[net.micro.atari8] Rev C BASIC

wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (05/06/86)

Restating what I said in the previous reply on installing Rev C BASIC.
It, along with most of the chips in an Atari, is extremely static 
sensitive.  If you have access to a grounded bench or work area with
wriststraps, that is the ideal environment to be changing out IC's, be
they BASIC, ANTIC, 64k/256k memory chips or whatever.  However, at home
in a normal environment, there are other things that can be done:
    1) only work during wet humid weather.  Shut off any dehumidifier or
       AC units and work in a muggy atmosphere.  The moist air will bleed
       off any static charges.
    2) work next to a sink, keeping one hand on a water pipe or s/s sink
       and the other hand on the tool
    3) use IC puller tool for removal as well as insertion of IC.  Touch
       tool to sink/water pipe each time to bleed off static.
    4) wear cotton fibre clothes, avoid wearing synthetic or wool clothing
    5) avoid working during thunderstorms or other similar type weather
    6) keep the IC's in "pink poly" or in other static free container until
       you are ready to install
    7) keep computer open up to a minimum and always lay the circuit board
       down on a static free surface ("pink poly" plastic or metal table
       that is grounded, etc.)
    8) if your are soldering, use a grounded soldering iron
    9) assume that all IC's are static sensitive, even tho they might not be.

One other comment, Computervisions is actually  B & C Computervisions
						3283 Kifer Road
						Santa Clara, CA 95051
						(408) 749-1003

Read their ads and price lists carefully, they have a minimum $5.00 shipping
charge over and above the items costs, so it pays to group orders together.

I am not affiliated with them in any way, merely a contented customer.
