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: Macintosh 100 Awards Date: 8-JAN-21:03: Mousing Around Sculley, Gassee, and Kawasaki of Apple Computer, Inc. to present First Annual Macintosh 100 Awards! The most important people, products and companies in the Macintosh community are to be honored at the First Annual Macintosh 100 Awards Ceremony, sponsored by Redgate Communications Corporation (publishers of the Macintosh Buyers Guide) and Apple Computer, Inc. The Macintosh 100: PEOPLE -- Bill Atkinson, Paul Brainerd, Donald Brown, Doug Clapp, Jean-Louis Gassee, Bill Gates, Andy Hertzfeld, Charlie Jackson, Steven Jobs, Guy Kawasaki, Tom Leonard, Lon Poole, Heidi Roizen, Alain Rossmann, John Sculley, Neil Shapiro, Scott Watson, and David Winer. COMPANIES -- Aldus Corporation, Casady Company, Creighton Development, Inc., Dayna Communications, Inc, First Byte, Inc., Forethought, Inc., General Computer Corporation, Infocom, Inc., InfoSphere, Inc., Kensington Microware, Ltd., Layered, Inc., Levco Corporation, Living Videotext, Inc., MacConnection, Microsoft Corporation, Mindscape, Inc., Mirror Technologies, Inc., Palantir Software, RealData, Inc., Tangent Technologies, Inc., T/Maker Company, and TML Systems. PRODUCTS -- 1stBase, 3Server, Abaton Scan 300, Adobe Fonts, AppleTalk Personal Network, AST-4000, Back to Basics, Business Filevision, Cauzin Softstrip, ConcertWare+, COPY II MAC, Cricket Graph, DataFrame, Double Helix, FileMaker, Fluent Laser Fonts, FullPaint, HyperDrive, The Keeper Plus, Kensington Maccessories, LaserFonts, LaserWriter, LightspeedC, Lotus Jazz, MacCAD, MacCharlie and MacCharlie Plus, MacDraft, MacFORTH Plus, MacINTax, MacLink Plus, MacPaint, MacServe, MacTutor, MacUser, Macworld, MacWrite, MicroPhone, Micro Planner Plus, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word 1.05, OMNIS 3 Plus, OverVUE 2.0, PageMaker, PC MacBridge Plus, Phoenix 3D Level 1, PictureBase, Plains & Simple, PostSCript, Professional Composer, ReadySetGo version 2.1, Red Ryder, Silicon Press, Smartcom II for the Macintosh, Spellswell, Switcher, Tempo 1.1, ThinkTank 512, Thunderscan, and TOPS. ------------------------------ From: JOSEF Subject: 1st day expo impressions Date: 9-JAN-03:17: Mousing Around I was overwhelmed at the number of exhibitors at EXPO today--I didn't even make it by half the booths. It also seemed like the show has gotten very slick and professional compared to last year. I guess the MAC is growing up! I'm still suffering from overload at this point, but I do remember a few things: caught the tail end of a Word 3.0 demo and it looked like a winner(but i'm biased: I ordered a copy already). FullWrite was not even at the alpha stage yet, so it's too soon to say. Wordperfect had some Mac brochures and a IIGS version on display. Ashton Tate was demoing dBase Mac, and it was not at all clear how close their demo was to the final product, but it looked to me like they still have a long way to go. It seemed very choppy and difficult to use compared to some of the newer products currently available on the Mac. Trapeze looked like a very slick product that had a LOT of time and effort put into it, but somehow I came away less than impressed. For 200+ dollars, I think I'll stick with Excel. Those were the biggies that I can recall. For any of you who haven't yet seen Dark Castle, it's a riot--I couldn't pass it up. Gotta go, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Back with more notes tomorrow nite. Joe ------------------------------ From: BMUG Subject: MW Expo Report Date: 9-JAN-04:50: Mousing Around ..from Linda Custer... Your reporter had quite a few impressions of this year's SF show. I paced about 60% of the show, and won't be back on the floor again until Saturday, so I may have left a few things out. However, here goes. First off, Apple has no new products to announce at this show. Not even a new cable, keyboard, or mouse. They've given up on trying to show lots of Apple IIs, although some booths (Hayes, WordPerfect, BeckTech, and lots more) had IIGSs _integrated_ into their booths. The month of the show is March. Everything, all these new products, are going to be announced in March. I don't mean Apple hardware (although that's the prime announcement date guess for the new Macs), but everyone who didn't have their software ready for the show was telling us it would be ready by March. The theme of the show is buyout. Ziff-Davis bought out MacUser Magazine, and Lettraset dumped MacPublisher (gave it back to Boston Software Publishers) and bought up ReadySetGoThree. Opinion seems agreed that for most users RSG3 will do the trick better than Aldus Pagemaker {t9 "!e Letraset swap was just announced publicly this morning. Overall, not much is happening (yawn). Perhaps the biggest products of the show are Adobe's Illustrator (as mentioned earlier--you've gotta see the box on this one, ships in--you guessed it--March), Trapeze (a free-form spreadsheet, graphics, and database program