brian@sdcsvax.UUCP (Brian Kantor) (03/10/86)
Welcome to mod.sources.doc. This newsgroup is intended for the distribution of public domain documentation. Items such as protocol descriptions, user's guides, tutorials, and the like are welcome. This is a moderated newsgroup. I'm temporarily serving as moderator and archivist. (This group was originally created some months ago, but it seems that the newgroup messages didn't make it to very many sites.) Since documents of the sort that we expect to carry in this newsgroup are quite large, I don't intend to send more than one or two a week. I will usually split them up into pieces no larger than 56KB or so each, if the document is really that gigantic. The default distribution for items posted to this group is 'na', thus restricting the spread of these articles to the North American continent only. I am considering methods of supplying the archive contents to overseas sites that want it; it may be as crude as mailing a tape a couple of times a year. If you have something you'd like to submit for posting, please send it to me at either of these addresses: ...!sdcsvax!archive I'll try to get it posted in a day or so. If I have some reason why I don't think your item should be posted, I'll discuss the matter with you by electronic mail. I'm usually a reasonable person. Please let me know if you have any complaints or recommendations regarding the conduct of this group. - Brian