INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderator Dwayne Virnau...) (03/09/87)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 8 Mar 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 62 Today's Topics: VBL tasks? Mouse freeze? Mouse freeze: defroster Kermit for the Mac+ Font Problem with MacKermit Using a modem from AppleTalk query addq.w for popping arguments? 2 key rollover on new Macs? Laserwriter bug 256K Roms for the Mac+ RE: Mac SE comments Re: SE First Impression re: SE First Impression Information on Macintosh II and Macintosh SE ROMs Notes on the Script Manager Need information about Jasmine 80mb Time Billing for Lawyers Delphi Mac Digest V3 #14 Delphi Mac Digest V3 #15 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Munson" <> Subject: VBL tasks? Date: Thu, 05 Mar 87 09:17:39 EST Does anyone know what happens to installed VBL tasks when an application exits? I haven't seen this explained in Inside Macintosh. Does the VBL task record remain in the VBL queue when the application heap is reinitialized? Steve Munson sbm@Purdue.EDU sbm@Purdue.CSNET ------------------------------ Subject: Mouse freeze? Date: Fri, 06 Mar 87 13:02:18 EST From: Can anyone tell me what is happening when the mouse freezes? Interrupts are enabled, so mouse interrupts either aren't happening or aren't being processed. Is there some common thing that causes this? Why would my program freeze the mouse when I click in the menu bar or drag region, but not in the content region or desktop? Steve Munson sbm@Purdue.EDU sbm@Purdue.CSNET ------------------------------ From: dudek@utai.UUCP (Greg Dudek) Subject: Mouse freeze: defroster Date: 2 Mar 87 04:44:09 GMT Well, people have been complaining about how annoying it is to have to re-boot when the mouse freezes. I know I've found it a pain. The enclosed FKEY (function key) resource calls the ROM to re-init the SCC and hence "defrost" the mouse. It calls a routine I found in the 128K ROM, so it almost certainly will NOT work on the 64K ROM machines. I found the routine using Macsbug and didn't work too hard at figuring it out, so although I've used it repeatedly without trouble, I'm not making any promises. WARNING: mouse freeze is characteristic of wild memory references by a program. The faulty program may have done other nasty things too, so be prepared for sudden system crashes even if the mouse does de-frost. Greg Dudek Dept. of Computer Science (vision group) University of Toronto Usenet: {linus, ihnp4, allegra, decvax, floyd}!utcsri!dudek CSNET: ARPA: DELPHI: GDUDEK Paper mail: 10 King's College Circle, Toronto, Canada [ since this is the smallest binhex source I have ever seen, I left it in a digest. It is also archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>FKEY-MOUSE-DEFROSTER.HQX remember to strip the headers from this message before trying to un-binhex the file. DoD ] *** cut here to get thawed *** (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :$d4eC'9V*h-J4'9QFQpcG!"'5d9C883a03#3#!&U!HF!N!3"!*!$!5J!N!-S!*! $3J5)!*!!")!!N!!%J!#3!!5!!*!!")!!N!!%J!#3!!5!!*!!"2rrN!!24(9NC@X RFb"%C@CbEh0d!J#3!dC,49P44$%e!*!'4NY&@9&%-68!N"LFB*0E!*!'!@Vrm!I rrr!(rrr`"rrrm!Irrr!(rrr`"rrrm!Irrr!(rrr`"rrrm!Irrr!(rrr`"rrrm!I rrr!(rrr`"rrrm!Irrr!(rrr`"rrrm!Irrr!(rrr`!!!"!!Irr!!%!!B!"Ije!!3 !")!%rZ4!"!!%)!AHGr!%!!!3"2mGd!3!!"!%("`3!*!$*'!@!!!r4'CbE`!'"Q* j)%FZ)%4eC'9V!#"i!Ul4r!!!##a1d!!!!3#3!`%S!*!$+!#3!d)!!38N!GJ!N!- F!$)!!%C,49N!N!-+!!B!!#!!N!3""dS24(9NC@XRFb"%C@CbEh0dF!8!: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 87 14:54:36 PST From: <ENGVAX!CHRIS@lindy.STANFORD.EDU> Reply-to: Subject: Kermit for the Mac+ [bug poison] I have a Mac+, and a newly attached modem (Mini DIN 8 -> Generic Modem) thanks to information from this forum and a new sodering iron. Now the big question is, how best to make my Mac talk to the VAX at work. A friend gave me something called "FreeTerm" that includes the ability to transfer files via XMODEM. This worked nicely enough for me to copy a "new" version of MacKermit over. Great! Now I have a nice PD VT100 emulator and file transfer utility for my Mac, but one little problem, I can't use the keypad with it! What I want to know is: A) What is the most recent version of Kermit for the Mac? B) Does this include support for the Mac+ keypad and arrow keys? C) If not B, then are there any good PD or Shareware terminal emulation programs out there that have support for the Mac+ keypad and arrow keys? Do these include support for Kermit or XMODEM? Chris Yoder UUCP -- {allegra or ihnp4}!scgvaxd!engvax!chris Hughes Aircraft Company ARPA -- BITNET -- chris%engvax.uucp@ymir.