Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, 24 January 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 7 Today's Topics: RE: Porting IBM PC Applications MacinTalk hack RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface hard disk drives and tape backups (2 messages) Apple-Link (3 messages) RE: Bengali font RE: Can a screen inch be a laserwriter inch? RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface RE: Programming Language Update from Macworld Expo LaserSpeed from Think dataframe HD 20 (2 messages) 3Com buying Centram (3 messages) RE: ChipWits availability RE: accurate printing with MacWrite on a LaserWriter. RE: Typing tutors for Mac DA terminal programs MacMemory has 1Mbit RAM expanders Extending TextEdit (2 messages) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DDUNHAM Subject: RE: Porting IBM PC Applications Date: 18-JAN 21:15 Network Digests > From: carlile@trwrb.UUCP (Donald E. Carlile) > Subject: Porting IBM PC Applications I ported a good-sized program from DeSmet C on MSDOS to Aztec C on a Mac. My biggest problem was with sloppy coding regarding the size of pointers -- word on 8088, long on 68000. ------------------------------ From: LOGICHACK Subject: MacinTalk hack Date: 19-JAN 00:55 Hardware & Peripherals Hi guys, Good to see myself in print, especially in a pretigious journal like MacInTouch. However, that MacInTalk patched that I posted a coupla months back and reprinted in the latest MacInTouch is incorrect! Here's the correct patch: 3b 7c 00 fa 00 20 26 78 02 66 60 16 1e 2d 00 46 3b 7c 00 78 The above sequence will appear twice in Macintalk. In both instances, switch the places of the first $fa and the last $78. This patched has been found by me personally to work on Levco MonsterMacs and Prodigy's. Working on the Prodigy also requires the instruction cache to be off (unless you are adventurous enough to know how to turn off the cache only in immediate _Write's). I would appreciate some feedback on this if anyone decides to try it. By the way, if anyone found the Smalltalk .03 feature of disabling the top line of your display annoying, I have a fix for that too! Have fun, Paul :) ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface Date: 19-JAN 22:59 Network Digests >Date: Tue, 13 Jan 87 13:29 CDT >From: "1208::SEABAUGH%ti-eg.csnet"@RELAY.CS.NET >Subject: RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface >In response to Julian Lebensold - What bugs you about the Mac >user interface? > For those warnings where a default procedure cannot be >defined, let any mouse or keystroke event remove the warning. I disagree. I even have occasional problems with dialogs which accept the Return key as an OK, because if one of these pops up while I'm using the keyboard, I might inadventantly dismiss it before I see what it says! Letting any keystroke dismiss the dialog would be a disaster. peter "In any context, half of all references PEABO @ DELPHI are local and half are global." ------------------------------ From: LSBG Subject: hard disk drives and tape backups Date: 20-JAN 00:02 Hardware & Peripherals I am currently in the market for a hard disk and tape backup. I am something of a novice and am quite unfamiliar with the different manufacturers and their product quality. After some thought and research I have narrowed it down to either a mirror magnet 40/40, an AST 2000, or a lo-down combo 20/20 among the combined drives. Others I am considering are an apple hd20 (since i get a good discount through my university), a hyperdrive fx-20, or a peripheral pl20 for a hard drive combined wi th a tape backup from either lodown, mirror, or peripheral. Have any of you struggled with the same choices, or have any of you had experience with any of these manufacturers? I would greatly appreciate a of a good and CRITICAL review of available hard drives and tape backups. thanks a lot, larry ------------------------------ From: MADMACS Subject: RE: hard disk drives and tape backups (Re: Msg 16618) Date: 21-JAN 19:28 Hardware & Peripherals I would not recommend the AST 2000. I have a friend with one and its tape mechanism really doesn't work well. It is clumsy to operate and--with every time we have written a tape is writes the tape and then puts up a dialog box that says "There was a Write problem" with a cheerful "OK" button to press. She sent it back, they made a 'hardware' upgrade. She gave then specific instructions to test it before shipping and when it returned the same problem Not too good, in my opinion. And why not take