INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderator David Gelphman...) (01/12/87)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 11 Jan 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 36 Today's Topics: MacWorld Expo Re: MacWorld Expo TE Hooks General Programming Question(s) C-MACPROTOS.H talking-keys.hqx Asynch Appletalk DA DirACTAry FKEY-MANAGER.HQX New Levco product and lower prices ETH modula-2 and postscript bitmap reduction Re: TTY Printer Driver Daisywheels --> Mac Pictures in Word Downloading program Need references on scientific software/CAD for Mac Looking for recommendations for Hard drives/tapes backup Mac User Interface Copy II Mac v. >= 5.2 Backdrop INIT file Usenet Mac Digest V3 #2 Delphi Mac Digest V3 #2 Delphi Mac Digest V3 #3 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 9 Jan 87 20:39:09 PST From: chuq@Sun.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) Subject: MacWorld Expo I spent a number of hours at MacWorld Expo today, and since nobody else has dropped off any notes on it yet, I thought I'd make some comments on it. Note: this is not intended to be an exhaustive comment -- I wasn't trying to look at everything, and I didn't bring home a lot of material that wasn't directly related to what I was looking for (primarily DTP, books, fonts, and new toys to play with). Others can either add to this report or post their own exhaustive summaries. This year's MacExpo was HUGE. They are expecting 30,000 people over three days. It was jammed on Friday. This year the Expo was at Moscone center. It has simply outgrown Brooks Hall, where it has lived in previous years. Moscone is a beautiful convention center, an oasis of glitter in a less than wonderful neighborhood. Walk two blocks in the wrong direction, and the neighborhood gets very grungy. The wonders of redevelopment. I miss Brooks hall, the haven of the early days (West Coast Computer Faire lives there, too, from back in the days when 16K was a lot of RAM. sigh.) This just goes to show how BIG the Mac world is these days. Also how professional. Anyone who says the Mac is a business failure has not looked around recently. Gone are the user groups (with a few exceptions, like BCS and BMUG). Gone are the booths around the edge with a couple of hackers with glazed eyes and a semi-finished product. Gone are the ponytails and T-shirts, coats and ties and nylons are uniforms now. Apple announced no new products. Disappointing, not surprised. From what I can tell, there were four big winners: o Adobe Illustrator. The next generation graphic program. As far ahead of MacPaint as the Mac is ahead of the PC. The first graphic program with no bitmap, it is all line and shading, and takes the full capabilities of PostScript to the limit. o Dbase Mac. Announced previously, but it was here and it is. Another sign that the Mac is serious business. Doens't really change the state of the art, but legitimizes it. To be shipped Real Soon Now. o WordPerfect. To be shipped 2Q87. The ultimate word processor for the PC comes to the Mac. They were there, they were talking about it, but they weren't really showing it. Again, compared to some Mac word processors, it doesn't extend the state of the art, but it is one less excuse for people to NOT buy a Mac. Whether it will hold its own against the Mac programs and against Word3.0, I don't know. o Word 3.0. Demoed at the show, shipping the end of January. I don't know about you, but after reading the literature and watching the demo, this thing might just do my laundry. We'll see, but I'm impressed. Word 1.05 is functional, Word 3.0 is glitzy. Like a Ford and a BMW. Controversy of the show: LetraSet and Boston Publishing Systems. If you're reading any of the Mac magazines, you've seen the heavy advertising for Letrapage. LetraSet bought the new release of MacPublisher II from Boston Publishing, raise the price extraordinarily high, and advertised the hell out of it. A short time before MacExpo, they handed the software BACK to BPS, leaving them in the lurch, and are now pushing Ready Set Go! 3.0 as the LetraSet DTP solution. BPS will be marketing their stuff as MacPublisher III. LetraSet has NOT to date returned BPS's customer lists, though, so if you own MacPublisher, you need to contact the vendors so they know you exist. Letraset gets my slimy award. Note: RSG3 is still being marketed by Manhattan Graphics -- it is not a buyout, LetraSet just re-sells it. My suggestion: buy RSG3 from Manhattan, tell Letraset to take a hike. RSG3 is available now, stable, and significantly higher functionality than MacPublisher III will be. Prediction: 1987 will be the year of the laserfont. The laserwriter is remaking how we look at text, and companies are just starting to deal with how to remake the laserwriter. Look for really wonderful font and clip art offerings just for the laserwriter. Prediction: It will also be the year of Postscript, as new tools continue to make it available to the user (Word 3.0 and RSG3 both have Postscript capability currently). Prediction: Word 3.0 will redefine the state of the art of the Mac user interface. User definable menus (a short, Write like menu, a full menu, and you can pick&choose what items you want on it) is just one feature that I think makes the existing interface obsolete. Give the user all the power he can handle, and let him re-arrange it to fit his needs. Word 3.0 is going to lead the way. Watch it. There were a lot of business things. Ultimate spreadhseets. Tax preparers. Accounting packages. Large, fast, mean looking SCSI disks. 