[net.music] quick and painless Genesis poll

ag4@pucc-h (Uncle Jeffer) (10/30/84)

Seeing all (?) this mention of Genesis' 'Lamb Lies Down ...' album prompts
me to polling.  Everyone who has ever taken an interest in Genesis please
send me mail listing the Genesis albums you've enjoyed and which was your
favorite.  Reasons would be nice, but not necessary for those who are lazy.
The key thing I'm (for some unknown reason) interested in finding out is
who else thinks 'The Lamb Lies Down ...' is by far their best album, as I

Now remember, and repeat after me:
"I will reply by mail, not followup to the net"

I will summarize these profound findings when all the excitement boils down.
"Lord, here comes the Flood"

Jeff Lewis                                         vvvvvvvvvvvv