your money and buy another hard disk for backup (faster, easier to access) and invest in a floppy backup program if you are really concerned. -Doug ------------------------------ From: SJL Subject: Apple-Link Date: 20-JAN 01:12 MUGS Online I'm interested in the experience of others with Apple-link. Our user group is evaluating the commitment to this resource and would like to hear from both developers and user groups who have opinions as to its utility. We are inter- ested mostly from a developer viewpoint. As a user group, I don't think that we have access to tech support like certified developers but do we have access to anything useful other than tech notes? We are familiar and comfortable with using Delphi/CIS/Genie for technical questions- what is Apple-Link like? We will probably have to sign-up and see if it is worth the $12.50/mo minimum in addition to our normal addiction to Delphi et. all- however, any feedback will be useful. Gracias, Steve LeClair ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: RE: Apple-Link (Re: Msg 16620) Date: 21-JAN 02:46 MUGS Online Steve, I've not been terribly impressed by the quality of information I've found there. I think you get better stuff if you work for Apple and have access to more areas in AppleLink. It does seem to be a great system for reaching people though, a lot of interesting people have accounts there. Ric ------------------------------ From: LAMG Subject: RE: Apple-Link (Re: Msg 16620) Date: 21-JAN 03:09 MUGS Online Steve: My group (LAMG) has had access to AppleLink since last May (we were part of the AppleLink pilot project.) AppleLink's turned out to be most useful as an E-Mail facility to contact people at Apple and other MUG Officers - it's the cleanest such program I've yet seen. The lack of technical support has not be a fault of AppleLink, but rather an Apple policy (one which we hope will change in the future). I'd say that all in all it's worth the 12.50 a month (minimum) if your group can afford it. Franklin Tessler, M.D. Executive V.P. and Editor Los Angeles Macintosh Group ------------------------------ From: NWOLF Subject: RE: Bengali font Date: 20-JAN 04:00 Network Digests To: kah@mtuxo.UUCP (k.hossain) Subject: Bengali font Many references are given in Wheels for the Mind on fonts available in different languages. A bengali font is specifically mentioned in connection with Dr. H. Hossain, Department of Environmental Planning, University of Melbourne. Other possible sources are Radnell & Smith, Dept. of Asian Studies, Australian National University; George Hart, University of California at Berkeley; David Wyatt, Professor of Southeast Asian History at Cornell (BITNET: T.RF4J@CRNL20A); and various people at the University of Chicago - best contact William Sterner, Lead Staff Analyst, Information Technologies and New Services, Computation Center, U of C, 1155 E 60 St., Chi., IL 60637 (STAFF.BILL@UCHICAGO,A113) ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: RE: Can a screen inch be a laserwriter inch? Date: 21-JAN 05:39 Network Digests > From: tuttle@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Mark S. Tuttle) > Subject: Can a screen inch be a laserwriter inch? Not in MacWrite. An inch on the LaserWriter is a Tall Adjusted inch on the ImageWriter -- remember that with normal ImageWriter printing, circles come out squashed. ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface Date: 21-JAN 05:40 Network Digests > From: "1208::SEABAUGH%ti-eg.csnet"@RELAY.CS.NET > Subject: RE: What bugs you about the Mac user interface I don't think your screen dump suggestion is very practical. For one thing, how can a program tell if arbitrary data is supposed to represent a bitmap? Another problem is that Mac files are often two files, a data fork and a resource fork. And, programs like MacWrite4.5 compress data, and it won't be readable as ASCII anyway. If you just want to see a raw file, buy Fedit+. I kinda agree with you about OK-only dialogs (in my programs, they read "Sorry" or "Oh Well" instead of OK, since it's usually _not_ OK). However, the positive step is probably necessary, because otherwise type-ahead could cancel the message, and a user wouldn't realize that an operation failed. ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: RE: Programming Language Update from Macworld Expo Date: 21-JAN 05:40 Network Digests > From: gould9!joel@nosc.ARPA (Joel West @ Western Software Technology) > Subject: Programming Language Update from Macworld Expo You missed Manx, whose new debugger will be available RSN, and who will be licensing MPW Shell and making their C compiler a tool thereof. ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: LaserSpeed from Think Date: 21-JAN 20:39 Business Mac I just want to say that I've been using Think's new laser spooler, LaserSpeed, rather heavily the past few weeks, and it's working flawlessly. $99 list, or get one for everyone on the LaserWriter for $499. What an improvement over the old way of doing things! (PageMaker compatible). Ric ------------------------------ From: MOUSE1 Subject: dataframe HD 20 Date: 21-JAN 20:40 Hardware & Peripherals Im having a very minor but annoying problem in booting with my HD20. When I turn it on and the Mac immediately after, I get a "question mark" mac. If I wait until the two flashing lights stop and the steady green one is on - same thing. It seems as if I have to catch it just as the dataframe is reaching full power, while both lights are flashing, and then, quick, turn on the mac. This does not seem right to me. I called my dealer and he said the same thing happened to him and then stopped! I called Supermac and they suggested maybe I need a new Hd to Mac cord - but this doesnt seem right, as the problem is incosnsitent. Shouldnt you just be able to boot with with dataframe, turn on the mac and get the desktop? any suggestions? As I said, a minor but annoying problem. Judy ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: RE: dataframe HD 20 (Re: Msg 16650) Date: 22-JAN 12:06 Hardware & Peripherals Judy, that's the correct procedure, but I've heard the same complaint from other people, too. What I do is turn both on at the same time, and it works for me, but it probably varies from unit to unit. Ric ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: 3Com buying Centram Date: 22-JAN 17:18 Business Mac News flash: 3Com and Centram Systems have reportedly signed a letter of intent, whereby 3Com would take over Centram. We'll have more specifics soon. Other networking news will be coming next week at the Seybold conference. Ric Ford "MacInTouch" ------------------------------ From: BMUG Subject: RE: 3Com buying Centram (Re: Msg 16671) Date: 23-JAN 03:02 Business Mac I got the word today, at about 1 PM, direct from the Horse's mouth. Nat Goldhaber and other Centram employees confirmed it. It is not a hostile takeover, and in the joint press release, Bill Campbell of Apple praised the deal (he's Exec VP of Sales) and murmured about "complete lines" and such now offered by 3Com. I believe (this is NOT confirmed at all) that there was a "golden parachute" of some sort for the EARLY founders of Centram, but nothign at all for the many people who have been there since "day 2". Definitely, more details next week. -- Raines Cohen / Team BMUG ------------------------------ From: NETMAN Subject: RE: 3Com buying Centram (Re: Msg 16689) Date: 23-JAN 08:13 Business Mac More news on the 3Com/Centram buyout..... They deal will supposedly go through by the end of the month. 3Com is looking at Centram to provide them with a smoother line of integration from small inexpensive systems to larger, server-based networks. They also have a part- icular interest in the UNIX work that's being done at Centram. Centram's president Nat Goldhaber will become a vice pres. at 3Com. Frankly, I'm real excited about the news as 3Com/Centram should really be poised to offer some workable network environments for businesses with many Macs and PC's and offer smooth integration of these two different workstations in a _real_ network environment. I'm also anxiously awaiting some 3Com EtherNET interfaces for the Mac+ and ?Mac2? so that the link level won't be a real bottleneck for transaction oriented multi-user databases running on the 3Server3 serving both Macs and PC's. We should be hearing a good deal more after the Seybold Desktop Communications Conference next week. Jonathan Oski ("MacInTouch Newsletter") ------------------------------ From: MOUSEKETEER Subject: RE: ChipWits availability Date: 22-JAN 22:19 Network Digests To: kc@rna.UUCP (Kaare Christian) Subject: ChipWits availability Organization: Rockefeller Neurobiology To clarify the earlier messages, I contacted BrainPower for the following: After the original author/s declined to update ChipWits for the Mac+, rights to the program were granted to BrainPower who had a Plus compatible upgrade done. Owners of the original version can receive the new version at $15.00 and return of the original master disk to BrainPower, Inc. 24009 Ventura Blvd, Suite 