that's really nice, uses pop-up menus, but doesn't have any macro capability--but is shipping now for about $200 discounted), and Prototyper from SmethersBarnes (a brand new company with a product somewhat like Mainstay's VIP but even more graphic--allows you to put together quick standalone, compiled programs to make your point). Living Videotext has an update of MORE available at no charge to registered MORE owners. It supports undo, multilevel bullet charts, and (you guessed it) MORE. Symmetry has a new release of Acta, and Borland has upgraded and added to Sidekick. Notably absent are Lotus (Jazz), and Micah. On the hardware scene, Levco has a reduced-price prodigy without as much memory but with a 68020. Rodime has entered the hard disk market with a big splash (and a huge booth), supplying internal and external 20 and 45 meg drives at slightly over $1000. MacBottom has produced a SCSI drive with a 300/1200 baud modem built in! Hewlett-Packard has a very, very large booth showing LaserJet Plus printers, pen plotters, and (get this) their MacEnhancer. (They bought it from Microsoft.) DataFrames are everywhere (especially XP40s), and SuperMac has introduced SuperMac soft- ware, a division which handles mostly utility backup and spooling software. THINK Technologies showed LightspeedC 2.01, Lightspeed Pascal, InBox, and a brand new product called Laserspeed--a good software laserspooler. WordPerfect Corporation had shipping a WordPerfect for the IIGS and promises WP for the Mac by "summer". They hope to make it almost identical in functionality to WP for the IBM, and translating between WP files on the IBM and the Mac will be a piece of cake. They won't try to be everything like MSWord 3.0, but they'll sell for $395. Centram Systems West made it to this show in a _big_ way, and placed a dozen (or more) booths on an AppleTalk network. Everyone's got lots of new networking technology, and they'd love to show it to you. Servers, spoolers, a few new companies besides IOmega with Bernoulli technology drives, and lots else. LoDown announced 400 meg and 800 meg write once/read many optical disk backup units that reatil for $5900 and $7500. Dayna Communications is still showing the MacCharlie, but they're also showing their FT100 high-speed file transfer box which takes and reads into the Mac an IBM disk. Software is provided for the Mac, but no 8088 or software is required for the IBM drive. It's $595. Amber screens that replace your white screens are available from Systems Research for $99, do-it-yourself. Well, those were the really new things I saw. The show is maybe even smaller than when it was at Brooks Hall last year, but the crowds today were very healthy for the first day of the show. _Lots_ of pinstripes, especially manning the booths but also viewing them. Efficent, but not excited. Mature. Boring? Well, not quite. ------------------------------ From: JOSEF Subject: more CP Date: 9-JAN-12:02: Business Mac After Neil Shapiro plugged "Smash Hit Racquetball" in his editorial this month, I went ahead and picked up a copy at the show yesterday. At $15 it really is an amazing buy. But Neil forgot to mention one thing: it has some evil form of copy perversion which even my current version of Copy II Mac doesn't work on. I for one am getting extremely tired of feeding Central Point 10 or 15 $ every few months just so I can backup one more program. ( To be fair, I should mention that it does allow you to install it ONCE on a hard disk, and also de-install it). Joe ------------------------------ From: JOESPH2 Subject: New Macintosh; Macworld Expo; Alladin; P Date: 9-JAN-17:38: Hardware & Peripherals Does anyone know any detail about when the new "Alladin" mac is going to be introduced? I thought it was going to be shown yesterday at the Expo.Any ne news? ------------------------------ From: MOUSEKETEER Subject: RE: New Macintosh; Macworld Expo; Alladi (Re: Msg 16256) Date: 10-JAN 00:13 Hardware & Peripherals Hi Joseph, I think the only people who actually have detailed info on release dates for the new Macs are the ones who couldn't answer your question...i.e., they work for Apple, or have signed enough non-disclosure forms so that they have to adjust their belt before they open their mouth (grin). For those of us who prefer to remain unencumbered by actual fact or detail, it appears that March will bring at least one new Mac, code named the Aladdin, not terribly different than a current Plus, but with a slot or two, and faster speed. The "Paris" may be released then, as well, but there is at least an equal chance it will be delayed a few months. ;-) Alf ------------------------------ From: NED Subject: Design Tools Date: 10-JAN 00:17 Programming Does anyone know of any software development tools? The package should be integrated and provide data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, and diagram balancing. Thanks ------------------------------ End of Delphi Mac Digest ************************ -------