[mod.mac] INFO-MAC Digest V5 #68


INFO-MAC Digest          Monday, 23 Mar 1987       Volume 5 : Issue 68

Today's Topics:
                          Re: Script Manager??
                     Mac Kermit Configuration Files.
                   MacHangul (Korean Language Program)
                              Calendar 1.7
                     Presentation materials on Macs?
                         Keyboards and Spellers
                        Re: MS Word 3.0 problems
                  Word 3.0 fails on Mac II w/ ROM $0177
                        Usenet Mac Digest V3 #22
                        Usenet Mac Digest V3 #23
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #18
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #19


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 87 09:58:56 pst
From: Larry Rosenstein <lsr%apple.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Re: Script Manager??

>Date: 12 Mar 87 08:01:00 EST
>From: <bouldin@ceee-sed.arpa>
>Subject: Script Manager??
>Reply-to: <bouldin@ceee-sed.arpa>
>The new 256K roms are reported to contain a "script" manager. Anyone know
>what this is?? Could we be lucky enough to finally be getting batch/command
>file capability on the Mac???

In this case "script" refers to writing script.  In other words, this is
code to support non-Roman scripts, such as Kanji, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew,

The Script Manager provides some useful routines for text manipulation.  It
handles details about right-to-left writing direction, 2-byte characters,
word breaks, parsing, etc.

The Script Manager itself is just an interface that talks to a Script
Interface System that does most of the work.  The default interface system
is Roman, and there exist interface systems for Kanji, Arabic, and Chinese
(that I know of).

More information about the Script Manager can be found in Inside Macintosh
Volume 5, a draft of which is available from APDA.



Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 00:04:23 PST
From: "David Boyes (Network Postmaster)" <556@OREGON1>
Subject: Mac Kermit Configuration Files.

In the last issue of Info-Mac there was a question about configuring Mac
Kermit to use the keypad and arrow keys on a Mac+. We here at the
University of Orego n have already done this, and I'm willing to make it
available to anybody that wants it.

NOTE: Personally, I find the Mac to be a terrible terminal, but it could be
that I just love my beloved battle-scarred 3278c too much. I haven't used
this package very much, but I'm told that it makes a passable setup. No
guarantees from me -- I just give the stuff away. Send all queries to

David Boyes       (503) 686-4394     |BITNET: 556@OREGON1
Systems Group                        |ARPA  : 556%OREGON1.BITNET@
University of Oregon Computing Center|          WISCVM.WISC.EDU

  UUCP: [your fav backbone]...!tektronix!uoregon!oregon2!oregon1!556


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87  17:49:57 MST
From: ZSYJKAA%WYOCDC1.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu
Subject: Question

Hello.  I found this SIG on the ARPANET SIGS list and was wondering if
you might be able to help me with a techincal question.

      We have a III FR80/A color microfilmer system.  We normally use
      it via our CDC mainframes by way of 1600bpi mag tape.  What we
      would like to do is be able to process files from a micro-drawing
      program (such as Apple's Macdraw, etc.), transfer
      them to our mainframes (using CDC's CONNECT product, which can
      transfer a micro file in straight binary), then translate the
      micro data format to microfilmer format.  The problem is, I
      haven't been able to locate any description of how the micro
      files are formatted.  I presume they are in some sort of compacted
      raster format but it's not obvious looking at dumps.  Do you or
      any people on the list know something about this?



Date: Sun 22 Mar 87 22:53:23-PST
Subject: MacHangul (Korean Language Program)

| ==========================================================================|
|                      Mac Hangul-III                                       |
|                       version 3.11                                        |
|                                                                           |
|                   1986 Young-Soo Kim                                      |
|                                                                           |
|      Mac Hangul-III and Hangul are copyrighted programs.  All rights      |
| are reserved by the author.  These programs are being distributed as      |
| sharewares with the support of Kong Keyboard Research Laboratory.         |
| You may give a copy to anyone who wants one.  But you may not change      |
| or sell the programs.                                                     |
|      For further information and future upgrades of Mac Hangul,           |
| please write to:                                                          |
|      Dr. Young-Soo Kim                Dr. Byung Woo Kong                  |
|      823-2 Siheung-Dong               1015 Thornton Ct.                   |
|      Kuro-ku, Seoul, 150-03           North Wales, PA. 19454              |
|      KOREA                            Tel.(215)362-7950                   |
|      Tel.Seoul 803-5347                                                   |
| ==========================================================================|

  Mac Hangul-III consists of two components:

  1)  Mac Hangul(III) 3.11 is a DA handling Hangul keyboard
      arrangement and Hangul consonants and vowels.
  2)  Hangul 3.01 has nine Hangul fonts.

  Mac Hangul-III is said to work well with nearly all programs running on
Macintosh.  For example, it seems to work well with MacWrite and Microsoft
Word.  You can try Mac Hangul-III on other programs you have.