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Mar 87 13:09:31 PST From: <RHG@uregina1.bitnet> Reply-to: Subject: Font Problem with MacKermit My Kermit is now working properly on my MacPlus. It seems that Kermit wants to use font family ID=128 (and ID=129) not VT100 9 and VT 100 9 Bold fonts on the MacPlus. Now on my system 128 corresponds to VT100 and 129 corresponds to VT100 Bold and Icon corresponds to ID=130. Previously Icon=128, VT100=129, and VT100Bold=130. Thus Kermit selected the Icon 12 because the Icon 9 was not available. When I tested Kermit on the 400K formatted diskette, Icon was numbered something like 55, not 128, and the VT100 font inside of Kermit was numbered 129. Thus Kermit selected the default applicantion font, Geneva 9. When I tested on the 800K formatted diskette I used the same Kermit with the same internal(ly numbered) fonts ie 129 and 130 and no fonts numbered 128 in the system. Thus again it selected the default application font. MacKermit originally contained the correctly numbered and proper fonts. However the Font/DA mover reported it to be an Icon 9 font because its family number was 128. The first "foreign font" installed on my system was number 128, ie Icon 12. I extend my thanks to all on the network who helped me to solve this very vexing problem. Robert H Greenfield <RHG@UREGINA1> ------------------------------ From: enea!sal!dk@seismo.CSS.GOV Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 12:32:59 +0100 Subject: Using a modem from AppleTalk query I want to be able to use a modem from my Mac communication software and having the modem connected to AppleTalk. The modem should be selectable from all the Mac's and be able to handle normal modem signals like DCD. Is there some device available that does that? Danny ------------------------------ From: "Steve Munson" <> Subject: addq.w for popping arguments? Date: Thu, 05 Mar 87 09:31:12 EST This is a nastiness that really bugs me, and I really can't believe what I see. I noticed that Aztec C uses addq.w on the stack pointer to pop arguments after function calls. If I understand addq.w correctly, this has obvious drawbacks. If the stack pointer is on a 64K boundary, addq.w will not carry into the high word of SP, and the stack pointer will end up pointing into no man's land. Fortunately, this has never happened to me yet (I don't think), but I consider that to be pure coincidence. What REALLY bugs me is that I have found that the Macintosh ROM also uses addq.w to pop arguments. Hence, every program run on a Macintosh has a bug just waiting to happen, and there is no way programmers can fix it. What's the story here? While I am seeing red, let me mention another problem. Did you know that both the Aztec debugger and the Mac+ ROM debugger run with interrupts ENABLED? Who's responsible for this? How can I debug a program when a buggy VBL task might come along and erase memory any 60th of a second? I have already decided that I can't recommend Aztec C, but why does Apple have to keep shooting itself in the foot? OK, I think I'm calming down now.... Steve Munson sbm@Purdue.EDU sbm@Purdue.CSNET ------------------------------ Subject: 2 key rollover on new Macs? Date: Thu, 05 Mar 87 10:16:05 -0500 From: James J Dempsey <jjd@ALEXANDER.BBN.COM> One bug in my Mac+ which really bothers me is the 2-key rollover on the keyboard. (2-key rollover means that if two keys are already depressed, no other key will generate a character.) This is important for those of us who type fast, but leave our fingers on the keys too long. It has gotten to the point where I have defined Unix aliases for commonly mistyped commands. (Like "moe" for "more", "jos" for "jobs") Does anyone know if the Mac SE or the Mac II has fixed this problem? Since they supposedly use the same keyboard as the Apple II GS, perhaps someone with a IIGS can answer. Thanks. Jim Dempsey BBN Communications (Internet) ..!{decvax, harvard, ihnp4, wjh12}!bbnccv!jjd (UUCP) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 10:57:03 PST From: Subject: Laserwriter bug From the MacApp 1.0 release notes without permission: There is a sporadic bug in Laserwriter Driver 3.1 which can cause heap space to be permanently lost. This only occurs when a bitmap font is downloaded to the Laserwriter. Bitmap fonts are only downloaded when font substitution is off in Page Setup (font substitution is always off if you set FractEnable to TRUE or turn off the driver's line layout algorithm) and the user selects Geneva, New York, or Monoco, or if the user selects any other font which is not available in Postscript form (such as Athens or Mobile). The driver finds the largest available size of that font, makes it unpurgeable, then downloads it. Occationally the driver will not make the font purgeable again, and it remains in memory until the application quits. Since the font is the largest size the driver could find, it takes a significant amount of space (8K for Geneva 