[net.micro.atari8] explanation of bug in "ULTIMA IV"

svozza@ARDC.ARPA (Steve Vozza, CAD) (03/06/86)


----- Forwarded message # 1:

Date:     Thu, 6 Mar 86 8:52:13 EST
From:     Steve Vozza (CAD)  <svozza@ARDC>
To:       nep.pgelhausen@ames-vmsb
cc:       svozza@ARDC
Subject:  explanation of bug in "ULTIMA IV"

       Mr. Hartman,

       let me begin by saying that my e-mail service has been out of 
       sorts for the last couple of days and I have had a lot of
       failed mail. So, my messages may have been incomplete or
       cut up by the mailing daemon. So, anyway the 'bug' that I have
       found on the "ULTIMA IV" disk is one which either causes the
       computer to lockup or the screen to print gibberish in the 
       parser box. The bug is encounter on the first disk, side 2
       (the towne side) and occurs when you try to converse with the
       proprietor who sells horses in the town of "PEW"?? (Don't
       quote on the town name just yet because I want to verify tonight
       and wil send a verification tomorrow) In any case, the bug does
       occur!!!!! How to get it repair you say??? Well the store where
       I purchased it said, "that a replacement disk would be available
       in about a month or so???" Can you believe this B.S.!! 
       It seems to me that Origin rushed this software out even though
       it took almost 2 years. It figures that ELECTRONIC ARTS is 
       distributed this crappy disks!!!! Well anyway I get back to
       you tomorrow to verify the exact name of the 'buggy' town, and
       if you have any comments, or if you or any ULTIMA user needs
       any hints send me questions, replys, etc. by e-mail to
                        an continuous orc killer

                               s.v. (still vicious)

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