  Mac Hangul-III is made free by the support of Dr. Byung Woo Kong who
first invented Korean typewriters.  He is currently living in PA and his
address is shown above.  Those who get a copy of Mac Hangul-III free are
advised (not required) to donate some money to him, *IF* they like Mac
Hangul-III and they want to help Dr. Kong develop more Hangul softwares and
distribute them FREE.

  You are advised to get a copy of Mac Hangul-III manual to use it
properly.  Although Mac Hangul-III itself is FREE, there will be a nominal
charge for a manual to cover copying/shipping/handling cost.  To get your
own copy of a Mac Hangul-III manual, please contact the following people
via electronic mail, US mail, or phone:

  a) if you are living in time zones other than Mountain/Pacific: contact

  Kyongsok Kim
  1107 W. Green St., Apt. 121
  Urbana, IL 61801-3044
  (Home) (217) 332-0003

  arpanet: kkim@b.cs.uiuc.edu
  csnet:   kkim@uiuc.csnet
  usenet/uucp: {seismo, pur-ee, ihnp4, convex, cmcl2}!uiucdcs!kkim

  b) if you are living in a Mountain/Pacific Time zone: contact

  Seung-Hyun Yoo
  707 Cro Mem
  Stanford, CA 94305
  (Home) (415) 327-6027

  arpanet: yoo@star.stanford.edu

If you do not have access to ARPANET, you may contact Kyongsok Kim or
Seung-Hyun Yoo, depending on what time zone you live in, to get a diskette
containing Mac Hangul-III programs.  There will be a nominal charge.

*                                                                            *
*     Hangeul Cultural Center (HCC), Philadelphia, PA                        *
*         (attached to a Non-Profit Organization)                            *
*                                                                            *

  If you are interested in word processing on Apple ][c / ][e or Hangul
typewriters (manual or electric), you may contact:

     Hangeul Cultural Center (HCC)
     9126 Dale Road
     Philadelphia, PA. 19115

this version replaces the previous version in the archives.  archived as



Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 15:05:12 pst
From: oster%lapis.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU (David Phillip Oster)
Subject: Calendar 1.7

This Calendar 1.7, the shareware permanent calendar desk accessory that
lets you associate an agenda with each day. It has scroll bars, help,
and undo.

Recently someone posted to the net a description of a bug that occurs
when a desk accessory puts up an alert: the Macintosh operating system
calls the desk accessory to deactivate and update its main window, but
it doesn't lock the desk accessory's code segment during the call.
Calendar used to have this problem. Calendar 1.7 does not.

Customizing Calendar to start the week on the day of your choice:

German and French speaking users of Calendar will discover that
Calendar automatically uses the correct names and punctuations for the
date, time, days of the week, and months. However, youll have to modify
Calendar to make the week start on Monday or Saturday instead of on
Sunday.  Heres how.

Use Apples tool ResEdit.  In ResEdit, open the Calendar suitcase desk
accessory file. Among other resources, You will find one resource of
type GNRL. Open it. You will see:

00 00

In this resource, the days of the week are numbered from 0=Sunday to
6=Saturday. To change Calendar to start the week with Monday, change
the resource to:

00 01

Then save and quit as normal. Now, use the Font/DA Mover to remove any
other Calendar you have in your System file, and install your modified
one in its place.
    David Phillip Oster		-- "We live in a Global Village."
Arpa: oster@lapis.berkeley.edu  --
Uucp: ucbvax!ucblapis!oster     -- "You are Number Six."




Date: 22 March 87 12:59-EST
From: Arthur Kyle                                    COMSPRT2 at
Subject: Presentation materials on Macs?

I'm going to be giving several presentations on the four Macs and would
like to use slides of Macs, screens, & peripherals.  Does anyone know where
I can buy/borrow some?  I'll need them for about a week.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Arthur Kyle    comsprt2@rpicicge.bitnet


Date: 23 Mar 87 14:48 EST
From: HALLETT JEFFREY A            <HALLETT@ge-crd.arpa>
Subject: Keyboards and Spellers

Hi all!

  Just two questions (this time):

1.  Does anyone know if there will be a converter that will allow us poor
old Mac+ slobs to use the new keyboards.  The smaller of the new keyboards
looks quite similar to the Mac+ keyboard, but the feel of the keys is
fantastic!  It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult, but I really
don't know.  That would sure make us "mainstreamers" that can't afford the
new Macs feel somewhat benefitted by their existence 8-).

2.  Anyone out there use Mac-Spell-Right by the now defunct Assimilation
Process Company?  I am assuming they are defunct since their phone no longer
works and Kensington now sells their trackball mouse.  Anyway, someone here
where I work found a copy of MSR, purchased long before HFS ever existed.
We installed it, but it hangs when told to check.  Can anyone say how to fix

Thanks mightily!


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 10:29:55 EST
From: Mark Nodine <mnodine@labs-b.bbn.com>
Subject: Re: MS Word 3.0 problems

Folks, before you panic about MS Word 3.0 not being able to do all the
printing tricks you are used to, try holding down the shift key while you
select Page Setup... and Print....