24 [23K for Calligraphy 36]). This bug will be fixed in a future release of the Laserwriter driver. For your information... Jon N L M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory E L PO Box 5509 L-561 C Livermore, California 94550 C (415) 423-4239 ------------------------------ Date: 5 Mar 87 09:43:00 EST From: <> Subject: 256K Roms for the Mac+ Reply-to: <> In all the announcements recently, there was one outstanding omission. No announcement of 256K Roms for the Mac+. Unlike the 512E, the Mac+ can address 256K of Rom. Does anyone have any notions about Apple's plans (or lack of) for a further Rom upgrade for the Plus?? It's bad enough that there is no upgrad path to the SE from the Plus, I sure hope that we at least get a Rom upgrade. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 87 12:15:17 est From: (Richard Siegel) Subject: RE: Mac SE comments I haven't seen either an SE or a II, but I have seen the dealer info and the new system software. The new stuff (a developers'-only release, not to be distributed or licensed) is pretty nice. There's a new shutdown manager, so (as Tom Dowdy sais) you don't have to beat the hard drive to turn off the power; the machine tells you when it's safe to turn off. (This should be especially nice when Unix rolls around, too). I bumped head-on into the new mouse scaling; mine somehow came out to ultra-fast. I would suspect that the new scaling speeds are more for larger screens than for power users. On my 512K Mac I had an EXTREMELY difficult time selecting text and doing other tricky stuff with the scaling set to high speed, but I suspect that to zip across a Radius you'd need it. According to the dealer info, there is NO UPGRADE PATH from existing machines to MacSE or Mac II. This is because of the radical physical difference between existing Macs and the new models. Rich ------------------------------ From: (Joel West) Date: 5 Mar 87 17:16:41 GMT Subject: Re: SE First Impression Date: 5 Mar 87 17:16:38 GMT The SE has no alternate screen buffer? I guess that answers the question we were trying to get an answer out of Apple on. It also indicates why at least the Plus will stick around for a while on -- it's the last machine that will run many arcade games. The 15-20% speedup is because the 68000 is having less (no?) cycles stolen for doing the video refresh. The actual hardware used for the SE is unknown to me, but I heard a rumor that Apple (gasp!) actually added a special chip for video display, rather than doing it all in software, as they did since the Apple I. Joel West {ucbvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!jww (ihnp4!gould9!joel once I fix news) if you must ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 87 12:42:49 PST From: Subject: re: SE First Impression Thanks for taking the trouble to document your impressions. Having only read press releases, I'm unable to learn whether or not the 'single expansion slot' in the SE is a NuBus slot, an IBM-AT slot or yet another slot. Even if "nothing is sitting in it", can you (or anybody else reading this msg) identify it? Neil. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 15:40:16 pst From: apple!jordan@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jordan Mattson) Subject: Information on Macintosh II and Macintosh SE ROMs In reply to a request from Joel West for information from Inside Macintosh Volume V: The new features of the Macintosh II and Macintosh SE are included in the 256K ROMs present in these Machines. The Macintosh II and Macintosh SE have different 256K ROMs. What follows is a summary of the extensions to existing managers and new managers in the Macintosh II and Macintosh SE, telling which machine has which features. Quick Draw- Addition of Color QuickDraw Macintosh II Color Manager- Supplies color-selection support for Color QuickDraw and provides a consistent way to produce color displays Macintosh II Color Picker Package- A new package that applications can use to present a standard interface for color selection. Macintosh II Palette Manager- Supports the use of a collection of colors when you draw objects with Color QuickDraw. Font Manager- Addition with enhanced cached width support and a better font substitution scheme. The FractEnable routine has been put into ROM and various bugs have been fixed. On Macintosh II, color font support and cached synthesized strike support has been added. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Tool Box Event Manager- The keyboard message has been enhanced to make provision for multiple keyboards and 16-bit character codes. Also, new global variables have been added to help you distinguish among keyboards. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Window Manager- Additions to support Macintosh II color. All changes are backwards-compatible, therefore existing programs on monochrome ROM will continue to work and produce the same screen display as before. Macintosh II Control Manager- Additions to support Macintosh II color. All changes to support color controls are backward-compatible, therefore existing programs based on the monochrome ROM will continue to work and produce the same screen display as before. Macintosh II Menu Manager- Additions to support Macintosh II color and hierachical menus. Bug fix to DrawMenuBar. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Text Edit- Addition to support font, style, size and color variation. Script manager support. Bug fixes. Backward compatiable. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Dialog Manager- Addition to support Macintosh II color in dialogs and dialog items. Macintosh II International Utilities- Addition to support Script Manager. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Script Manager- New features. Allows applications to function correctly with non-Roman writing systems as well as Roman writing systems. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Notification Manager- Allows background activities send messages to the user in a simple and consistent manner. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Control Panel- Has been modified to be expandable. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Start Manager- New feature. Coordinates the initialization and system startup procedures on the Macintosh II. Macintosh II Apple DeskTop Bus- Information on writing special device drivers that interfaces devices using the Apple DeskTop Bus. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE File Manager- Information on writing an external file system. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Printing Manager- Moved from system file in ROM. Addition of low-level printer calls in the form of new predefined parameter constants for PrCtlCall. New error codes for the LaserWriter have been added. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Device Manager- Modified to support slots. Macintosh II Slot Manager- Contains routines that let your programs identify cards plugged into NuBus slots in the Macintosh II and communicate with the firmware on each card. Macintosh II Deferred Task Manager- Provides improved interrupt handling for Macintosh II by allowing lengthy tasks to be deferred. Macintosh II Disk Driver- Modified to provide logical drive numbers that may not correspond to physical drive addresses. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Sound Manager- Replaces the Sound Driver. Gives a more flexible way of doing sound generation, while still supporting the data structures, routines, and synthesizers of the 64K and 128K ROM Sound Driver. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE AppleTalk Manager- Enhanced through addition of new protocols and increased functionality of the existing interface. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Vertical Retrace Manager - Enhanced to provide flexible, slot specific video interrupt handling on the Macintosh II. This is how multiple screens are supported. Macintosh II Shutdown Manager- Provides a consistent way to reboot and turn off the Macintosh, from the Finder as well as from within an application. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Resource Manager- Placement of certian resources in ROM on Macintosh II and Macintosh SE. Macintosh II and Macintosh SE Hope this helps to outline some of the toolbox additions and changes on the Macintosh II and Macintosh SE. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Also, Inside Macintosh Volume V will be available from APDA (Apple Programmer's and D Developer's Assoication) on March 15. Jordan MattsonUUCP: ucbvax!mtxinu!apple!jordan Apple Computer, Inc.CSNET: jordan@apple.CSNET Tools & Languages Product Management 20525 Mariani Avenue, MS 27S Cupertino, CA 95014 408-973-4601 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 87 11:46:50 pst From: apple!jordan@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jordan Mattson) Subject: Notes on the Script Manager In response to Joel West's posting on the Script Manager. Both the Macintosh SE and the Macintosh II have the Script Manager in ROM. The Script Manager supports all writing systems (scripts). It is not just for non-Roman (based on Latin) scripts. In fact, text edit now uses the Script Manager, and all calls when processing English text go to the Script Manager and from there to the Roman Interface System (RIS). The Script Manager does not support any script directly, but rather, based on the script in use, calls a Script Interface System (SIS) to perform the specific procedure calls needed for a given