[net.micro.atari8] 256K Upgrade

wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (04/14/86)

Ok, everyone who said I was crazy in getting RAMBO XL instead of Newell,  I
was able to swap, now will try to install two Newell boards, one in an 800Xl
and one in an 1200xL.  (It apparently can be done.)  However, in taking apart
my 1200XL I seemingly shorted out the power supply on the DC side of the
recitifier.  Having done this once before and working on my second main board,
I do not want to go the route of another new main board.  Does anyone have any
experience with what component it is that seems to go kaput on the DC power
supply side on a 1200XL?  The full wave rectifier is ok, the AC in is ok.  But
somewhere past the rectifier there is a short.

When I solve this power supply problem, I will go on to installing the Newell
board into it.  May take all the help that Newell, CDavid Young and anyone else
to do it!  Will see what happens.

Interestingly enough, I got the last Newell boards that IB Computers had, as
they are dropping it in favor of the RAMBO XL.

Oh well, what little do I know.