In the case of the imagewriter, there is a choice for Tall Adjusted in the
Shift-Page Setup... dialog box.  Printing multiple copies on a Laserwriter
without having to re-image each page can be done by setting the number of
copies in the Shift-Print... dialog box (and having the number of copies in
the normal Print dialog box set to 1).  Note: Word 3.0 does not print when
you hit OK after a Shift-Print....  You have to do a real Print... first.



Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 22:39:14 EST
From: David A. Levitt <levitt@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Word 3.0 fails on Mac II w/ ROM $0177

The Media Lab has a Mac II with version $0177 ROM.  Microsoft Word 3.0
crashes shortly after the screen is drawn, with anID 25.

Anyone havea  patch?
Or a later ROM version that works with Word 3.0?


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 87 10:15 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #22

Usenet Mac Digest     Friday, March 20, 1987         Volume 3 : Issue 22

Today's Topics:
     Re: mathematical word processing on the mac
     Overseas Mac
     serial hard disk problem
     Suggestions for Mac Fans (not people :-) Wanted
     Re: mathematical word processing on the mac
     System Heap expansion
     How the keyboard maps to the font?
     MS Word 3.0 problems
     Re: Suggestions for Mac Fans (not people :-) Wanted
     Mac SE - compatibility
     Obscure cursor bug
     Mac Printronix driver?
     Map programs?
     WORD 3.0 draft printing
     SE Incompatibilities...
     PacTel now an Apple Dealer
     Re: mathematical word processing on the mac
     Word 3.0 formulas on a Lisa?
     fonds and fonts
     Re: PacTel now an Apple Dealer
     Macintosh II Stuff
     Omnis3 templates
     Re: How the keyboard maps to the font?
     Re: Mac II (really SE: A letdown?)
     Falcon Flight Simulation for Mac
     Graf3D Queries...
     Networking and A/UX
     Re: X windows for Mac?
     Re: How the keyboard maps to the font?

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-22.ARC



Date: Sat, 21 Mar 87 10:15 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #23

Usenet Mac Digest     Friday, March 20, 1987         Volume 3 : Issue 23

Today's Topics:
     Hooking up a mac to external speakers
     Re: MacWorld inaccuracies
     Speech generation
     3D software opinions wanted...
     Apple -> Mac file transfer
     Re: Sad Mac -- HELP!
     Re: fonds and fonts
     RE: mathematical word processors
     Lightspeed Pascal and Mac II??
     Scrapbook usage with internal Hyperdrive 20...
     Re: System 4.0 on a Mac Plus
     Font/DA mover
     Re: BSD features in A/UX
     Baseball for Mac?
     Re: Hooking up a mac to external speakers
     Repairing failed video on Mac
     MacXL (Lisa) to LaserWriter
     Re: Mac SE - compatibility (where's the horizontal retrace bit?)
     Re: Networking and A/UX
     Re: Repairing failed video on Mac
     Re: Baseball for Mac?
     Bug in LSC Unix Simulation
     cache FKEY wanted
     Re: Of Games (Dark Castle)
     Dialog sans Resources
     MacWrite 4.5 BOMB
     Word 3.0 bug and workaround
     Who is Cooke Publications?
     Re: Baseball for Mac?
     Re: asynchronous serial driver calls

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-23.ARC



Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 11:22 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #18

Delphi Mac Digest     Sunday, March 22, 1987         Volume 3 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:
     RE: LW FONTS & FONDS (7 messages)
     RE: Mac SE first Impressions (7 messages)
     RE: Asynchron I/O (seriel) (2 messages)
     RE: Microsoft/Absoft Fortran Pitfalls-"execute" and extra chars.
     RE: BUGS
     Benchmarking, not just feature lists (2 messages)
     Re: Re: New Managers as Defined in Insid
     Re: System 4.0 questions
     Re: Blitter and graphics performance
     Re: Font/DA/FKEY INIT
     RE: Mac II monitor questions
     More Word_3.0_Bugs (5 messages)
     RE: Word 3.0 bugs
     Random number seed (2 messages)

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-18.ARC



Date: Sun, 22 Mar 87 11:23 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN%slb-test.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #19

Delphi Mac Digest     Sunday, March 22, 1987         Volume 3 : Issue 19

Today's Topics:
     Project mgmt (7 messages)
     Mac SE keyboard
     passwords for folders? (3 messages)
     interrupts (3 messages)
     Word 3.0 bug
     Beware of POLYACT (2 messages)
     RE: MAC SE 120 TO 230 VOLTS
     De-Clipper FKEY?
     Script Manager??
     RE: A LaserWriter quest or two & microsoft word
     Transfer help-SE stuff
     DiskExpress/Sys 4.0 (3 messages)
     RE: MacApp "PD" Software
     RE: Noise on my modem
     MPW C "Style" definition bug
     RE: Stresed Nodes
     RE: serial hard disk problem
     RE: How the keyboard maps to the font?
     RE: MacXL (Lisa) to LaserWriter
     RE: Anyone use WriteNow regularly?
     RE: BMUG Mtg 3/19/87 (long)
     potential problem in lightspeed DAs

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-19.ARC



End of INFO-MAC Digest