application. So what you have is a layered architecture that looks like this: Application V Script Manager V Script Interface System At present there are three Script Interface Systems: Roman Interface System (RIS), Kanji Interface System (KIS), and Arabic Interface System (AIS). A Hebrew Interface System (HEIS) and a Hanze Interface System (HIS) are under development. A Kanji dictionary is not built into the ROM of the new machines, instead if you are using the Kanji Interface System on the new machines you would load Kanji like a font. The Kanji Macintosh, which is distributed in Japan, is the Macintosh which has been modified to have a Kanji dictionary in ROM. The Script Manager is included in the ROMs of the Macintosh SE and the Macintosh II. It will be available as a system patch in the Universial System Disk, which will be distributed later this year. Therefore, the Script Manager will be available on all of our machines. I hope that this information will clear up any confusion that might be present. Jordan Mattson UUCP: ucbvax!mtxinu!apple!jordan Apple Computer, Inc. CSNET: jordan@apple.CSNET Tools & Languages Product Management 20525 Mariani Avenue, MS 27S Cupertino, CA 95014 408-973-4601 ------------------------------ Date: 7 Mar 1987 21:32:53 EST Subject: Need information about Jasmine 80mb From: T. Chang <CHANGT@A.ISI.EDU> Hi, there! Has anyone used Jasmine 80mb? A lot of people posted about Jasmine 20mb, but none for 80mb, could you please give us some information about it? Thanks in advance To Chang smc 1538 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 (408)646-5487 ------------------------------ Date: Sat 7 Mar 87 20:35:55-AST From: Peter Gergely <GERGELY@DREA-XX.ARPA> Subject: Time Billing for Lawyers Does anyone have any hands-on experience with any "Time Accounting and/or Billing" Packages for Lawyers on the Macintosh. The only package I have heard of is Legal Billing by Satori Software, but cannot get any information on it. Please send replies directly to me, and I will summarize for the Net if there are any replies. Peter Note: I am not a lawyer, but am doing the research for a Local Law firm having 4 Mac Plus's. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 10:22 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #14 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, March 7, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 14 Today's Topics: RE: KANJI FONT FOR THE MAC Re: Vertical Retrace Tasks using full mac screen (2 messages) LightSpeed Pascal RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #58 Re: WmgrPort/Desktop Drawing LaserWriter/LaserPrep 3.3 Hard Disk Partition RE: MacPub<>RSG 3.0 (4 messages) RE: AppleWorld report #1 (2 messages) [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-14.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 10:23 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #15 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, March 7, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 15 Today's Topics: DataFrame and System 4.0 (3 messages) Ruggedized VME boards word bomb (4 messages) Word 3.0 Help (2 messages) RE: damaged disk RE: turning things off (2 messages) RE: Apple software & Etc. (2 messages) New Apple files... Shutdown Mgr (5 messages) hooking into LSC stdio... (3 messages) RE: SE First Impression (2 messages) 50 Hz or 60 Hz? LaserSpeed vs. new Laser Prep Word 3.0 HFS Backup 2.0 and System 4.0 LaserWriter Driver Bug Just for Fun [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-15.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Mar 87 13:54 EDT From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #18 Usenet Mac Digest Sunday, March 8, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 18 Today's Topics: Any hardware hacks out there? Re: Remote Mac Access Printing thin lines on the LaserWriter process modeling tool on Mac Re: Generic Printer Driver Needed IFF to PICT MacPlus to IW-I problems Re: IFF to PICT halfsies (request from MOUSEKETEER on mod.sys.mac) Re: UNIX & LaserWriters Systems/Finder combinations to be used with which Macs Mac 512E SCSIs and Other Information Re: WORD 3.0 is great! Have any cheap laserwriters been announced? "APPLE" Dealer Directory (phone number) Re: Systems/Finder combinations to be used with which Macs Re: process modeling tool on Mac ROMS and NuBus Kanji Fonts or Kanji Talk Re: New Shutdown new system/finder MacXL WD2001 Use Re: Mac II (2 messages) TML Source Code Lib and Database Toolkit Re: ROMS and NuBus Re: MacXL WD2001 Use Hierical Block Diagrams? How to use the clipboard of Word? Re: MacXL WD2001 Use Linking LSC stdio into the Mac Interface [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-18.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************