1986 was the year the Mac got serious and took over DTP. 1987 is the year it goes legit and takes over the rest of the office. chuq ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 87 16:53:23 PST From: Subject: Re: MacWorld Expo Before the MAC takes OVER the office from the PC it has to get INTO the office. As a user of both machines, MAC is glitzy the PC useful. True, with some spreadsheet and word processor mixes now coming to the MAC world it can begin some inroads to the PC but it will not easily displace the 6 million odd PC's that have satisfied (not ecstatic) users. It has to get rid of the puny screen and monochrome tube. If an illustrator for the PC comes along (as is rumored) the MAC will have to do all the running it can just to stay in one place. Ventura Publisher by Xerox for the PC supercedes Aldus and also drives the LaserWriter. It should be interesting to see what happens in 1987. Cheers, Gary Starkweather - Xerox PARC ------------------------------ Subject: TE Hooks Date: Thu, 08 Jan 87 09:47:47 -0800 From: duggie@portia.STANFORD.EDU I have been fooling around with the Text Edit hooks that TECalText uses, TERecal and TEDoText. The registers don't seem to behave quite as described in IMVol1 pg 391, and I can't figure out exactly what they are supposed to do. I replaced TEDoText with the address of my own routine, which then stored the values of the registers in a handle and called the original routine, and it seemed that as long as I intercepted the routine at all something got screwed up. The only difference when the original is called is that the stack is a bit deeper -- it has an extra return address on it. Nothing crashes, text just thinks it is 128 points. Since I can't see the text, it makes it difficult to determine just what the registers control. I thought these hooks were explained somewhere, but the Supplements don't seem to refer to them (at least in the index). Can someone tell me how to use these? I want to use TE but change the length of lines on a per-line basis so text can flow around graphics. Thanks. -- Doug Felt "insert witty and pithy saying here" ------------------------------ Date: 10 Oct 1987 15:55-EDT Sender: ZAKAR@A.ISI.EDU Subject: General Programming Question(s) From: ZAKAR@A.ISI.EDU First the background. I want my application to create a document window that I can use to display a picture from a PICT resource. Then, I want to create an m x n lined grid that I can drag around the window. I intend to have handles on the grid to allow me to 1) increase m only, 2) increase n only, and 3) increase or decrease the grid spacing. I originally thought of drawing the grid in a second window that had a transparent background so I could see the picture in the first window. However, that means I have to define my own custom window. I'll do it if need be, but the thought doesn't thrill me. Regions seem like a possibility but you can only paint them with a pattern and I can't guarantee that the grid spacing won't become too large to define an appropriate pattern. The question: What's the best way to go about coding up those grid manipulation functions. I'm reminded of the way the rows of cards in the game Klondike were manipulated and wish I knew how it was coded. Bonus question: I seem to recall a discussion in info-mac some time ago about problems with the cursor freezing on the screen. Well, I find myself with that problem now. If anyone remembers that discussion, could they please summarize it or point me to the archive file that contains it? My thanks -- Joe Zakar Zakar at A.ISI.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 11:24:02 est From: stew%lhasa@hucsc.HARVARD.EDU Subject: C-MACPROTOS.H /* MacProtos.h */ /* These ANSI C prototypes for the Macintosh toolbox functions are based on Tech note 45, with additions for the 128K ROMs from Inside Mac V4. They have been checked fairly carefully, uncovering a few misspellings and other bugs in that tech note. Note: I have made a few small changes and additions to MacTypes. In particular, I think that ProcPtr should be a pointer to a procedure, i.e., a function returning void. I also defined the type FilterProc to be a function returning a Boolean. Changes from the definitions in Inside Mac: The functions NewWindow and GetNewWindow take a pointer to a window record, or NIL to allocate in the heap. Inside Mac declares these as Ptr. I made them WindowPeeks. Likewise NewDialog and GetNewDialog ought to take DialogPeeks. Finally, UnloadSeg is documented as taking a Ptr. I made it a ProcPtr. I think that's it. Please send any corrections to me: Stew Rubenstein seismo!harvardlhasa!stew [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>C-MACPROTOS.H DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 08:31:42 est From: (Jonathan Leblang) Subject: talking-keys.hqx Here is a desk accessory from GEnie that speaks letters and words as you type. It is in packit III format, and includes documentation. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-TALKING-KEYS.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Jan 87 14:03 EST From: Evan Bauman Subject: Asynch Appletalk DA Here is a DA that I got from GEnie that converts data bound for the Appletalk connection to an asynchronous type. The BinHexed PACKIT II file contains the DA and 3 short documents that describe some technical espects, the eventual commercial product and instructions for using the DA with the Appletalk Intermail Demo. ___|\__________|_ | | \ | \ gkn3m2@irishmvs (bitnet) | | \ | | (arpa) | | \ | | MacCHEG BBS (219)-283-4714; 6PM-8AM only _|_|________\__|_/ | \| Evan Bauman Dep't of chemical engineering University of Notre Dame [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-APPLETALK-ASYNCH.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 87 11:52:40 est From: (Jonathan Leblang) Subject: DirACTAry [uploaded from ngp by J. Leblang] Here is a file which makes a directory of your floppy or hard disk in Acta format. [ note from moderator: I've used this and it is incredibly useful. You find files in folders which you didn't even remember existed. DAVEG ] [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>UTILITY-DIRACTARY.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 08:29:53 est From: (Jonathan Leblang) Subject: FKEY-MANAGER.HQX Here is a utility uploaded from compuserve that allows you to install and remove FKEYs. The files called keypad and pop-keys should be in the system folder. They are INITs. Pop-keys allows you to have a pull down menu with FKEYs, and keypad lets you use the Mac+ keypad to access FKEYs with one keystroke. In the same file I also packed some shareware FKEYs. [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>FKEY-MANAGER.HQX DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jan 87 21:08:00 EST From: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> Subject: New Levco product and lower prices Reply-to: <bouldin@ceee-sed.ARPA> This is a message posted by levco about there new product, the Pridigy Prime and about lowere prices on the Prodigy 4. I guess we have to wait until after Macworld for specific details. Fm: Duane Maxwell 74075,1666 To: Matthew Carr 74176,3413 (X) Since its already in the press, I will tell you right here. Why buy a cheap 68020 upgrade when you will be able to buy a Prodigy for MUCH less than before. Our prices have dropped on our 4 meg Prodigy as of 7 Jan 87. We are also announcing a newer Prodigy called the Prodigy Prime at the MacWorld show, which will be able to go from 1 to 4 megs, and it also has some other dandy features that I can talk about at the show. (I'm probably not supposed to say this much.) Ours may still cost a bit more when we are done, but you also need to look to the future and see who will be there to support your products and keep you on the leading edge. A small example.. remember all of the cheap 1 meg upgrades before the Mac Plus came out? How many allowed you to use the new Mac ROMS? How many of those companies are still around? Keep in mind that when you are buying a Prodigy, you are not just buying a box full of expensive chips, you are also buying compatability and also service for a long time. We will be here for a long time... Doug Gilbert - Levco Along the same lines--the latest Electronics magazine claims that there will be yet another logic board upgrade for the Mac+, to a 16Mhz 68020 with socket for an 881, 1 meg of 32 bit memory, probably running with 2 wait states (too bad!) but that the upgrade is $1000. I believe the Prodigy Prime is likely just a P4 with 256K rams instead of 1 megabit rams. Ryad already sells the equivalent of a Prodigy prime for $1950, so that is the price that Levco must be at (or near) for the Prime to sell. If the Apple upgrade is true, all this 3rd party stuff may now be academic, anyhow. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 12:57 EDT From: <JCLARK%UTKVX3.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: ETH modula-2 and postscript bitmap reduction Does anyone know if there is any an update to the Macintoshy ETH Modula-2 compiler to make it compatible with system 3.2? Alternately, if no such version exists, is there a more recent one than that of summer 1985--in particular, one with a faster linking time? I'm also looking for a commented copy of the LaserPrep (version 3.1) Evidently there is an alteration on how bitmaps are handled between the earlier commented version (LaserText and LaserText-Reid) and the current version. Why? I'm interested in placing bitmaps generated by using ps dumps of SuperPaint files in reduced form at precise locations on a page. Evidently of all the paint programs (MacPaint, FullPaint, SuperPaint), SuperPaint is the only one that uses the usual LaserWriter driver--insofar as being able to generate ps dumps is concerned. Also, I'm not sure where any reduction occurs. For example, if you print a SuperPaint bitmap at 25% reduction, is the reduction done via postscript or before the postscript is generated. In general, when using any scale factor other than 100%, is the reduction done in the printer or before the ps is