250, Calabasas, CA 91302. This version is either now or shortly is to be available from dealers, as well. As noted by RSTICKLE on Delphi, and confirmed by BrainPower, the new version will NOT run on non-enhanced 512Ks or Mac 128Ks. Alf BTW, if you are interested in how ChipWits was developed, the January '84 issue of The MACazine has a 6-page article on the authors and program. This is the issue that was lost in a time warp, as the cover date shows. ------------------------------ From: DSACHS Subject: RE: accurate printing with MacWrite on a LaserWriter. Date: 22-JAN 21:48 Network Digests Re: the user who could not get accurate printing with MacWrite on a LaserWriter. Use ANY OTHER word processor. MacWrite IGNORES the print size information supplied by the print drivers, and is accurate ONLY with the ImageWriter in NORMAL (no tall adjusted) mode. Microsoft WORD works properly. ------------------------------ From: MOUSEKETEER Subject: RE: Typing tutors for Mac Date: 22-JAN 22:18 Network Digests To: alex@vuwcomp.UUCP (Alex Heatley) Subject: Typing tutors for Mac Organization: Comp Sci, Victoria Univ, Wellington, New Zealand Hi Alex, When I was looking for a typing tutor for the Mac to be used by my daughter, I finally settled on Typing Tutor III, by Kriya Systems, Inc., published by Simon & Schuster. It has some excellent features, including drills centered around keys that are giving the user some specific trouble, number key drills, reports of Speed and Accuracy, and a silly but addictive Letter Invaders game. It's a nice package, discounting to $35 or so at the mail order houses, is not copy-perverted, and upgrades so far have been freebie with return of master disk. Alf ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: DA terminal programs Date: 23-JAN 11:42 Telecommunicating I find MockTerminal indispensible, but two things bug me: I can't remap the Backspace key to Delete (for a VAX) and I can't see information (not even 5 screens worth) that has scrolled off the top of the window. Is there any DA terminal program which solves these problems?? Ric ------------------------------ From: MACINTOUCH Subject: MacMemory has 1Mbit RAM expanders Date: 23-JAN 13:57 Hardware & Peripherals I talked a while ago about Dove's RAM upgrades for the Mac Plus which use 1Mbit RAM chips. Dove still has not come through with a sample for us to evaluate, and it seems that now MacMemory is also selling upgrades that use 1Mbit chips. Both Dove and MacMemory are currently *not* using SIMM chips because of availability problems, but the circuit cards are little larger than Apple Mac Plus memory cards. What I found interesting is that MacMemory is pricing the cards at $400/MB, instead of Dove's $500/MB. This means that you can get 2 cards for $800, bringing your Mac Plus to 2.5MB, for $800 list, hopefully discounted by the dealer. I have ordered two cards and will report more when they arrive. Ric Ford "MacInTouch" ------------------------------ From: LOGICHACK Subject: Extending TextEdit Date: 23-JAN 23:34 Programming A topic cropped in forum a while back regarding TextEdit extentions. The possibility was mentioned that several interested parties might collaborate on it and release it to the public domain. I have just begun work on such a thing at work (Applied Logic Systems)' as part of a comprehensive Prolog development system. My aim is to make this extended editor as close to TE as possible. I will be using the same data structures making changes where only neccessary. Since its a programming editor, I have no current plans to support non-left justification, word wrapping, multiple fonts/sizes in the same document, etc. It will, however, be extremely fast (even with large files), support tabs, and handle more than 32K of text. Anyone with comments and other input should identify themselves at this time. I am very interested in comments regarding how this project can be done 'right' and I'd like to keep your thoughts in mind so that extensibility will be easy. I will be discussing the possibility of putting my code (Pascal & assembler) into the public domain with the boss in the next week or so. (Hope this will liven up the forum at bit) Paul :) ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: Extending TextEdit (Re: Msg 16707) Date: 24-JAN 01:03 Programming Without word wrapping and at least one kind of character accenting (underline or boldface) it wouldn't help me out that much. peter ------------------------------ End of Delphi Mac Digest ************************ -------