From: Peter G. Trei <OC.TREI@CU20B.ARPA> The following paintings were stolen from Tom Kidd's exhibition at Columbia University sometime between April 20 and April 24, 1985. If you see or hear about them please contact him, me, or the Barnard-Columbia SF Society, 206 Ferris Booth Hall, Columbia University, NY, NY, 10027. Tom is offering a reward, and we're really anxious to find them. Titles: Renunciate Mallworld Tom Kidd Silent Invaders 19 Broadway Terrace Lord of the Skies NY NY 100?? Shadows out of Hell 212-942-5146 One Step from Earth 1984 World's Best SF Trojan Orbit Frozen Waves Firewatch Dialogue with Darkness Imperator Plot thanks, Peter Trei, 15 Sickles St, New York, NY 10040 H: 212-569-2371 W: 212-815-3711 -------
From: ARAMINI@RUTGERS.ARPA Recently a Science Fiction artist by the name of Tom Kidd had an exibition at Columbia University. Thirteen paintings were stolen from the exibit. Many were book covers and should be identifiable. Here is a list of titles of the paintings. In most cases they are they are the same as the book, and the authors of the books are listed. If you see any of the original paintings please contact the artist at: Tom Kidd 19 Broadway Terrace #2D NY, NY 10040 Phone (212)569-1421 1) Oath of the Renunciate (cover of a Marion Zimmer Bradley Book) 2) Mallworld cover illistration Somtoco Suchathal 3) Silent Invaders Robert Silverberg 4) Lord of the Skies (I think this was an AMAZING SF cover) 5) Shadows out of Hell Andrew Offutt 6) One Step From Earth Harry Harrison 7) The Years Best SF (1984?) Gardner Dozois 8) Trojan Orbit Mack Renyolds (Joshua's Tomb) 9) The Imperiator Plot Steven Spruill (sleepwalkers world) 10) Dialogue with Darkness Poul Anderson 11) Firewatch Connie Willis 12) The Frozen Wave Robert Vardeman 13) Meanwhile (?) -------