sent? Any pointers or comments will be appreciated. Jim Clark UT Martin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 10:07:43 est From: (Richard Siegel) Subject: Re: TTY Printer Driver I don't know of such a driver, but if you print using the "Draft" switch on the ImageWriter, (in the dialog box), the printer simply sends ASCII characters to the ImageWriter, so I see no reason you couldn't use any RS232 printer instead of the ImageWriter. --Rich ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 10:09:30 est From: (Richard Siegel) Subject: Daisywheels --> Mac The only wordprocessor I know that supports daisywheels is MicroSoft Word. It'll also print to some other printers (Brother, i think) besides daisywheels... There may be others, but Word's the only one I've heard of. --Rich ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Jan 87 00:02:38 PST From: <DAVEG@slacvm.bitnet> Reply-to: Subject: Pictures in Word I'm posting this for someone else...see their address in order to respond. David Received: by husc4.HARVARD.EDU; Thu, 8 Jan 87 01:01:48 est From: Recently I wanted to put Excel charts into Word documents. Getting the charts into the scrapbook was easy as was pasting them into the document. Then I got into trouble--I tried to print without having saved the document and the whole thing froze and I got a window with a ">" type prompt--evidently a system error of some sort (incidently, if anyone knows why there was a prompt that seemed to accept keyboard input in the window and not the usual system error window that we all know and love (!?) I'd be interested--this was with system v.3.1). On a separate occasion, after someone in the office replaced the system folder, which had system v.3.1, with a system folder containing system 3.2, a similar thing happened--an unsaved Word document with charts moved in from Excel was to be printed and then the system crashed--this time with the usual system error dialog-box. The user was using Word and Excel with Switcher 4.4. I believe I was not using the Switcher at all when I crashed the system. Someone suggested that Word (incidently, we have Word 1.05) can not handle pictures. Is this the case? If not, any ideas about what is causing this and how we can get rid of it? Please post ideas on the newsgroup or send them to me at this address: cohen_3@harvsc4.bitnet or . Thanks in advance. ****** Name: David Cohen Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the****** ****** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 11:02:59 est From: stew%lhasa@hucsc.HARVARD.EDU Subject: Downloading program Does anyone have a decent downloading program for the LaserWriter? I've been using the one that came with Inside LaserWriter eons ago, but it has no error handling and only sends to the laserwriter named LaserWriter. Would be easy to write, but... Thanx Stew [ note from moderator: The program UTILITY-SENDPS.HQX will download to the LaserWriter and does give some diagnostics. I'm not sure whether it is hardwired to use 'LaserWriter' but if it is, you *should* be able to edit a string or something (like all good Mac software). DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 87 10:38:22 cet From: FALK%NORUNIT.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Subject: Need references on scientific software/CAD for Mac Please,could somebody give me some references on scientific software/Cad for Ma cintosh. I'm looking for data analysis, and simple structural analysis of steel structures.Unfolding of steel plates is another interesting subject. I also have a problem with the MAC on alphabetic sorting. I suppose these routi nes are managed by the SYSTEM, and any sorting from different applications are by now as: A-The norwegian AE(Hex:AE)-B...Z, but the Norwegian alphabet are A-B-C...Z-Hex(AE)-Hex(AF)-Hex(81). I'd be very happy if somebody could tell me how to fix this problem. My adress: FALK@NORUNIT.EARN Or by mail: SINTEF, Division of fluid dynamics, 7034 Trondheim, NORWAY ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 87 11:27:34 EST From: John F. Mansfield <> Subject: Looking for recommendations for Hard drives/tapes backup I wonder if anyone out in MacLand can help me. I'm about to buy a Mac+ and probably a SCSI hard drive. Trouble is there are so many on the market these days that it isn't entirely obvious which to get. It would be nice to get a drive + tape system in one package, ala the BigMackTwinPack (horrible product name!), as I am very paranoid about crashes and data loss. Obviously cost is a major consideration as well as reliability, yes I know that most of the drives are so new that we cant tell how reliable they are but I'd like peoples opinions. I kind of like the look and "sound" of the ProAPP drives, particularly the new one that sits beside the mac. I dont want an internal drive as I've heard to many horror stories about their failings. Also, how safe is it to order one mail-order and have the shippers play football with it en route. Any comments on this would be welcome, except those suggesting that I wait to get a Paris/Aladdin. My e-mail address is: Csnet: UUCP: !decvax!mcnc!jfm (I think). USmail: John F Mansfield MCNC 3021 Cornwallis Road RTP NC 27709 Phone 919-467-7996. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jan 87 14:11 From: Julian Lebensold From: <lebensold%capone.crim.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Mac User Interface As part of an ongoing research project in user interface design at the Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal we would very much appreciate your response to the following question: If you could change any aspect(s) of the Macintosh user interface, what would you like to see changed? In other words, what bugs you about the Mac user interface? Examples include ideas related to the desktop metaphor; the use of windows, their sizes, placement, default views; menus; and so on. We are less interested in hardware related aspects such as color, keyboard layout, etc. I would appreciate responses addressed directly to me, or to the network. Thank you. Julian Lebensold ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jan 87 08:08 EST From: HALLETT JEFFREY A <> Subject: Copy II Mac v. >= 5.2 I was wondering, what programs WILL Copy II Mac versions 5.3 and up copy? If it is no larger than the list for 5.2, then is there a reason to keep upgrading? (eq. I cannot backup my Excel with v5.2; how about a later version?) JAH ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jan 87 15:17 EST From: HALLETT JEFFREY A <> Subject: Backdrop INIT file Say has anyone found a way to make the BACKDROP init work with MFS disks? [ note from moderator: This is the init which installs a MacPaint file as a background for the desktop. It chooses randomly between the different paint pictures you have. DAVEG ] Also, to whomever posted this, would you have the code that makes this baby do what it does? Thanx JAH ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jan 87 21:38:59 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #2 Usenet Mac Digest Wednesday, 7 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 2 Today's Topics: Re: MacIntax? Re: Editing item numbers in resources Re: STELLA Re: MacIntax? External rountines from Turbo Pascal Bugs in LSC 2.0 Bug in ResEdit 1.0D12 ? Re: Reflex LightspeedC 2.01 project conversion quirk? LightspeedC 2.01 and TransSkel Fortran compilers for Mac+ The never ending penny (or, Tales From the Darkside) Re: Reflex Re: repeated Dataframe 20 controller failures Fileservers for the Mac DragGrayRgn & Scrolling MacinTalk SCSI HELP NEEDED Surge Suppressors New Macs in Electronics Re: repeated Dataframe 20 controller failures Re: Surge Suppressors THINK Technologies on the net Macintalk Answers... Printer Spooling w/Mac+ Re: Delphi V2 #69 [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-2.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 87 12:02:12 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #2 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, 10 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 2 Today's Topics: RE: Warning to Expo Travellers (3 messages) Better LaserWriter formatting in PageMak RE: Better LaserWriter formatting in Pag Initialize? (2 messages) miniWRITER + SuperSpool problem? MS Basic Compiler RE: Questions about Mac postscript, Technote 14,Postscript errors MacUser Magazine bought by Ziff-Davis Letraset Marketing Ready-Set-Go New Products Introduced at Macworld Expo Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Extender) RE: Stepping Out (Macintosh Screen Exten SmethersBarnes Prototyper Page Once, Automated Book Typesetting Dayna FT-100 enhancement perfecTEK MAC+PC the Macintosh Bible Macintosh 100 Awards 1st day expo impressions MW Expo Report more CP New Macintosh; Macworld Expo; Alladin; (2 messages) Design Tools [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-2.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 87 12:02:57 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #3 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, 10 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 3 Today's Topics: Loading a HD (2 messages) MPW 1.0.1 imagewriter II problems The Macintosh in 1987 [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-3.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 87 15:47:20 EST From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RED.RUTGERS.EDU> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #3 Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, 10 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 3 Today's Topics: Dark Castle hints needed VAX <--> Mac Re: Smalltalk problems (version 0.3) Who has the TeX reviews ?? Good External Disk Drives ?? Re: Macintalk Answers... Re: Questions on Dataframe XP Re: Printer Spooling w/Mac+ MaxChill Looking for 68000 optimizer Mac H/W Crashes -- Cause Airlines -new regulations say you must x-ray? Re: The never ending penny (or, Tales From the Darkside) Are the upgrade P/S problems fixed yet? PD Prolog Available??? mini review of Cricket Draw Apologies: NONbugs in LSC V.2 Wanted: curses on the mac Re: VAX <--> Mac Re: Printer Spooling w/Mac+ Request C program to drive Macintalk NEON Re: Airlines -new regulations say you must x-ray? Re: PD Prolog Available??? [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-3.ARC DAVEG ] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************